Brilliantly done. You personalized it and gained their interest.
I've maintained for many years now that everyone is a genius at what interests them. I sometimes wonder if those who shaped our education system here in the states purposely made it as bland and boring as possible, to discourage real learning. Which personalizes information, not forces rote memorization coupled with compliance behavioral training designed to stifle ones creative perception.
Thank you for the smile.
You should read Iserbyt's Deliberate Dumbing down of education - very long book but shows every step in turning eductaion into behaviorism and propaganda.
I think education has been behaviorism and propaganda for years. I'm looking for a way out.
I like running my own space - my curriculum, making links, encouraging concept expansion - but... what often happens is that the kids are really happy while the parents have been trapped into the world of "accreditations" and tests. Most of them don't see the scam - even those who home-ed fall into the same trap - they've just moved the cage from a school into the home.
What it means is that one has to expand one's services via personal recommendations - and that can be slow. But doable :-)
Yikes, that book is selling on Amazon for 200.00.
usual publishing bullshit - is free on her site ;-)
Amazing publishing bullshit