Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) is a type of tree that we all know. In the rural areas of Sri Lanka

in blurt •  last year 

Moringa (Moringa Oleifera) is a type of tree that we all know. In the rural areas of Sri Lanka, there is hardly a garden without a morunga tree or several trees. We remember our mothers adding drumstick curry or green mallum or gravy to our meals from time to time since we were kids. Similarly, when cassava is boiled, some morunga leaves are also put in the pot to remove any poison. We also knew that morunga is a medicine. Therefore, a piece of drumstick bark is also added to the broth that is drunk for stomach ache.

In Sri Lanka, we have known about drumsticks for thousands of years. It is the same in India. But, Morunga is a multi-purpose super-food with endless health benefits, which provides more nutrients than any tree that grows on this earth, can cure many diseases, and provides many health benefits. Did you know? Maybe not. There is no doubt that our ancestors must have known about this thousands of years ago.
According to Indian Ayurvedic medicine, moringa can cure more than 300 diseases. Not only that. Moringa helps to eliminate malnutrition. Moringa leaves are said to be rich in protein. Similarly, it is said that drumsticks contain almost all types of amino acids which are said to be essential for the body from meat and fish. It is also said that drumstick is a food that can be taken as an alternative to meat and fish. It has also been found that this condition does not exist in any other plants and vegetables. Morunga is an amazing food that provides many essential nutrients almost for free. Now western countries call Moringa as the world's most miraculous tree (Miracle Tree) because of these facts.
Moringa leaves can be used in many ways. You can drink raw green juice. The leaves can be prepared as malloom, curry or gravy. Green leaves can be added to any curry. Similarly, the leaves can be crushed and dissolved in water as a drink or tea or added to food. We already know that moringa flowers and pods are also prepared as curries. Similarly, the seeds of dry moringa pods can be fried in oil and eaten. Moringa seed oil can be used not only for cooking, but also for cosmetic purposes and as a skin lotion. That's not all. Water can be purified by crushing the bark of drumstick seeds. Moringa seed has that amazing ability. Leesi advises not to eat drumstick roots or bark.
Moringa tree is drought tolerant. Prevent countries from becoming desertified. Moringa tree does not need chemical fertilizers. No need for insecticides. No additional care is required. Roots, bark, leaves, pods, seeds etc. of this tree which grows in any barren land are used for various purposes. This food cures malnutrition. After the tree rots and falls to the ground, the soil is also fertilized. Abundant cultivation can increase employment and increase income. Similarly, the country can earn foreign exchange.

It is said that the birth of Moringa tree is in North India. Now, not only in India, but in many countries of the world, especially in tropical countries, drumsticks are grown and cultivated. That is, it is cultivated in many countries in Asia, Africa and South America. Surprisingly, moringa is grown in tropical countries that suffer from malnutrition. If you know about this nutritional gold mine in your own backyard, this will no longer be a burning problem in the third world.
Moringa tree is an amazing creation of nature. We Sri Lankans also become its heirs. It is our invaluable local resource. We have to develop it further. More must be cultivated. You have to eat more. It should be encouraged. Must be supported. Entrepreneurs have to come forward to make various products from it and send it to the local as well as foreign market. Research institutes should find out and inform the public. May everyone concerned to carry out those activities like this!

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