in blurt •  3 years ago 

Nathan Dumlao

Every year in a particular month, there is a celebration for all children across the world. Children from different countries are celebrated during this period and it is called CHILDREN'S DAY and it is done every MAY 27TH. This period is always a public holiday in all schools as they are allowed to celebrate this day and be taken out to have fun

My question now is "Should this day be the reason to celebrate your child or children?"

I don't think it should be once in a year but continuous celebration for them. Do you know celebrating your kids create this happiness and motivation in them? They are always happy that you care and love them. Giving them attention is what they need every single day and not just once in a lifetime.
Children are an heritage of the Lord and God has blessed all parents with children to look after. It is your responsibility as a parent to make your kids happy as this will encourage them to be the best but in a situation where you don't value them or care for them, it will be unfair as a parent and as someone to be called a good parent.

When Children are happy, it brings blessing to the parents because Children are like god to their parents and in their mouth is authority. God honours every children and when a child prays for his or her parents, there is blessing coming over. God loves children and He is ready to answer them when they intercede for their parents.

The best time for a child to learn and adapt to something is when he is still young. Children are fast learners and they easily imitate any behavior their eyes sees. They are eager to do what an adult do and they do not see any bad in it unless you caution them and let them know it is right or wrong. The best time to train a child and he or she sticks to it is when he is still very young as this can remain in his memory till he grows up.

It is what you give a child when he is young that he will grow up with. Parents needs to monitor their children while they are young. Be careful of what you instill into them so that you don't have to regret when they have grown up. Watch out with the way they dress, eat, associate and interact with others, be mindful of how you care for them while they are young. Don't spoil them when they are young with material things. Let them understand the importance of having good morals.

God is not happy when children are led astray by their parents or are not taken proper care of because of lack of attention from the parents. Parents are to always create time for their children always so they can learn from them and not from outsiders who in turn will be a bad influence on them.
Remember the book of Proverbs 22:6 that says

"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it."


It is very important to encourage them especially making them understand that their future should be taken seriously. You are a guardian to your children and their lives should be carefully monitored so they don't derail from the right path to success. When you see your child interested in a particular thing, you should be there to guide him. Support them in their career and don't try to limit them. Children can be so creative in their own little way, they want to try something new and if you do not give them the chance or trying to force them against what they are interested in, you are killing their confidence. You need to be a support to them. When a child is encouraged, he or she would be happy and focused. Give them the chance to explore things on their own.

It's not a must you take them out always, find time to go out with them. They are always happy when they view places and beautiful things around them. Let them be familiar with places and things. Take them to the beach, tourist centre, Palace, Airport, Eatery, Mall etc. Gift them and create the best moment for them as good parents. Celebrate your children Everytime and you will see that you are creating a beautiful future for them.

If you haven't been doing all these, start today and bring smile to their faces. Do something they will keep remembering you for. Children do not always forget things easily. They will always remember that time, love, gifts, attention you give to them. They want to be around you and spend time with their parents, create that time for them. Everyday is Children's Day as long as you understand that. May God keep all children alive as they celebrate this moment.

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