Refine Your Ideas, Think Clearly, Think Pseudocode

in blurt •  2 years ago 

So many people think they have a good blockchain idea.
"I want this!"
"I want that!"
"You must stop this!"
"You must stop that!"

Some awareness is needed.

I see far too many times the "We need feature X." Words are so easy - they give the illusion of an idea, without that idea being crystal clear at all.

There is no way to code intentions - one can only code actions and their consequences.

After some discussions, or worse, after implementing some code, we reach the stage of, "I want to see good(X) and we must stop bad(X)." All of which is merely the manifestation that X was not really such a good idea. The function of X needs refining so that the incentives that X has created are good for the longterm health of the chain. There are ways to define that,

One deep problem is that good and bad are often defined by human qualities. Computers are not human; they have no abilities to perceive qualities that have not been quantified. It is therefore up to the humans - both the concept creators and the coders - to try to quantify the qualitative. That is a hard problem. If that was easy, we would have a blockchain called UTOPIA - or PRECOG.

So, if you think you have a good idea, then try to do some extra thinking. Very few ideas are new. Feeling entitled that your opinion is so very important is not going to get you very far. BLURTING IT OUT in capitals is not going to improve your idea. Try thinking like a logical machine. I myself am not a coder, but I can quite easily write pseudocode, which is just a human-readable sequence of steps that can then be translated into a formal computer language. BUT, that process of translation will only be clear if the pseudocode is clear.

Taking the time to create all the logical steps required to implement an idea will (should) then reveal all the flaws, all the ways the naive code can be gamed, hijacked and abused. After I write a bit of pseudocode, I put on my black hat - think like a scammer. You must be able to break into your own house, as that will reveal to you how someone else can do it. Bad actors are always present - to assume that people will be good is naive to the point of self-destruction.

To also think you can stop individuals from using your great idea in a bad way is to totally misunderstand what a complex blockchain system should be doing. That's thinking like a policeman, that transgressors can somehow be punished in some way. That totally defeats the objective of creating a self-sustaining algorithmic system. That in itself might, or might not, be achievable, but to knowingly take a step backwards is not a sign of progress. We could also abandon that as an aim and just create lots of block-chains.

What I have seen in the years I have been involved in blockchain ecosystems is that the vast majority of people have no idea how they work, no idea how they are designed and do not have the psychological equipment to actually live in such a system. The condensation of the individual into belief-systems and group-think is deeply troubling within a system with stated aims of self-sovereignty. Hence, we get the socmedia we see.

Hence, we get the outside world.

Might is right.

Can we do better?

image: pixabay

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Thank you for writing this. I agree 100% and yes I can read between the lines here on this post. I think I ve been full of extra testosterone lately and jungle girl loves it. Hahaha. But that combined with an unhealthy level of distrust and paranoya left over from my hive experience has certainly clouded my thinking. However all the discussion and airing out of laundry has bolstered my confidence in blurt, my investment here and, I ll be buying and powering up more.

Like a digital father figure, thank you sharing your wisdom. I am now more trusting in the people in charge here. I ll now be doing much more of what I origianlly set out to do five years ago when I first joined steemit, that was to sit back, blog, socialized in a fun way, and enjoy the ride. You really know what to say and when to say it. From day one I ve been thoroughly impressed with how you coduct yourself here, and I will be looking at it now as an example to follow.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There is also another issue, not related to content creators, but to developers. Usually developers code blockchains, and they may think that people are also codable. In this case developers should know that coding a blockchain and coding people is not the same thing. To code people, we see what's going on in the world from the part of globalists. Even though they are failing to fully do that. So, maybe developers should finally understand that they are able to code only a blockchain, but not people. Because people have their wishes, they are not the same, and they can change. That's why having many projects, and communities is good. Everyone will choose what he/she likes more. The same about concepts. We have proof of stake and proof of brain. The main team should give support to both concepts. So, give investors what they want, and give content creators what they want. But trying to turn a content creator to a pure investor will not work.

Very true

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am going to have to fine you, that will teach you, said every policeman ever.

Can we do better?

Yes, easy way to buy in, and cash out, I can think of a multitude of ways how including an exchange on TOR. I can buy anti tank and anything I want on there, so an exchange within no territorial boundaries is feasible, download TOR then enter http://torchdeedp3i2jigzjdmfpn5ttjhthh5wbmda2rr3jvqjg5p77c54dqd.onion/ and visit any marketplace, to get the idea.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's why I use It's an application that take time to launch, use tor technology, and it's a complete anonymous p2p exchange. You can learn about it here : How to trade p2p using Bisq !.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cheers brother, thanks for the info.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

After I write a bit of pseudocode, I put on my black hat - think like a scammer.

This is brilliant. Entire companies like HackerOne are built on finding the weaknesses of other's code to show them that their bright ideas are in danger.

St. Matthew quotes Jesus saying:

" can anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house."

This parable in context refers to saving a man from demon possession. The one that sends the demons out must be more powerful than the demons.

This basic principle can be applied to any thought or even to an algorithm. If there is a weakness then it can be broken. Creating more block-chains doesn't solve anything in the long run. I would love to see the idea of decentralized self governance come to fruition, but it is not going to happen through a police network. The social media we have today looks like a meat market. Perhaps this is human nature or the effort to keep broken systems around because there doesn't seem to be any other way.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We really need awareness and psychological equipment to flow in any system.
Kudos big Daddy!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for writing such a great article, I really like it.
from here I learned many things about the advanced life in today

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good read. I may be a 'case in point' of someone who ran in circles on the blockchain for several years before finally starting to decipher a few bread crumbs dropped by Frank 🤬🥓 along the way...

This is the 'Auroura Trashworthy Formula' I received via QE Downloads over the past few years...

LMS + π = 🥧 for the 🌎

Where LMS is Learning Management System + Free Pi Tokens = FSS (Family Self Sufficiency is 1st of 3 steps, CSS, QSS See GarroBlurt#1)

Potential Light Workers Enter the Dojo with the intention to Learn something new and are also rewarded with crypto for their efforts while learning this whole system is repeatable and for everyone (Open Source Paradigm).
Those who choose to 'Graduate' to become a Mod would be free to choose any Channel they would like to focus on to Host & help others repeat the process.

Austin and the Quantum team have recently talked about the daunting aspect of 'Scaling Up' to meet the influx that we all know is coming sooner or later... and never when your ready for it~! ;-)

Check out my post from this morning when you have a chance and I will look forward to your next post too. Cheers~!

"You Wouldn't Want to: Earn While You Lunch & Learn Would You...???"

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Manually curated by @vickyguevara

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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Personally I love sharing ideas and also critiquing ideas or people pointing out how actually they have design flaws. I think it’s how really great ideas are generated. I think everyone realises they have no ultimate control to change anything but it doesn’t mean people don’t enjoy discussing it. 😬 it’s kind of like how we like to visualise ourselves in a 10 million home sometimes but we don’t necessarily expect to go out and buy one tmrw or be miserable till we own one. Discussing opinions and ideas freely is surely the ultimate free speech as long as you do not force your will onto someone and merely keep it at conversation.

I agree completely however that it is mostly on the psychology of people that can bring real change.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

personally I miss comedians being able to take the piss out of themselves and others and laugh at the dark side of life. Some people might find this offensive but on here they have the free will to say it’s offensive and they are offended but they can’t atop the comedian from sharing his jokes and earning from ppl who do find it funny. I guess what I’m saying is people can still complain and that’s their freedom of choice just as much as it is the original posters who are also free to do what they want. I guess people can complain as much as anywhere it’s just no one can get cancelled for it. I’m English I like having the right to moan

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We can't really imagine the work which done by developers behind the scenes.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Also, all systems are gameable, without exception.

If you see someone "winning", instead of moaning, think about how you can play the game better. There are always new ways to win that nobody has thought about, and the challenge to find them can be stimulating and fun!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

happy to read that post, it is near my way of thinking ;)
After doing jobs for more than 3 decades in leading positions in national and international comps I´ve learned that not all the times the brilliant shining ideas are the most worthy but the ones which don´t stand out or came from the sidelines from newcomers (sometimes), when talking to my engineers or my other staff I realised that sometimes we found the best solution where we never used to search for it, but in every single case it has to be a fine lined and very detailed strutured plan behind something that will have success after launching it.
I learned to work out well structured plans for every project and mostly we were successful with that, when we for what so ever reason decide not to do it that way we mostly fail.
But still we looked for some comments from out of our box to our projects (yes not with very detailed descriptions) because that also in some cases braought up very good results, these guys from the sideline are not focused on what we have in mind with the project they bring in some kind of different mind what could be the point what is missing.

Anyway any idea has to be well thought over and scheduled before it can become successful, and therefor it needs more than the guy who had the first thoughts, you need people who point out the faults in the idea and make it work at least. But just critisze ideas or projects isn´t very helpful at all, and will lead to the wrong path for sure if followed unprooven.

Have a great day ahead

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations big Daddy... You just reached 400 followers on Blurt!
Hoping to get there someday!
Good morning from Nigeria, hope you had a nice time last night