A medieval sword preserved in a Polish lake is over 1000 years old!

in blurt •  10 months ago 

A medieval sword preserved in a Polish lake is over 1000 years old!
Polish archaeologists have found a stunningly well-preserved rare medieval sword with the Cross of Jerusalem submerged in water. The sword was in almost perfect condition and is one of the most well-preserved metal artefacts ever found.

Lake Lednica and the surrounding area were of great importance in the early Middle Ages, leading to the first recorded state of Poland. The lake was not far from the first capital of the Piast dynasty and the first bishopric was established nearby in Poznań. It is believed that the first Duke of Mieszko was baptized and became a Christian on an island in the lake. Archaeologists used diving equipment to explore an area of the lake near the historic island of Ostro Ledniki, an important Slavonic settlement. In 2017, they focused their investigations on an area where two old bridges met. Bridges Ostro Lednicki Island to the shore and a preserved medieval sword in Lake Poland is over 1000 years old! Polish archaeologists have discovered a stunningly well-preserved rare medieval sword with the Cross of Jerusalem submerged in water. The sword was in almost perfect condition and is one of many metal artifacts found.
Lake Lednica and the surrounding area were of great importance in the early Middle Ages, leading to the first recorded state of Poland. The lake was not far from the first capital of the Piast dynasty and the first bishopric was established nearby in Poznań. It is believed that the first Duke of Mieszko was baptized and became a Christian on an island in the lake. Using diving equipment, archaeologists explored an area of the lake near the historic island of Ostro Ledniki, an important Slavonic settlement. In 2017, they focused their investigations on an area where two old bridges met. Bridges connected Ostrow Lednicki Island to the coast and to another island. The older of the two bridges dates back to the 10th century using chronological analysis. These bridges were hundreds of feet (30 m) long and were exceptional feats of engineering. ...
#blurt #geekpranee #medicin #swordt #preserved #polish #russian

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