What Makes A Social Platform Popular?

in blurt •  3 years ago 

As I continue to be a part of the Blurt project, I watch as many still seem to misunderstand what makes social platforms popular. It seems that because of the crypto payment structure that has been added to the social experience, the social part has largely been forgotten as many focus on the extraction part. Totally forgetting the social part.

I see many lifeless posts that are thrown up with little thought given to the true interest level of the consumers. Few to zero comments, little interaction in the comment sections as a testament to the lack of real social engagement that is possible here.

I’ve said before, several times in fact, that what makes sites like Reddit special are the vast comment sections that take place after the initial OP. One can see sometimes thousands of comments, often more entertaining than the initial post that served as a catalyst for them.

Remember How Popular The Old AOL Chatrooms Were?

I was a late comer to the internet, jumping into AOL when they were on version 7. I was instantly amazed with the chat room experience. Virtually every topic one could be interested in had a chat room, often member created, not AOL created. I was in awe as I was now exposed in real time to some extremely brilliant minds. Very knowledgeable minds that would often discuss and debate subjects of interest. Untold millions were logged in most times.

No one was getting compensated to interact. We all did so because we wanted to, felt the experience enriched our lives for whatever reasons we did.

When I look at the many comment sections and for the most part see ghost towns unless one of the curation projects leaves their standard we were here and voted messages, it strongly signals to me how many that are here don’t view this as a social platform.

Not viewing this as a social platform sadly will result in the likelihood that Blurt will never achieve success as the social platform experience. Doomed then to being little more than a crypto faucet as the majority view one another as little more than an extraction possibility.

The power to turn this around is all within everyone of our hands. By being ourselves, by writing about topics from a personal experience level instead of a clinical cold approach that is available on thousands or more of websites.

The cold clinical presentation is probably why so many don’t thrive in school, and is why many websites and posts even here don’t thrive.

The same old recipe doesn’t intrigue the mind. A quick Google search will turn up many options offering the same information.

What is lacking is your experience. Ones interest is naturally more prone to being excited once a unique personal experience is shared. Drawn like magnets, our curiosity is piqued much more.

Notice even much of the crap that passes for news these days are always “glimpses” into the private experiences of the ever growing so called celebrities. The most trivial crap is widely consumed because it’s tailored as being personalized.

An Example Of What I Mean.

I sometimes peek at posts that I’m not interested in if it shows there are comments. Through this practice I discovered an interesting user here. The comment they left was very personal and heartfelt, despite being left on a post that at best could be termed shallowly narcissistic. That user gained a follower that day, and I have regularly curated them because of it.

I wish to qualify the above scenario even more.

This person is Muslim, which shines through in their posts. I’m not Muslim, so be default the commonality wouldn’t be immediately obvious between us. Although to be fair, I studied many different religions after having been raised in the Christian religions (different branches). I can say that after much research, I do find Islam to be the most palatable to the Abrahamic religions.

Having said that, now that I regularly read this persons sharing, it stands out as some of the best on Blurt for myself. He regularly shares history from the Islamic view, which is lacking obviously in the western Christian dominated cult-ures. The juxtaposition of these two narratives is really fascinating to myself. All made possible because I by chance stumbled across this person sharing from their heart. They embrace the social side of this, and like a magnet draw other signs of social life.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Criticism Nor Debate.

I believe perhaps one large impediment to folks sharing themselves on social blockchain is worry over a lasting reputation. Unlike other media platforms, one can’t so easily just create endless accounts if they encounter hardships for revealing themselves.

I would urge all not to be concerned about that. If you are correct in the way you interact with others, outsiders looking in at negative exchanges have eyes to see what the dynamics are.

I can remember back on the AOL times how excited I was by the many debates taking place. Vast amounts of knowledge being bandied about. Challenging my ignorance, both in acknowledged and more importantly what I was unaware of.

Those many encounters with so many I had helped me shed much ignorance, as well as seeing much ignorance being presented as fact. There was no loss for myself when I had wrong conclusions based on erroneous facts, or because my ignorance had never exposed me to such things.

I was ENRICHED by these encounters, these debates I both watched and also took part in. I wasn’t a loser because at times I was wrong. I was a WINNER because I left those encounters shed of erroneous thoughts. I learned much by exposing myself, my ignorance to these others. Things I would have remained in the dark of had I not entered the social arena with those others and exposed myself, both the good and the bad.

We all have our faults. Areas of knowledge we lack so badly it stands out like a sore thumb. It doesn’t matter and if you handle yourself with humility there is no shame in any of that. We ALL have our unique crosses, journeys that make us a magnet for others who have a need to see they are not alone. That someone else takes joy in the same things, feels pain at the same things. That has beliefs that align with ours.

Or, doesn’t align with ours. You know what happens when we encounter those people if we are strong enough to match up our views? We either leave the experience stronger in our convictions after the comparison, or we leave it with questions that can set us on a journey to reconcile what isn’t correct.

Think Of The Social Side First.

If Blurt really takes off in the future, it will be because the social side takes off. Just like all the other large social experience sites we have seen, once yourself and others can’t wait to log in and interact here Blurt will moon. The key though is wanting to interact. Not log in long enough to do the mandatory chore necessary to get that crypto drip. Log in because you want to connect with others here, have interactions that mean a lot to you in your daily life.

We can do this, and quickly if enough of us choose to. Ghosts rattling chains to get a few coins isn’t ever going to make a successful social site. We all need to be real and personable with one another. Take care of that, and there is no stopping Blurt. We determine the value, and it’s derived from the value we perceive it and the rest of the community as holding.

We are the value, and it comes from all of our weaknesses and strengths. Celebrating it all, the pain we bleed and the joy we exude. Sharing all of this, honoring those who also do is the real magic, the glue that will bind us in compassion and humbleness. Honoring both the fragility and magnificence in our neighbors here, as we see it in ourselves too. A true gift of social interaction, this ability to contrast ourselves to our neighbors. A magical area where marvels are waiting to be found.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Coincidentally today I was planning to publish a post talking about a similar topic to this one, how Blurt has become inert. There is no real social experience anymore. Just pictures that are already boring. Or people posting thousands of times on things that fail to connect with others.

I look forward to reading it. I've missed you, and was saddened to see you put to words your perhaps making it permanent in an exchange you had with michelangelo3. I've noticed many I have grown to cherish dropping off, and I wish there were something I could do to reverse this.

There is no real social experience anymore.

It's hard to find for sure. I mentioned above I began randomly looking at posts showing comments because so much getting posted are either just pictures or what I call ghost posts with no energy. There are experiences to be had here, it just shouldn't be so difficult to find. So many think only of the coin and little for those of us here who would interact with them.

They are a huge part of the lack of adoption in my opinion. I can remember back tot he AOL days, my anticipation was high daily as I waited to be done with the days chores so I could log in and enrich myself. While I don't have a Reddit account, I spend a lot of time there reading threads and comments. A lot of time. I learn much there, much material also for investigation/study.

We can have that here if people will forget about the coin and focus on that quality of interaction.

Thank you for weighing in. I find the circle of those I look forward to here dropping out and it's been disheartening. In a perfect world, I would be enough of a draw to be like a magnet and keep all those I wish to interact with here. Selfish of me I know, but true just the same.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That has always been the problem - from my first analyses of steem - that "social+money" changes behaviour to focus on the money. The predictability and symmetry of votes makes the finances easy to game - we need more randomness, as in real life.

that "social+money" changes behaviour to focus on the money.

So short sighted as focus on the non monetary side ensures the money side grows.

The predictability and symmetry of votes makes the finances easy to game

Sadly some of the curation projects are to blame for some of this as well. I see a lot of crap being supported by them, even some of the better curation projects.

I even see that there has been a push to make Blurt somewhat like Instagram. I think we see to many pictures everywhere. Narcissism isn't the huge draw so many think it is. I would hazard a guess that for those few who make lots of money with their pictures that they have a combination of attractiveness coupled with a willingness to push the envelope that is not normal for average people.

I saw a renewed push for the Instagram angle that saw Angelica pulled in to see if she could use her popularity to make it catch on. Coupled with a comment I read somewhere by Megadrive wishing that others would support with votes the Instablurt project as it was almost entirely being supported by himself and the insta curation.

I think that the lack of votes spoke for themselves that of those here, most weren't looking to reward that direction. You spoke of randomness, and trying to force folks to get behind something they aren't desiring is another type of predictability, and not in a good way.

So much in life is now an illusion. Fake pictures staged to make it look like perfect little lives, manipulated to make many look like perfect creatures, as staged to make everything seem so happy when its not.

A real social platform encourages dropping such pretenses, and connections that are based on sometimes truth so brutal it allows us to connect. that common ground that binds us all, whether its a real success or real hardship.

Jacob is a good example for me on social blockchain. He is open, real in his presentations. I don't always understand what he is posting about due to his knowledge in areas being way out of my league. But when he posts about life, his energy and realness seep from his words. Same with you by the way.

It's ironic that often since coming here so many of those I wish would post more don't, and unfortunately so many I wish would post less seem capable of posting many many times per day.

What grates on me a lot is I'm sure so many of those I wish would slow down posting (I'm going to get carpal tunnel scrolling through those new posts) have aspects to their lives that would be captivating to read, if they would just open themselves up to connecting here.

Imagining a world where the worlds most famous authors only wrote about they wore such and such to work, this was their actifit activities or here I am posed in from of such and such pretending to be excited etc. I would never have picked up a love for reading at an early age, I know this much.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well… I think Blurt is awesome. If you want to comment and engage then comment and engage.
Blurt is the Best.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt is amazing for the people who have managed to provide a harmonious space for those who make life here. But we should not cover the sun with a finger, currently the platform is not at its best, only people posting content from other platforms, people uploading content that little helps or contributes to the ceo, as well as the price of the token is not attractive to new users. For those who provide infrastructure such as servers or witness nodes it is almost not profitable partly because of the value of the token. The million dollar question is how to help the Blurt ecosystem? with application development, a properly functioning blacklist and above all incentivize better content than what currently exists, as well as the financial decisions that need to be made.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt is what we make it. I concentrate on the good I see here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm not sure why the Communities feature was removed. That would give users some focus - like subreddits.
I would go one step further and that posts must be in a "community" - that will help with shitposts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

100% agree on needing communities. I don't exactly agree on everything must be in a "community", but if you can make a community for yourself(ex: lazerlazer community) then you can just post there and problem solved. Subreddits have made reddit popular(there's 3-4 I really frequent and don't care for most of the rest of the site) and it needs to be something on all social platforms for them to succeed, especially since there's no algorithm on Blurt targeting posts that a user might like straight to them like there is on say twitter or instagram or even facebook.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was happy when the communities were introduced at Steemit / Hive, only to be disappointed to find that most people are not interested in them at all. They just want to milk and make money ...

Communities would be a great addition, but until we have folks here who would use them it wouldn't change much. It grates on me that so many support platforms such as Hive where they sell themselves out for some immediate crumbs. So many there complain of the censorship/censureship yet continue on there. There is much interaction there despite all of that.

They don't understand that as long as they are giving their intellectual property in the form of sharing ideas and opinions to Hive that is where it is deriving the value from. So many there talk of seeking a platform free of the censor/censure yet here we are a year later and they prove they really just want tethered to those dynamics. I get that for some it's a matter of not wanting to lose those connections already built (sunk cost fallacy in so many arenas for so many) yet if several were to come here more would be bound to follow.

I know of a couple who followed me, but they dropped off. I don't think my sporadic posting was enough to give them cause to stay, due to the lack of interesting posts and low coin valuation. I can't compete with their circle that might be 50 to 100 strong on a regular basis of real interaction at the other chain.

I have an idea I'm going to try in the coming days to stir up both interactions and posts that are real. Not sure how much it will help, but we never know unless we try.

It really boggles my mind how short sighted so many are. Like standing on the beach and asking where all the sand is, they wonder where the value of the token is at. It's so clear (should be anyway) that we are the value and if we don't add any there won't be any.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah… I’m hoping as time goes on we will get more authentic engagement here. I still prefer the overall kindness of people here on Blurt compared to all the other Crypto Blockchain Social Networks. I am Happy to get one word of kindness here on Blurt compared to the angry bitterness and greed you see on some of the other crypto blockchains.

If we are to ever moon it simply must become a place people can't wait to log in and interact.

If most of those here don't feel that way, that energy shows through to those curious enough to peek in. If it's mostly dry ghost posts the only folks who will stay are those wanting to add dry ghost posts themselves for a drip.

It's amazing how the drip changes so many perspectives. People throw away so much more in daily life for some quality interaction with others, and here for so many you would think the interaction is a plague.

So short sighted as we are what will determine the value. Velocity in real interaction would be a magnet for mass adoption.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

For this social network to work it needs two things, less junk posts and above all more Daps development. So far there is little or no valuable content that can be curated, most of it is just shit posting.

So far there is little or no valuable content that can be curated

I agree, and have found this can be somewhat mitigated by curating comments. I often skim through my replies, then feed then I finish looking through comments. I believe maybe more than half of my votes (perhaps a good deal more than half) are placed on comments.

I see many who also post so many times per day. If I were to upvote them on everything some of these folks would drain most of my 10 votes daily, and usually the posts are not interesting to boot. One guy I do find interesting though, but he also posts so much I don't vote for him often. I think I wonder how he writes so much so quickly leading me to wonder if plagiarism is involved.

We can't control what others are doing, but we can control placing quality (or what we view as) content here ourselves. I do believe that overall that most of the large staked accounts are rewarding quality, although in some cases they are causing some of this shit posting as well.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I feel the same way!
It's really a little frustrating at times when you're mostly finding selfie posts.
There are people here who even show these posts again a few weeks later.
However, there are also many here who vote the sexy selfies highly .....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am not against what the user can publish a selfie, I have always understood that we all have the right to publish what we like, however I am critical to say that Blurt has only become a repository of selfies that contribute little or nothing. Very few people take the kindness to share real experiences, topics that encourage to connect with other people, you and I are an example of how being from different countries we have shared topics of all kinds because we have shared real issues, of reflection. As always thank you for commenting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everybody can do what he wants to do....
Selfies don't hurt anyone, but they are annoying.
It's a shame that "reblurt" doesn't work yet.
This would certainly make interesting posts more visible.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All you can do is to engage in a way you would like to see others engage. And share the really great Blurt blog posts everywhere …. Twitter, Noise.Cash, etc etc ….

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Where is the moon ? I’ll be pretty happy when Blurt reaches .01 USD …. And then .10 USD …. Hopefully $ 1 USD some day…

I'm the moon, you are the moon.

Using Reddit as an example, they currently have 430 million monthly active users, with an undisclosed amount of them paying for subscriptions and fake awards to give others. Of note is the fact that once that money is spent there for social prominence the money is lost to the person paying forever.

Before Fakebook was Myspace. Myspace lsot its prominence once the people moved to Fakebook. It wasn't so much that Fakebook was awesomesauce, it was that enough folks decided it was and went there.

I understand why the moon in normal crypto is tied to the financial evaluation of now, but for a social project this is a death blow. If we can simply get folks to come here, and share themselves and interact like the other social non crypto sites that will be the moon and THEN the monetary value will come. But the idea of the moon simply must be on getting folks here and then them having a good time and learning and all the other stuff that happens on the successful social sites.

We are the moon.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes… for better engagement on Blurt, engage. I am engaged with Blurt 100% 24/7

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The super duper low prices means we can all buy a lot more Blurt for almost Free on Hive-Engine.com …. I buy Blurt everyday. Every dip.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are absolutely right!
I often look for nice posts to vote on, but it's really difficult to find them.
I often don't have the time to write long comments.
But Blurt is the only blockchain I enjoy.

I often look for nice posts to vote on, but it's really difficult to find them.

Hopefully we can change this.

Your posts caught my interest immediately. You have such passion for life, for helping others and you convey that so often in your posts. When you share pictures it isn't some narcissistic shallow picture so many are sharing these days. It shows a conclusion to actions taken from a good place, and how smiles can be given to others by being real and caring about them.

But Blurt is the only blockchain I enjoy.

I had given up on social blockchain. The other two left such a negative view with all the negativity and crusades against others there. I really hope we can make Blurt succeed. It really is the only chain that allows true freedom in letting one be themselves without censorship and reward theft. Jacob has the right mindset for what a real social chain should look like, now we need to draw more folks here while getting more who are here to understand the social aspect is what will make the financial aspect happen.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the compliment!
I hate all that narcissistic behavior everywhere.
There are so many interesting topics.
I think it's great when people post photos of their surroundings, stories from their lives.
And what I also hate, that a lot is all about money.
Yes, money rules the world ... that will of course not change either.
Unfortunately, people haven't gotten any smarter, they are still waging wars and destroying their planet.
And instead of sticking together, they work against each other and compete with others ...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

People go where people are. Its a chicken and egg problem. We need creators to attract readers, and we need readers to attract creators. For now, we are attracting creators because we pay(see reddit's cryptocurrency subreddit and how much it has gained users since it started paying in MOONS) but that can't be sustainable forever without people wanting to buy the tokens.

Yes, people need to invest monetarily too. But that will never happen if folks aren't excited to be here and consume what is being shared.

I know the hardest part for me giving up Hive when I did last year was losing all of the connections I made there. But I've always been good at cutting my nose off to spite my face. Least that's what my mom used to tell me. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I invest monetarily in Blurt every single day. You wonder why some of us stay on Hive ? Well… we need Hive to buy Blurt on Hive-Engine.com. Also https://ProofofBrain.io (on Hive) also has some very good people who are tired of the evil downvoting censorship on Hive and looking for a place like Blurt.

You wonder why some of us stay on Hive ? Well… we need Hive to buy Blurt on Hive-Engine.com.

I imagine I could have bought a lot of Blurt doing this as well. My posts on Hive did really well for quite some time when I walked away from it. I just can't bring myself to give my energy and intellectual property to further support their structure regardless of how it would financially benefit me. I'm not for sale.

I would have went to Proof of Brain if they had taken their idea one step further and not funneled all posts onto the Hive Blockchain. They are as much at the mercy of Hive as being on Hive. The debacle with Lucylin highlighted that flaw.

The bible has many words of wisdom in it. One regards the multiple demons (thoughts) called Legion. It points to an internal conflict. Many don't understand the idea is also highlighted regarding external conflict regarding serving two masters. One serves what they focus on, and this implies the structures we support. In my estimation, all of the cross posting and such can do this, especially in competing chains such as Blurt and Hive.

I refuse to support the structural approach that is Hive. I align with and wish Blurt to flourish, so that is where my energy is directed, my intent manifested given in investment and intellectual property.

Having said all of that, I'm libertarian at heart so don't go on crusades to others posts who are cross posting and denigrate them for making their choices. We all walk our paths we choose, and carry the crosses those paths demand of us.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

As an Artist, I share absolutely everywhere. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Steemit-Hive (both controlled by Justin Sun) , TRoN, ProofofBrain, Blurt, … everywhere. I post my photography, Films and artwork. The more places I can share my work the better. Is this cross posting ? Is this Farming ? Milking the Blockchain ??? I really don’t care. Artists share their work everywhere. This is just what we do. If people don’t like it, or they are jealous or envious as they are on Hive , I just don’t care, I will share my work everywhere.

Is this cross posting ? Is the Farming ? Milking the Blockchain ??? I really don’t care. Artists share their work everywhere. This is just what we do. If people don’t like it, or they are jealous or envious as they are on Hive

Not sure where much of that came from. No need for jealousy. My posts did really well there, and I willingly walked away from that. My choosing to not support their evil structure isn't based on any of the things you mentioned.

As for others, as I said, we all have our price (or no price) for the choices we make. As well as the burdens of those choices. It's an individual choice, one that I don't need to approve or agree with when it comes to others, even if I see it is shortsighted.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Not you,… but most of the whales on Hive do not permit or allow people to post anywhere except Hive.

Yes, this is true. I've actually been surprised they haven't targeted you there. I sometimes peek at your account (among many I look at over there) and see you mentioning Blurt often.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I know the hardest part for me giving up Hive when I did last year was losing all of the connections I made there.

It's the same reason people won't quit Facebook/Twitter. Their friend's aren't here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord

Engage and makes friends with great similar ideas on blurt. Blurt a place to dwell

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt is beautiful.