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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am late...but not too late!
Lately I had little time to be online.

Thanks and I wish you a fulfilling and healthy 2022!

Same !

Hello my friend, yes, an eventful year lies behind us, both here on our Chain and in "real" life. I hope you had a good turn of the year.

A saying just crossed my path that expresses a certain longing that I also sense in you:

On New Year's Eve, the whole world celebrates that the date has changed. I hope someday we celebrate the date that the world has changed.

Who knows, maybe that date is not so far away. At least I hope so.

I wish you all the best for the new year.

I've suspected for some time that life will always be this way, that perhaps this is all a test, perhaps necessary as a form of punishment.

I like that saying, and yes it is a longing I hold as well.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Cheers to one year on Blurt @practicalthought. Your writeups have been amazing, all encompassing and thought provoking.

Thank you for teaching us, all you have taught us, and making us learn what community entails.

Keep teaching, for we keep learning. Much love.

Thank you, I'm happy that you have enjoyed my posts. Thank you for letting me know with such kind words.

Happy New Year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thank you for being part of us, for being part of Blurt. Most of all for being my friend, in good times, in hard times and above all for encouraging me to keep standing up. Thank you very much.

Alanis is my wife's and my youngest daughter's favorite performer. I am a metal fan and therefore I always remember the good riffs of Dimebag Darrel with Pantera. Thank you and happy new year

Thank you for your kind words and view of me. You are such a big part in what makes Blurt special for me.

above all for encouraging me to keep standing up.

Life is in dire need of heroes, and we have been trained to think of them as folks in capes with super powers. The reality is heroes are made manifest so often in what appear on the surface to be little choices. Little yet to the one making them they can often appear monumental, and in hindsight to those who fell under the light that was created from them gratefulness is born.

I saw quickly you are a natural hero, one who has the heart to look directly into the fire of the moment and acknowledge the choices are there to make, and brave enough to walk into it and shoulder the burdens of what needs done. Thank you for accepting my encouragement and walking into those fires. It's been both humbling and satisfactory to witness in a world that seems filled with those who refuse to see, let alone look at the tough decisions.

Alanis is my wife's and my youngest daughter's favorite performer.

My favorite music is from the seventies, and she would have fit well in there. She has a flavor of folk to her music, much like Gordon Lightfoot so I grew to appreciate here despite my initial dislike from her whining song about being jaded by her lover leaving her. One can say she really grew on me.

I am a metal fan and therefore I always remember the good riffs of Dimebag Darrel with Pantera.

I knew of all the folks here you would get the second video. I have a feeling most will not, lol. I always favored hard rock, despite my appreciation for softer music as well. In the seventies there was no one better than Aerosmith and Judas Priest.

Sadly Aerosmith turned more into a pop rock band, but their early roots were hard as hell.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a beautiful post. Thank you.
Caring for each other will be one of the new currencies. You are showing us one way how: edification of others. Kindness, praise, and love.

Caring for each other will be one of the new currencies.


Happy New Year to you and yours.

How time flies, a year with so many achievement's

a year with so many achievement's

Indeed it was. Many blessings and I wait with excitement to see what the new year holds in store.

Happy New Year.

I am so optimistic about 2022 and feels great to be part of Blurt

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Great full to have found you here on Blurt and I enjoy the post's you do and the support of others that also builds the success here for all.

Thank you. I've never been a fan of the Q thing, but I do love that saying that you see with it all the time.


Where We Go 1, We Go All

My dear and dear friend, first of all I want to wish you a happy year 2022, may it be full of health, prosperity and opportunities, I wish you all the best for you and all your family. You are one of those wonderful people that appear in the path of our life, despite the distance and not knowing your name or your face, the strength of your words reach here, you have allowed me to see things in a very different way, you have also taught me that you can help others in different ways. You are for me a special being, that's why today I want to thank you for being here. Hugs

Your words as always are very generous and kind in your assessment of me, for which I'm grateful. You are a special being to myself as well, for many different reasons. You have a gracefulness in the way of your conduct, and your impact on Blurt is quite strong as you seek ways to make others experience here one of quality and caring.

Here in the United States, many women have considered being a lady is mostly looked down upon and behavior of the vulgarest type is considered empowerment. It has been refreshing to experience that the art of a woman being a lady is not dead in the world, as you exhibit the characteristics strongly. My partner is also a lady, but she is from Portugal so I believe that plays a part in why.

It's been sad to watch the art of civility and decency seem to fade to being a thing of the past, and has been quite refreshing to find that there are still remote corners where such conduct is embraced, such as we see here at Blurt.

I'm wishing a great 2022 for yourself and your family as well. I believe that this community we are building will be life changing for those of us cultivating it, and I thank you for being one of the pillars that allow this to be so.

Thank you for your words and your appreciation :)

Happy new year friend, since you came to blurt I started to follow you, I like your writing and then all the dynamics of your blog, the topics, contests and now beneficiaries, have been interesting, I know that this year 2022 you will continue to contribute even more.
I wish the best for your life, especially health and happiness for you and your family.

Thank you. I've appreciated your interest as well as your own contributions to my community and the larger Blurt community.

I believe there are exciting things in store for us here at Blurt. We're just getting things rolling, and the best is yet to come.

I appreciate that you have taken the time to share yourself and your family here at Blurt, giving the atmosphere here one that is realistically touching. Despite the issues plaguing your country, there is a feeling associated with your sharing here that has been lacking here in the U.S. since the late 70's to early 80's. So when I read the glimpses into your families life you bring to us here, it has a nostalgic feel to it, for which I thank you.

I have great faith that this year will be better for my country and I wish it with all my heart

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You and I are definitely found somewhere in the universe, minutes ago I just did a thank you post on Blurt, and now I just read you and I find the same force of energy and essence.
Therefore, before the new year comes to me, I want to send you my best wishes, and thank you for being part of my special friends, the kind that just by reading you can bring joy to the soul.
I am happy to know how well you have done and if I can support you in something for this next year, you can count on me. There are some things I don't understand, like this:

I wish to share now the breakdown for the 9 beneficiary posts. The numbers given exclude rewards for the curators and is only what the beneficiary received.

I'm just asking out of curiosity, to see if I can also help you.

I send you a big hug and I thank life for having found you.
Happy new year and good vibes. ;)

There are some things I don't understand, like this:

I wish to share now the breakdown for the 9 beneficiary posts. The numbers given exclude rewards for the curators and is only what the beneficiary received. 

Many of my last posts have named another as beneficiary for 99% of the rewards. So when the post pays out, instead of me getting half the cut, the person I've named as beneficiary has been receiving 99% of my author rewards.

The breakdown I have there is how much each beneficiary received when those posts edifying them paid out.

You and I are definitely found somewhere in the universe, minutes ago I just did a thank you post on Blurt, and now I just read you and I find the same force of energy and essence.

I have noticed and mentioned before there is a force of likeness between us. A good work of fiction that suggests a reason why is called the Celestine Prophecy if you ever want an inspiring read. :)

thank you for being part of my special friends, the kind that just by reading you can bring joy to the soul.

Likewise, I appreciate more than you can know the care and grace that you bring to Blurt for each of us. Your ability to let each of us know how special we are is a true gift for which I'm most thankful.

Thank you for all of your support this first year, and your continued support. Get better soon, and happy new year to you and your family.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl


Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

A very happy new year,matey !

A very happy new year,matey !

Shhh...don't let the gubmint here you talking about being happy. lol

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you as well.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Nice run down of the year and the blessings you, myself and others have had on blurt. Even if it performs just the same this year we will all be better off indeed. But there is opportunity for even more. Valuation, community, sharing, learning, creating and voting.

The number and basics of your blurt journey have been very similar to mine. I have not reached one year yet but when I do I think my numbers are going to be very similar to yours withing 10%.

I'm looking forward to reading your journey as well. Another post I would love to see you make one day (perhaps I missed it) was how you came to manifest your desire to curate the African community.

I'm heartened that your numbers will be similar. I think many of us are proof on the abundance Blurt offers, especially when one sheds the scarcity mindset and cares for ones neighbors. As more see the truth in this I believe more will seek to emulate the trails being created in this.

I believe the Blurt community will see much acceleration this coming year. So much is manifesting already.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You know I don't think I have every posted the why, only the how and what. I will try to do that at some point.

Yes blurt is a powerful tool is what I have come to realize over the last 9 months. I am sure the good vibes and user base will grow. It is great to see that even with the sharp increase in price it has not gone down. Blurt is still young and I can not imagine the future especially after the first halving.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

During this time, I've often thought about how people can be successful on Blurt. Has a large number of Blurts and sounds. But today, those questions have been answered completely by reading this post. Building relationships and social interactions is the most important thing. The concept of empowering oneself, and then helping others to grow together is a real investment. Thank you very much for sharing this very valuable information.

I'm glad you found it helpful. I think one aspect that can't be emphasized enough is my actual post to comment ratio. It took such a heavy emphasis on commenting to build the many quality relationships I have. Good comments, such as you left here today. I think so many just write up (often boring) posts, hit publish and sit back waiting for votes and that's just not how it works.

Best of luck in the coming year, and I hope as we close out this new year that your account will be one that others are looking to as one of the leaders here. Each of us can take that burden upon ourselves at any moment, and begin being the vision we wish to see more of here. Blurt offers that freedom, and will continue to thrive and grow as more understand this. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think so many just write up (often boring) posts, hit publish and sit back waiting for votes and that's just not how it works.

Yes, I felt it at first. Very boring. But after looking for more information about what successful people on Blurt (like you) are doing, I started making small changes during my activity on Blurt. Make one post, the rest go around visiting blogs with interesting content.

Best of luck in the coming year, and I hope as we close out this new year that your account will be one that others are looking to as one of the leaders here.

Amen. Thank you for the support.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What a year to wrap up!! Each time I read through your posts , I eagerly wanna read the next line and again and again and I am buried in the post to the end !
Well done , no doubt you have achieved so great a feat within a year ! I am a beneficiary of your lavished generosity. Thanks so much .
It’s important that you have all these on record , this will surely motivate the year ahead !
We look forward to seeing more of you . Wishing you a happy new year !

Thank you for your kind words.

I believe that with Blurt we are going to see many accomplishments in the way of pulling many out of the misery those who rule by gun love forcing most into.

There is so much possibility, but requires one to step outside of the boxes of thought we have been trained to hold onto. The mind constructs are demonic to use a biblical reference.

I know you are a busy man, but perhaps you would be interested in a series I wrote some time back. I'll list them here in Chronological order for if or when you may have time and perhaps a desire.

Thank you for sharing your time with me here to read and leave such a thoughtful comment. I appreciate very much your addition to the Blurt community, and the possibilities that has created for so many different aspects.

Happy New Year to you and yours.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am so delighted to have the links !
I will surely take out time to read through each ! I am convinced of the outcome.
Thanks once again . Do have a great year ahead .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In Nigeria we are yet to enter the new year, we have about 2hours and some minutes left..

Happy new year to everyone!!!!

Wow happy anniversary blurt I wish I found out about it from the beginning!

Wow... You have really achieved alot in 1year.
Congratulations 🎉 and I wish you a happy and prosperous new year

Thank you, and Happy New Year to you as well.

I wish that 2022 will be a better year for everyone

Happy New Year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I pray for blurt will longevity and number one platform. And It must go.
Happy new year dear friend....

And a happy New Year to you as well. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much. I want the covid situation to end this year. May all people be happy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello dear @practiculthought
New year has come.
2021 year bye! bye!
Has gone from all us .
And New year 2022 has come.
I most welcome to new .
I wish everyone blurTian!
I hope that everything will be good
in our life.
I congratulate from bottom of my heart.

Wish you a very Happy Year 1 on Blurt and loads of power to you for a succesful blurt journey @practicalthought.
Wishing you a very Happy New Year 2022

Happy New Year to you as well. Thank you.

In India, we have entered to the new year.
So, I wish you Happy New Year 2022 by heart and soul. May the New Year bring millions and billions of joys and blessings into your life and may you accumulate a lot of successes and a number of blurts in this year!

Happy New Year to you as well.

Wow you are here from one year ! great
In India we entered the new year 2022 so
Many many good and happy new year 2022
@tariqueshafique from India

Happy New Year.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My dear and dearest friend, first of all I wish you a happy year 2022, may it be full of health, prosperity and opportunity, I wish you and all your family. You are one of the wonderful people who appeared in our way of life, despite the distance and not knowing your name or your face, the power of your words has reached here, you have allowed me to see things differently, you have taught me that you can help others in different ways. .

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It is insulting to me that you copied almost word for word the comment someone dear to me has left here for me. You weren't even smart enough to let a comment or two slide in between the comment you stole.

I noticed the other day on another persons post I'm close to (@michelangelo3) that you did this same exact thing there. Please refrain from commenting on my posts again, as I find myself not likely to ever include you in what I consider to be my community. I will also point out on any subsequent posts that you are plagiarizing comments and tag others who will also look unkindly on your behavior if I see this elsewhere.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like how YOU handled this...
Without Drama...
Without a Proposal...
Without ebegging the life out of the community...
Just pointed at the culprit and explained yourself.

You appear to know what you're doing.

Thank you.

Sometimes it works. I had one a couple of months ago who weighed in on one of my posts denigrating plagiarism, and when I went to her blog saw she was plagiarizing herself despite her attempts to justify limiting property ownership to fight it. I called her out on it, and while I don't support her for other reasons, I'm happy to say she owned what she had been doing and stopped it.

And if it doesn't work one can always call them out at the spot when it happens, then mute them once enough become aware of it.

I think a lot of this stems from having it beat into our heads that we are worthless pieces of shit, and have nothing meaningful to contribute other than obedience. Especially in a lot of the countries many of the Blurt users are from. The idea that they could sit at the table with others as an equal is not something they have been trained to consider. I'm hopeful that as my time here goes on I can convince those who have been enslaved mentally in such ways that they are equal, and the size of ones wallet is not a determining factor, nor is how badly one might be struggling. Most struggles folks face is never indicative of the folks themselves, but usually the pieces of shit rulers who have lots of men with guns to force such evil systems.

Sorry for rambling on, but I could have kept going, so there's that, lol.

Yeah, no need to call others into this. It was between myself and the person, and the other person I tagged as I saw them do this on that persons post the other day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


A rambling log like myjournal or myspace...
With interesting Table layout... Crypto graphic-ally assured p2p commerce community playout ... Wow ...


I'm not sure what I'm looking at there.

A question for you. Lucylin commented that they will be leaving for VYB as soon as they fork and will only be there. Will you also be leaving or will you be sticking around at Blurt?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Salute to you and your thoughts. Also salute to your article. So that you keep posting this method smoothly among us. Thank you.