RE: Transforming How Blurt Operates In Relation To The Economic Monopolies Foisted Upon Our Nations

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Transforming How Blurt Operates In Relation To The Economic Monopolies Foisted Upon Our Nations

in blurt •  2 years ago 

I saw very early on at my time at Steem how few understood the magic of this economic model.

Which is that the more you give to others through upvoting your stake the stronger they potentially become (unless they are always cashing out) and if they hold the same respect for you then by default their continuing support of your work will grow stronger. We literally have an incentive to want those we care about to grow stronger as in a longer vision it will come back to one. A great example of karma being built into the economics.

I've mentioned (to continue on this thought) many times my dismay at how few folks here upvote the curation accounts such as the Rcornell and Blurtlatam. Yet for many folks those will often be the largest single votes they will consistently receive on their contributions here.

Bring stingy on those accounts as an example means those accounts means the accounts helping them grow the fastest will be default grow slower than they could be which in turn means their ability to give more vote for the same weight is a slower process.

Sadly even those with lots of power only have so many votes to give, only so much time to read/curate.

I think it a fact that if we as a group grow to understand out neighbors success is in many ways our own success it would go far to many showing an appreciation and gratitude that should in my estimation have been the default position even without the karma built into rewarding others.

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing your thoughts on this topic. I believe it very important as we are largely trained to view resources as something scarce and difficult to acquire and retain possession of. It doesn't have to be this way here, and the more this is discussed and then practiced to give real life examples the quicker we can shed the chains of slavery and scarcity those who farm men and women like animals placed upon us.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most people understand that making money is more important than social interaction. In fact, our good relationships with other people become the basic capital to obtain long-term profits. This then creates problems for everyone when they get less reward than expected. These people tend to think that when they make a post, someone else will naturally come over to give a gift. In the end, only disappointment was found.

In my view, in addition to financial capital, everyone must have the strong social capital to achieve success. This condition is not much different from the conditions in real life. Where people will not care how great and strong we are financial, because our true value lies in relationships with other people. Maybe we also often see how the condition of a large store with all the necessities available in full, suddenly has to go out of business, just because it doesn't know how to deal with other people. Meanwhile, the traders who initially sold on the roadside were quickly able to build large shops. Even their stalls are always awaited by customers, sometimes not because of the quality of the products, but because of their friendliness and comfort.

Social relations cannot be separated from the transaction process, some give and some receive. For a person who likes to give, he does not even feel deprived. People who have a receiving mentality will always be happy if someone gives something every day. People like this never even think about sharing it with others, because they feel they still lack, maybe even always feel lacking. In real life, I often meet people like this.

I believe that if the economic concept based on social relations reciprocity is implemented properly, then in the end everyone will achieve progress in a strong relationship. Not only financially, but also socially.