India's first transgender mayor elected as Madhu Kinnar
But transmigrants, known as hijras, are isolated and labeled queer and face begging and prostitution.
They live in transgender communities and generally do not come out in public
Hijras undergo painful sex reassignment surgeries without general anesthesia
Transgender women in India are ostracized from their communities but cling to the dream of finding love.
In India, there are about 1.2 million transgender people, also known as hijras. India's first transgender mayor was elected and the Supreme Court gave legal recognition to the community as a third gender.
Described as 'Hijjas men', one might assume that these hijras can lead peaceful lives without fear of discrimination, but for some, this couldn't be further from the truth.
Hijras live together in households where a headman or godmother acts as the leader. There are no men and they follow a combination of Hindu and Muslim cultures
Apart from going underground, hijras do not usually go out in public and many restaurants do not allow them to eat there.
They call each other mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
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