Does He Really Exist?

in blurt •  2 years ago 

At some point or another, we all face this. A question arises in the minds of all of us: why does God hurt us? After all, what does God want and why doesn’t he help us? Why doesn’t God listen? If God can do everything, then why doesn’t he decorate my life with a pinch? Whom does God help? Does God listen to everyone? If there were so many difficulties, so many sorrows, and so many troubles in life, then why doesn’t God appear in front of us and solve our problems instantly?

Undoubtedly, God has prepared a plan for all of us, and everyone is part of that plan. But most of us do not understand his instructions. God does not want you to be like a lame dog, but like a lion who helps a lame dog by providing him with food. Even God helps those who help themselves.

The world is running under the rules. This is not gossip, but God works like a "Regulator of the World," which constantly keeps this world under regulation.

For instance, a woman was standing at the bus stand. Now, it’s not a crime to stand on the bus stand, is it? Just then, a bus comes from one side, and the driver, unable to control the steering, climbs on the pavement and crushes the woman to death. A crowd gathers there and says, ‘This poor woman was innocent; why was she killed?" The poor lady was standing at the bus stand. What could be her crime in that? ‘

Why do some people feel that "If there is a God, why is there so much suffering in the world?" That’s why there is no such thing as a God in this world. What was the crime of this woman? God is no more in this world now. Take it!! These people made such a hue and cry about this. Hey, why is that?

Why do you defame God? If there was no God, then what would have happened in this world? Why do people think that the power of God doesn’t exist? Most people probably do not have faith in God. But it’s not like this. This world has certain rules. In short, that’s all there is to it.

Today, we have all become so modern that we have questions about the supreme authority, whether God exists, but we have forgotten the fact. Let me put it this way: for some of us, our family is everything. For some of us, the country is everything. But for God, the entire universe is his family, but he has to run it with his own rules.

Does God really exist?

“We didn't make ourselves," she says. "We aren't the greatest things to exist. I can't believe that. I won't believe that. We have too many faults.”
― Lauren DeStefano, Perfect Ruin



With our intelligence, cunningness, and so-called logic power, we try to understand God. But keep in mind that, with clever reasoning and intelligence, we can guess that God works like a worldly person. But no, God is intuitive, and he is nothing more than a manifestation of love, reverence, and emotion. Unless you have these feelings in your heart, you will never know him properly. Do not ask the world whether there is a God; feel it yourself.

A nonbeliever believes that He doesn't exist. You will definitely remember those moments when no one supported you when you were losing the battle of life. But then you must have experienced something from within yourself that would have shown you the right path and supported you. He helps us even though he is invisible. Just listen to your inner voice and you’ll feel the difference.

I believe everyone knows that a debate has been going on for ages about God's existence. The number of believers is dwindling by the day. Some dismiss it as mere superstition, while others consider it a matter of faith. There is a conflict even between scientists who have also made claims to test faith and superstition. According to them, God has created this earth and heaven, so we should trust in our own beliefs.

Man remembers God only when in sorrow. No matter how big we get, we must never lose sight of our true nature, which God has given to every human being. But the fact is, we do not understand the meaning of sorrow and happiness until we experience them ourselves. We do not find the answer to any question until we see it for ourselves. If we experience sadness, we feel like the entire world is sad, and then the question about God's existence stirs our minds. If we experience happiness, we feel like the entire universe is enjoying God’s creation. In that case, we do not blame God for anything.

My final point is that I am not making any excuses because I lost my job, despite giving it my all. But does that mean I should stop believing in him? No, God exists, but everything works according to a fixed plan. I believe that if I lose something, I will get something that I deserve in its due time. Pain, sorrow and happiness are part of our lives.

Thank you for reading

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