Understanding What's In Front Of You: Blurt Is A Tool

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

This post is made as I try shedding the sleep from my mind. So please forgive if there are more mistakes than usual. I've found that often my best thoughts float in my mind while I'm still not fully awake, the presentation maybe not so much.

I Don't Think Many Here Understand Blurt Is A Tool And As Such Fail To Grasp How It's Used, As Well As Its Possibilities.

For those who both follow me and actually read what I write, know I talk often about the need for interaction if Blurt is ever to achieve true success. There are many reasons that such interaction is almost non existent, and I usually focus on the authors for posting what I consider to be low effort work that doesn't inspire an actual comment to be made.

That however is only part of the problem. There are also many who vote simply to get that return as quick as possible. No comment, just a quick click of a mouse on to "better" things.

I scroll through the so called Hot list, and you know what's common about the posts?

Mostly no comments, or one if the post is lucky. Doesn't really seem like a very hot post if you ask me. Especially when that one comment that may appear is from one of the curation projects.

It seems most just don't want to get that Blurt is a tool, or maybe they do and just prefer to misuse it.

The use of the tool is in the name itself. SOCIAL blockchain.

Meaning the function of this particular tool is for people to be social.

Now, I'll be the first to admit that one CAN use a hammer to force a screw into the wood, however one won't sell many hammers if that's what folks contemplating the need for a hammer see it being used for.

When I look around through the many posts being made, the lack of comments on them I see what outsiders would see. A hammer forcing that screw in.

Social blockchain isn't something that should be forced. For it to be successful, the users need understand Blurt isn't that hammer, it's a screwdriver. A precision tool that produces a precision result when used right.

One could even say a computer is a tool.

Imagine someone owning a computer so they could solely use the calculator on it. What a waste of material and space. A waste of potential.

If I came along wondering about the uses of a computer, and someone showed me the calculator on theirs and that was it, do you think I would buy one? Would you?

Seriously, This Isn't Difficult To Fix.

It all starts with understanding what Blurt is. Then understanding unlike many things in life, you can't wait thinking everyone else will fix it so you can reap mad profits off the effort of others.

It doesn't matter here the size of your wallet, contrary to what so many seem to believe. While that certainly allows for much more reward (OR LOSS), the size of our interaction is the real use of this tool. If only so many here could see that unlike the other blockchains, this isn't some crappy vaporware with no real life use case for the common person.

The use case is here, and it's you here right now reading these words. It's you right here in a few more moments when you're done reading if you decide to comment, even if just to say you don't care and this post is stupid. That is what this tool is designed to do. And if it's used as intended, just like all of the other successful tools called social media, we can be richly rewarded for doing what no one gets paid for on those other sites.

Now you might be saying to yourself

But Mr. Practicalthought, I'm throwing away my Blurt to comment because of fees.

I would then reply with look at my comments. Yes, many of them have no reward. What almost all of them do have are replies, sometimes a string of them that outnumber what many of the posts here at Blurt get.

I would then reply to look at the rewards on the comments that do get voted on, and you will notice that in a weeks worth of comments I probably get more vote value than many bloggers get, and for sure if you took out the curation accounts votes.

Speaking of curation accounts, the sheer level of folks who never once upvote these projects who leave their "I was here and voted" comments is pathetic. At least show some thanks for what might be one of the few actions of a positive nature towards what you post. To be blunt, if I was one of the projects such as Mr. Cornell runs, many of you would have been cut off long ago. Not even being able to be bothered giving an upvote back to say thank you makes me shake my head in disgust actually.

Commenting and interacting with comments with both replies and votes is how this tool is properly used.

Think Outside The Box.

I mentioned earlier how Blurt as a tool is not used correctly. In my estimation this is not only a bottom issue. Even from the top, there are many things that could be done that would enhance Blurt.

One of the things that always amazed me from my beginnings at Steemit was how everyone is urged to go to other social sites to do this or that. The ludicrous nature of such is mind boggling. One doesn't direct others to go to another site because the one being promoted falls short. That screams failure.

The ideal is to get others on those sites to wish to COME HERE from those other sites, because we do something they fail at.

Here is one example of what I mean.

The foundation, Megadrive in particular, has started a bid to compete with Instagram. Not a move I'm a fan of personally, as one can tell by the growing amount of accounts I'm muting who participate in that.

However, just because it's not something I'm a fan of doesn't mean I don't see how so many are addicted to some of the shallower narcissistic behaviors social media promotes.

Here is one simple tweak of the hammer that could turn Megadrives into something unique for the blockchain, using it in a way that could potentially make others even outside the Blurt sphere wish to participate.

I notice when we go to the home page, there is some stock photo of a woman none of us know holding her hand over her mouth. The whole thing screams generic really. Doesn't really add to Blurt being unique at all.

Why not hold contests in the Insta tag. Perhaps weekly or monthly one of the actual users here could be picked to have their awesome picture (that is suitable for work) placed there with maybe even a link to their blog attached under the picture. This would allow discoverability to whomever is the winner, both to those of us here and others drawn from outside who may contemplate participating.

While I abhor using other forms of media, so many here use other media, probably more than they use here based on the levels of activity I've been ranting about for the last 100 words or so. Let them spread the word, come get acknowledged for your base shallowness at Blurt. At Instagram they don't put your picture for all to see at login so they can appreciate you solely based on your looks. But at Blurt, you can fill that incessant need for simp worship by actually being on the home pages.

While I can't stop my views on this whole selfie culture seep through, don't discount what I've just mentioned. I'm completely serious about using that space where the picture of someone none of us know is and rewarding that space to someone we could POTENTIALLY know. One that outsiders could potentially come to know.

At the end of the day, Blurt is a tool with an actual use other than hoping to accumulate low and hand off your bags when it gets high to an unwitting fool like most other block chains.

Lets start using this tool as it's meant. We don't have to limit ourselves the way the other chains do. Using stock photos, viewing this as merely an extraction faucet.

Those of us here who are using this tool correctly need more of you who aren't to understand and begin using it with us. Something most of you are probably doing for free at other social sites daily.

All of us can be that little girl in the old shake and bake commercial.

It's Blurt, the most successful social block chain because I helped.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I was leaving the post without reading, but seen comments. Agree with you as I noticed in my blogging career, everyone want to share the blog, but no one wants or have time to read each others blog or comments. I still miss comments on my blog(tekraze.com) which I don't actually have. Also before blurt, I was like shy (or you can say more focused on brand and not myself) so I started interacting here and commenting about post, opinion and chat and I do interact a lot with @offgrid (may be bloggers connection ) and some other people posts.

For the stock photos thing, yes, not all, but some I got added with even watermark of sites, just to get a vote. This increases the post count, and we may miss good content.

And lastly, I have been sharing my blogs, my gaming and my personal photos, and I seen more votes with photos and #instablurt tag actually, which is good as it feels genuine, but on other side, not getting much attention to blog/games post, maybe people just liking it more as Instagram now.

anyway, a week gone now as I joined, with 2 referrals and I believe blurt is something great to join and stay. I look forward to it getting used more (but nicer and original content)


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think Blurt is pretty awesome.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, blurt is a gateway to a good lifestyle and community plugged with earning boost.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt is not only a tool but a true life changer. I am a living testimony.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Absolutely. Blurt is the best.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is actually a cool idea, I didn't notice your post earlier, don't think you @ mentioned me. I will ask how technically feasible it would be to have the image cycle real profile pics, maybe some top authors for the month can be chosen and added to a rotating carousel.

I notice when we go to the home page, there is some stock photo of a woman none of us know holding her hand over her mouth. The whole thing screams generic really. Doesn't really add to Blurt being unique at all.

Why not hold contests in the Insta tag. Perhaps weekly or monthly one of the actual users here could be picked to have their awesome picture (that is suitable for work) placed there with maybe even a link to their blog attached under the picture. This would allow discoverability to whomever is the winner, both to those of us here and others drawn from outside who may contemplate participating.

don't think you @ mentioned me.

I don't tend to tag people, even when I mention them in the post. I quickly saw how often that is abused when I first joined Steem as a means to try drawing votes in. It felt really cheap, so I decided not to tag others and that if it was meant for them to read my post, or if they followed me they would read it. If not, it wasn't meant.

I'm glad you like the idea. It would help in many ways here, making personal what's impersonal not just here but elsewhere. Could actually serve as a draw for Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We have a long list of fixes to tend to first but will add to an internal roadmap, feel free to tag me on improvement suggestions.

Thank you. I actually just typed a lengthy reply to Saboin where I mentioned an improvement suggestion I pushed some time back with Jacob. Rather than typing it out again, here is a link to the comment.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ok sweet thanks!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm always amazed at how you manage to write posts and comments for so long.
I really don't have the time.
@ michelangelo3 made a very good choice with his delegation!
I feel the same way as you. This self-love, all the selfie shit, as if there is nothing more important in the world than your own face, or your own ass ...
It's a great idea to do a contest, maybe weekly, for the homepage photo.

I am very sorry that reblurt does not work .....

I'm honored by your high regard and words, thank you.

I really don't have the time.

I think this is a perfect place to qualify what at times seems to be a scathing critique I make on many posts here.

I was drawn to your posts as soon as I encountered you here shortly after coming.

Your posts that have a large picture component shares very real energy. Capturing moments of joy, moments of effort being expended to put into place the many great works you and your husband are able to achieve.

One example of this was with the water barrels. I'm going to add some context here as there is so much for those who can see things.

Here in the U.S. there is a perception that black people are lazy. Some of it earned to be fair. The resentment held over unaddressed wrongs coupled with inhumane work conditions has seen many either drop out of that paradigm completely, or doing the minimum necessary to get paid as they understand they are tasked with giving 110% all so some greedy rich person can get richer. To be fair again, this isn't strictly a black person phenomena, its just highlighted to create more schisms between us while distracting from the often inhumane work demands.

Now to where this gets really interesting, and dispels the created view of laziness. I laugh thinking of that picture as the men toiled to get that barrel up that steep incline. Lacking many modern tools that could have reduced the effort and danger inherent in such doing. I saw no resentment in the picture of being tasked with such work. Instead there is a "this needs doing, lets get to it" attitude as they sacrificed what was necessary to implement the gift you were able to provide.

I remember as well, a little off subject, watching a documentary years ago about somewhere in Africa and the tribe relied on salt trade to live. The men (by men I mean even young boys) would walk for months to get to the salt mines, and carry back as much as they could for trade. Separated from their women and very young children, these men (and boys) endured such hardship and intense physical labor, all to take care of their community. I laugh at the notion that many of the so called "hard workers" here who blindly accept such calls of laziness could ever be tasked with such danger and effort.

Your pictures share a realness that no amount of propaganda and lies can negate. You show real people, real struggle and real triumph in your sharing here. A realistic view of what it's like to survive in the real world where one lives with nature and has to mold their lives around it, not it around us as this fake bubble in the so called civilized world has given the illusion of.

If (when) this illusion in the west breaks, many will die unless such folks as you share in your photos come to their aid.

I could say so much more (I'm long winded as you noted, lol) but you are one of the best posters at Blurt. One doesn't need to write long posts and comments to be of high value contrary to many of my observations and actions. One need be real as your posts demonstrate so clearly.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the kind words.
Actually, I only started with the blockchain to make our project and my art better known.
At the moment I have far too little time for art, but I always take care of our Uganda project.
It is important to me and my husband that the people there get at least a little more quality of life.
In contrast to them, we are all rich and live in total abundance ...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Siempre agradecido por estas publicaciones que invitan a la reflexión, mientras me tomo una budweiser me pregunto porque siempre vuelvo a comentar? la respuesta es simple, existe algo una conexión que permite intercambiar opiniones, sobre todo es una publicación que puede llevarte a analizar incluso el comportamiento de las masas. Traducción de todo eso es una publicación real. El contenido bueno, de primer nivel, ya casi es inexistente en Blurt, razón por la cual en ocasiones dejo pasar hasta una semana para revisar con el fin de encontrar algo gratificante pero la realidad es que existen solo publicaciones de fotos absurdas, ahora mi ejercicio radica en silenciar a todos esos usuarios o en su defecto ni mirar algo que lleve esa etiqueta.

Como siempre gracias por publicar.

Always grateful for these thought provoking posts, while sipping a budweiser I ask myself why I always come back to comment? the answer is simple, there is something a connection that allows you to exchange opinions, above all it is a post that can lead you to analyze even the behavior of the masses. Translation of all that is a real publication. Good, top notch content is now almost non-existent on Blurt, which is why I sometimes let up to a week go by to check in order to find something rewarding but the reality is that there are only posts of absurd photos, now my exercise lies in muting all those users or failing that don't even look at anything that carries that tag.

thanks for posting.

I've been finding some good content lately, which has become easier as I've muted more people. Of course good content is subjective, but coming across good historical pieces and such. Mute definitely makes this a little easier.

I do miss you in your absences, and wish you could look past them and do what I'm trying to do and show them how this is done right. I refuse to allow their ignorance and willful disregard make me give up. The momentum is still uphill, but if we keep pushing the velocity will pick up and we can roll the boulder of success right through these impediments who don't wish to add value.

They can either join in and ad value and then get rewarded for it when this grows, or they can get run over and left behind with nothing to show because they left no mark here. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hopefully… the #instablurt tag can improve and require a little more Text, a little more effort .... maybe a story about the Photo.. like “Here I am on the Coast of such and such a place where we just had a beautiful morning swimming in such and such a place …. Later today we are going to explore some ancient caverns and do some treasure hunting … here is a map from our adventure so far …. The conch fritters are amazing. Have you ever been to such and such a place before ? Do you have any recommendations of what else we should do or see ? … Thank you so much for reading my blog, leave your comments below and I will reply and upvote …

I agree. Despite muting many on that tag to get them to stop clogging my time in the new feed, there are a few who have used it who share about the amazing pictures that aren't just an attempt to collect simps or impress us with their choice of beverage.

I also note that comments are counted as posts, and many should perhaps focus on more comments and less actual blog posts. My comments outnumber my posts greatly. We don't all have to be some mega content producer, its quite honorable and necessary for there to be actual consumers/curators here as well.

Some of my favorite posts are a heavy combination of the two.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Maybe as time goes by…. Those less effort posts with a picture and no words at all will earn less and less and those people will stop posting ?

perhaps, but so long as they are rewarded for as little effort as possible they will continue. Like electricity, path of least resistance and all.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It will take a lot of work to show people how Important it is to Power up and Invest in their future. Most people are like little children who spend all their money the minute they receive it. Those people have no future and will not survive.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I pretty much agree with everything you wrote in this post. And I like your style of telling it like it is. Hehe!

I could stand to spend less time on other social media sites and put more time on Blurt.

Most traditional socmed like Twatter and Farcebook are mostly one part rage bait and one part vacuous platitudes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Great ideas …. instablurt should host a few Cosplay events … especially with Halloween coming. Dress up as you favourite Comic book hero, Anime etc …. Why not ?

But would also require some sort of write up also.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

that's so NLP. lol

I haven't really typed up my thoughts on finsoc as seems to be saying the same thing for 4 years. I'm also still watching noise.cash - an interesting experiment in algorithmic moderation of total shite and, just as important, repetitive behaviour from those may write decent stuff but only tip their friends. The whole back-scratching brown-nosing culture is being liquidated at the algorithmic level. Humans just do what they can get away with - when they can't, they won't. Very simple, but needs the backbone to implement it - at both software and wetware levels.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We need more humans on Blurt. There are Too many robots.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

First impression...charging for everything seems to discourage activity

I cover this in my latest post.