RE: The Freedom Of Blurt

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The Freedom Of Blurt

in blurt •  2 years ago 


My position has been consistent throughout these many months. I saw and opposed the push to stop the VTS when it was first proposed. That was what initiated all of this. An initiation that was created from double-u, yourself and some others. I attribute the thrust of this however being on double-u as my many posts over the months also are consistent on.

When the foundation tried finding a middle ground and instituting the COAL list to find a middle ground of compromise, due to one of the largest arguments being it funded plagiarism that compromise was rejected.

Then the next action I witnessed take place was a call to vote to just widen the circle to be limited to now encompass all delegations. This vote was again initiated by double-u. I was once again very vocal against it, and enough witnesses were also against it (especially the pairing of VTS and all delegations) that there were enough votes to stop the push.

Then when some of the VTS began complying with the COAL list they were granted full user ability on site again, to which at that time there were harsh words by some in the whale group seeking to ban delegations. One such post simulating vomiting over it.

Then there came the push (once again) by the anti VTS/delegation group to coerce folks into placing a banner on their profile page in order not to be shunned once the vote failed and VTS who complied with COAL were allowed back in good standing.

Meanwhile weekly there are more slights against megadrive calling him a dictator, Blurt is a one man show etc.

So I believe I've been seeing this clearly, and my views have been consistently expressed through many posts and comments.

Sadly, the post on funding drones for Ukraine was the tipping point where, in my opinion, the growing animosities between double-u and mega exploded. I was also against the drones, and wrote a post on that as well.

But watching how quick everything devolved was saddening. And at this point for the first time I saw cheap shots now coming at your side from the other with the talk of voting gangs. I suspect without being included in their circle to know for sure, that it may have been purposely ludicrous to highlight what was considered some ludicrous positions and accusations that had been coming from the other side for some time.

And despite the retaliation that finally came (with to much collateral damage for my liking) it came with an ultimatum that saw you and many others leave.

Get rid of that banner or no airdrop for Gamestate.

All of you could have chosen to stay and keep the banner, in effect saying screw you. I stand by my banner and you can keep your airdrop.


You all could have taken the banner off and complied knowing it was indeed divisive as I wrote a post on as you know. And in turn been qualified for the airdrop.

Or as many of you did

Say screw this place, power down and leave. This made me sad, and I always wished you could have chosen one of the previous alternatives. That myself and others here had created close enough bonds that would have seen you stay despite the tensions between yourselves and megadrive.

It's ironic that through all of this it has been insinuated that megadrive was the control freak, yet at every turn it all has been initiated in that pub. For those of us saw no threat in the VTS or delegations, it appeared to us that it was actually the anti VTS pub members that were the ones trying to be controlling (dictators is the term used by double-u). How could it be any other way? It was always demands initiated there in that pub.

I've been very clear I believe over the months this is how I've viewed it, and tried discussing this with you on multiple occasions.

As for upvu and steem, as I mention in my latest post they are careful to stay within Steemchillers good graces. My understanding is here it would be impossible for them to pull off what they do there.

As for the regent account (if that's what you mean) I've also been vocal when Jacob said it would be steeping away this year. I don't believe that decentralization is possible and I would prefer the founders to keep the ship going than say the power plays I saw develop in the pub regarding property rights. I came to this chain due to my faith in the founders, and feel safer with them in charge ensuring respect of property rights.

Doesn't always mean I agree with everything, and I've been vocal against the foundation at times as well. With no repercussions.

You say

I and my friends had quite different plans than taking away anyone's property rights.

Yet the vote that was called for seemingly out of nowhere would have done just that.

As for Jacob, my understanding is he is focused on Cosmos now, so I'm going to guess he likely never saw your post.

Well, for me Blurt is now very far away. And it is only with this great distance that I see how bad it has become. The energy that prevails here is comparable to that in the outside world. Part of the people still believe in the goodness of their so-called leaders.

I wish this wasn't the case. I miss your presence here as I'm sure so do many others.

In the case of trust, as I mentioned above, I do trust Jacob and Mega to safeguard two things for me.

  • My freedom of speech

  • My property rights

So far they have never shown me reason to doubt their dedication to these two things I hold important. Doesn't mean I agree with them, or think they walk on water and such. I was very critical of Mega in a post over the drones idea as an example.

For me if the above two things are safeguarded, then that leaves me free express myself as I create bonds that have nothing to do with co founders and such. Freedom of association if you will. So when you said

In the real world you didn't fall for it, here on Blurt you obviously do. This saddens me and I hope the shock of realisation does not hit you too hard.

I feel your own vision in this has been tainted by the growing bad blood between some of you at the pub and megadrive. My relationship with you and others has nothing to do with him. It was and is always between us as it should be. There is nothing for me to realize. The fact is if you for example would have accepted that delegations and VTS are here, and that in this one thing the group you are in were unable to force a change on it this could have been so different. You WOULD have stayed, and that would have been a testament that the social side of this is/was just as important.

So this last part is my sour grapes tainting my words. This whole thing was so needless, with casualties that shouldn't have been in my view. I wish perhaps that just the ties between myself and you could have been enough for you to overlook the bad blood that over time had developed between you and mega.

I always wish the best for you. You are one of the few people in my life that I consider a friend. I don't collect them nor tell people they are when in truth they are an acquaintance. My hope is one day your anger at what has happened will cool enough for you to return.

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Thank you for your reply! I have again the feeling that you type faster than I can read :-)

Blurt has become for me a chain of illusions and deception. Even if I see only minimal chances, I hope for you and all who are still here your assessment will come true.

I would like to ask you something else. You react very strongly with everything that has to do with property rights. These seem to be very important to you.

Do you have any idea why?

For example, I react more emotionally than average when it comes to ruthlessness. I think this has family reasons for me, I grew up in an extended family and without consideration it wouldn't have worked.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I would like to ask you something else. You react very strongly with everything that has to do with property rights. These seem to be very important to you.

Do you have any idea why?

A good question that I'll try to answer as best I can while keeping many of the specifics hidden.

In my life I've traveled hard roads.

I've been hunted like an animal more than once.

I've had all of my possessions taken from me more than once.

It gets tiring to try building something only to have a force greater than oneself strip it away and be powerless to stop it.

There is a loss of not only the property that is hard to come by, but a denigration and humiliation to having these things taken from you that you came to view as yours.

The heart weeps that others can view ones sweat and accumulations as something they can lord over and take from you. Or dictate how you use it. Life is such a struggle, many hardships involved just to build a little something. To have the game set up to allow it to be taken from you makes it not worth even playing the game.

There simply has to be some area where we can respect the property of others. I don't see how any other path allows for anyone to have dignity or be free of a scarcity mindset when one is worried that at any moment all of ones physical accumulations can be taken or restricted.

If I feel I have the right to dictate how you use your property, then I'm in effect admitting that I and my desires are greater than yours and your property.

One side example of this are the growing amount of what are called homeowners associations here in America.

They tell you how often to work in your yard, the types of property you can have outside and where, the colors you can paint your house etc. They also take votes for neighborhood projects. My associate went through this years ago. They wanted speed bumps put in the neighborhoods. He voted against it, but the vote was majority for the speed bumps. So he was given a bill for thousands of dollars to help pay his share for the speed bumps he didn't want.
