It is not an easy thing to hold a literature and art festival for thirty three years.

in blurt •  6 months ago 

It is not an easy thing to hold a literature and art festival for thirty three years.
As one who developed from the North Central Art Festival, I am still in awe of the art festival that was held in Korakahwewa yesterday. Giving space to new creatives is extremely valuable. But I couldn't go to the ceremony on time because I had to accompany a young girl who was sick on the bus to the hospital. Therefore, I am the only person responsible for the delay. But it is a pity that our mother-in-law Ilangasinghe Surinha, who is an invaluable asset to our city artists who arrived on time, was not allowed to enter her vehicle in the festival premises. The organizing committee is bound to provide parking facilities, isn't it...?
The most beautiful and precious conference hall felt like a broken heart because it was located quite far from Anuradhapura city.

However, it should be appreciated that this year's North Central Art Festival is dedicated to the name of Ape Pallegama Hemarathana Thero and the beautiful dances performed to the lyrics written by him.
But every time we remember the awarding of Rajata Award to our honorable Governor in a way that we never dreamed of, merit increases. It is impossible to write down how much he has done for this province, especially the arts here. In fact, I am still struggling to remember even one of these award-winning missions.
When not only the governor but also an officer received an award, heen sweated because I remembered that if everyone in the institution received the award, the last bus would be a mistake. Why would it take so much time...Fortunately, the award ceremony ended with two awards.
Do you think that this criticism will not be met as one, while praising the appreciation of our creative children, let's get on the stage and present those children with symbols of victory? Anuradhapura is a proud asset of both Polonnaruwa districts...
I don't know if our officials forgot to give a book or two with certificates for the winning children. But isn't a book that receives a prize on such an auspicious occasion so important that it affects life itself....
It would be more awkward if the artists themselves were used instead of the officials for awarding certificates. It is appreciated to invite a few artists for that. It cannot be said that it is a hurtful matter if the ideas of our artists were even appointed to the committees by promising to consider their suggestions separately, but in the end it was not found that any of those ideas were considered.
Respect for our artists who have passed away should also be appreciated and a plaque with a cash prize on behalf of their families would be appreciated even more. Money is a problem... but we don't always have enough money, keep the mantra aside for a while and struggling to do what needs to be done is foreign to the public service... while appreciating the public service that really worked hard for the North Central Art Festival, this year's deficits will be erased in the new year and there are more positive things to do. Let's hope that there will be room for further development... but if the awards are given to the political authority who did not make a sacrifice for art or for the common people, then this art festival itself will be abolished. Really, it's so embarrassing...unfortunate...

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