The Social Dilemma

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Download and save it, as will be taken off YT at the end of this month - the date extension is mentioned on their site.

"If you are not paying for the product, you are the product."

But that's just a first level of awareness.

How are you the product? What are you worth? Why are you worth anything?

Jason Lanier is typically perceptive here.

"It's the gradual, slight, imperceptible change in your own behaviour and perception that is the product."


The technique is through addictive behaviour, the aim is obedient behaviour modification.

You are a lab rat, and you can be manipulated into doing pretty much anything.

Rat on your neighbours?

Vote for a tyrant?

Look forward to being sterile?

It's not just about buying stuff, buying some pointless product; it's about buying into a whole host of ideas that you never self-generated, and ultimately into actions you thought you'd never do - until you do them instinctively. Except that your instinct is synthetic, constructed from a panoply of algorithms designed to make you predictable.

Lanier again:"So, we've created an entire global generation of people who are raised within a context where the very meaning of communication, the very meaning of culture, is manipulation.

The imperceptible manipulation of your perceptions.

Just say no! If you can.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I see the problem that they point out with the profit based Ai that is used today . Where the background family story narrative looks cheesy to me and the solution offered makes me laugh .
More regulation or a more human friendly Ai ,.. yeah right .
I mean they created the monster , should i now trust them to kill it ?

The solution lays with every human individually , to consume or not to consume . Damn , those flat earth recommendation's ,... just funny , but nope FB , i did not consume that info like you predicted ,.. had some laugh's do . ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So many of those techies trapped themselves too! lmao. I know, I recall the very early days of socmedia - never liked fakebook (looked like every other cheap dating site) - but as a conscious monkey it should dawn on everyone: I am being pathetic! I need to switch this shit off! Doesn't mean going all urban anchorite, but switch off the annoying parts. I guess monkey see, monkey do... monkey does again.

Then they go ban their kids from it! lmao. Hypocrites. I did the same tho - but I taught my kid well ;-) indeed, I'll get her to watch this video.

Oh yeah, was a few years ago, suddenly YT was filled with flat Earth shit!! I found one good one and used it in my physics lessons to find the flaws. Some of it needs some quite high level physics - some is also pathetic - ancient Greeks figured it out some time ago.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

linked to my other posts on harvesting...

social media = mind harvesting

how nice

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You know it is no longer just a tool when you can't switch the fkr off!

I'll try and watch it before they pull it. The software I was using to download from YouTube once again isn't working. YouTube periodically finds ways to block it working and will go some time without being able to. They hate people downloading, as evidenced from the blog I used to have on human trafficking. Most of my posts have multiple videos that are no longer available.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

try this online tool,

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I sometimes need to change YT dl, but the current one auto-updates fine. There are many with very similar names, just check the latest updated ones.

Not a surprise that most online manipulation is designed by Stanford grads - a long history of black psych-ops ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Screenshot (102).png

Ifs even darker than this, people are just a compnent of the product.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

CO2 is not a pollutant.
100% bollox.

When this idea was first ejaculated by scum like Al Gore, I quipped that nations would claim credit for abortions... and some did try!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I thought plants used Co2 to grow, i heard this theory that there was large fauna on earth once, 500 foot tall trees or higher everywhere

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