On Responsible Ownership

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

Due to a recent event here at Blurt, that again brings a taught mindset on ownership and assumed/desired responsibilities, this topic needs visiting. An important topic, as its ramifications in society itself always seem to be in a state of push/pull. In that state for sure as those who control the ownership behind the illusions ensure that it is always so. When they divide us amongst ourselves it makes ruling us so much easier.

In society, we see an unhealthy resentment by the majority towards those who have large ownership. Underlying that resentment is a just reasoning however. Those who have vast holdings in life exert an undue ownership on the masses indirectly from this ownership. Unfortunately, those who control these massive holdings aim most as weapons against those who have accumulated a little. Ensuring that they will forever hold the controlling ownership themselves.

By undue, I’m talking about such things as water rights, mineral rights, air rights etc. And of course the further infringement on the masses which comes from their monopolies that operate to further erode the masses rights. Those who operate under the illusion they represent the masses almost always accept gratuities. Gratuities in exchange for further enriching these large owners at the drastic expense of the masses.

Here in the pretend democracy known as the United States I noticed pretty early in my life that our government, sells out the masses quite a bit. They (Democrats) always talk big about making the super rich pay their fair share, yet under their control the corruption is most evident. The bills they pass to supposedly fix these imbalances always result in things being worse for the masses and funneling more power to the large owners. As they (politicians, especially Democrats) see their own ownership rise exponentially in payoff for their new laws favoring the large holders.

These bills typically always have some nice sounding name that on the surface purports to serve the interests of the community. While always resulting in the opposite. Tax the rich always ends up being tax the middle class. Most often to funnel the new revenue to the large owners. As well as those who are willing to be slaves in poverty who are promised a small slice of the new revenue if they will continue to vote for these programs designed to whittle down the so called middle class.

I saw early on in my life when my struggle was worse many of the single mothers would buy an overflowing cart filled with food with their food stamps. Amounts of food I was unable to buy because I ensured my family stayed intact no matter the sacrifices I had to make. Food in these mothers carts I helped pay for from taxes out of my check. But here in the U.S., the politicians have incentivized breaking families up and forcing men out of their childrens lives.

You see, the bills claiming to help, because it put food on their table despite the fact it often is caused due to bad choices, now came out of my ability to put food on my own table. The rich people for the most part were not contributing to feeding those mothers and their kids. Those of us struggling and refusing to be enslaved by the social programs were funding it. And continue to fund it.

I remember watching an extreme example of this on a video some years back. A woman with 14 children (no fathers in the picture) made a video demanding to know who was going to take care of her kids. As if the men she slept with weren't the answer, as well as herself for choosing these men to sleep with. The Democrat answer for her dilemma would be to take even more from those of us struggling to obtain ownership, not the extreme wealthy as we have seen from the track record.

This Mindset Was Initiated And Crafted For Steem And By Default Hive.

At Steems inception, this mindset that is used by those in control to increase their ownership at the expense of the masses was honed to precision for those who created it. Much like the Democrats here in the U.S. who always have causes supposedly in the name of the greater good yet usually does the opposite and enriches those large holders who always seek to whittle down the quality of life for the masses, those of large stake from the beginning at Steem and Hive do the same.

Turning the lower masses against the middle class and a few large holders who won’t be part of the illusion, they stir up the passion against any whose holding could ever become a threat to those who control the rewards. Much like society, it doesn’t really take much examination to see this in play. Yet, also like we see in society so many choose to not see it. Many in fact become rabid followers of the word play that would say the sky is green, not blue.

As I’ve aged more, I’ve realized how susceptible we as a species really are to being hypnotized, the spell(ing)s and group repetition of the words in play lulling us into agreements that just don’t hold up to even the most cursory examination.

They have us warring among ourselves, demanding that we have no right to hold much of anything. That we should give away our hard earned ownership, all the while protecting their own much larger holdings that are always the real threat.

Jacob and Megadrive and the others who helped facilitate the fork of Blurt all saw this flaw. Not necessarily with the same words, but it’s clear they saw it because of several actions they took when initiating the chain, and in their further tweaking of the chain.

No downvotes that would see a scenario like I described above where I had little food on my table because I had to pay to feed others who make bad choices, often as an endless cycle of bad choices because they are rewarded for these choices at the masses expense. No downvotes that also reward the monopoly holders with larger slices of the masses sweat.

In further tweaking math was devised for us that not only saw Blurt not staked no longer affecting the size of the pool, but also the pull from anothers claim diminished. Thus doing away with the insane spell(ing) claiming a rape had occurred because someone of larger means had the audacity to use their stake as they wished.

Ownership Is Not Evil In And Of Itself, Neither Is Self Interest.

It’s sad that so many jump into these aggressive mobs that attack those who should be celebrated under the illusion it targets the real causes of dis-ease in our society, the monopolies. And when I say celebrated I really mean that. When normal folks are able to be successful without infringing on the rest of us, that is always cause for celebration. Because it implies the rest of us could become like them.

When ownership is not harmful to the community, it creates a healthy incentive for those who would also see themselves capable of also having enough for themselves and those they love. It just makes no sense to from posses and attack these people, desiring to either force them to use their hard earned property for all but themselves, or worse strip them of their property. This is further exacerbated when those who formed these ill thought out posses then funnel the property to themselves and those who were the ones using their larger property rights to harm the community for real.

Here at Blurt, care was taken to shape our chain in a way that it is impossible for large owners to inflict harm directly on the community and their holdings. There simply is NOT ONE GOOD REASON for this mentality of stripping ownership or demanding funding for others to be taking place here.

While I’ve struggled my whole life to get by, having much of my meager earnings stolen from me by just such mindsets, I appreciate what I’ve been able to have, little as it is. I also celebrate those who have been fortunate either from better choices than I’ve made, or better foundations that have been able to somehow navigate the wars that have taken place on their own ability to be owners. Their continued existence (their numbers have dropped drastically during the course of my life due to these mobs that help monopolies grow) is a beacon to those of us who would also not be slaves, and have dreams of achieving our own ownership that is not harmful to the rest.

There is no room here at Blurt for such mobs. Blurt is designed for responsible ownership, meaning no harmful monopoly. Monopolies in life and at our sister chains have the ability to harm the masses. Here at Blurt that’s just not happening. The code was devised to ensure this. So anyone who brings that mindset here because they are under the spell(ing) of the perception masters are like Don Quixote. Charging at dragons that simply don’t exist.

I suspect as we see more come here from our sister chains we will have to endure much more of these attempted crusades. Hopefully they will be able to shed themselves from the spell cast upon them and understand that unlike life where we have been sold out, and the other chains where theft is also a way of life it isn’t like that. Here there is responsible ownership. The foundation/code demand it. Hope is here for any of us who focus on ourselves and don’t waste our energy attacking others.

Don’t stop believing in Blurt, yourself and the community here. We all have a fair shot here if we respect one another. Responsible ownership is coded into the chain.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The key issue that spans the different scenarios you talk about are "covert relationships". This is true in crypto-cartels as also in fake-democracies and secret societies. They all boil down to the same thing: relationships that are hidden and that are more powerful than the obvious public relationships.

It is less obvious how to solve these issues long term - whatever can be dismantled can also be rebuilt. At the moment, the benign autocrat is about the best we can create, and hence the best one can hope for. Plato was right - it was also fairly obvious.

There have been benign rulers in history - not so many but enough to gain some insights. It rarely lasts beyond the one lifetime as the heirs are rarely enlightened.

Relative freedoms have to be defended, by force if need be, and the powers needed to perceive and to act have to be developed in every individual, else the sickness spreads from within.

That perception is also necessary to discern whether you are in a pathological tyranny or a benign autocracy - to a sleepwoker they probably look the same.

This is true in crypto-cartels

It is staggering that so many otherwise bright individuals seem to think crypto is immune to manipulation when its value is based on money created out of thin air by those they think they are escaping from. As if a string of numbers held in ledgers could have just under a trillion dollars valuation without these illusory fiat creators propping it to such valuation.

There have been benign rulers in history - not so many but enough to gain some insights. It rarely lasts beyond the one lifetime as the heirs are rarely enlightened.

Exactly. I mentioned similar recently to Jacob when he announced he was considering stepping down/out of the way from his leadership position.


For the Christians out there, in the Old Testament Cyrus was considered just such a person for the Jews. He was even assigned the title Anointed of God (Christ) by them despite not being Jewish.

the powers needed to perceive and to act have to be developed in every individual, else the sickness spreads from within.

That perception is also necessary to discern whether you are in a pathological tyranny or a benign autocracy - to a sleepwoker they probably look the same.

I think that's why I continue my folly of trying to nudge people to understand their decisions. Yet despite my attempts I also see history shows those who would do this are often persecuted as the masses force the issues to a boiling point. They just don't seem capable of changing/seeing until the karma of their actions as weapons blows back on them inflicting great, often irreparable damage. All while those who pointed them as weapons stay ensconced off in their remote estates and islands, many unknown to us even. You can see some of those up high yet still not at the top are students of this dynamic, hence the fascination of so many of them in recent years of building underground bunkers. They know all to well what happens to the top mouthpieces once the pot boils over.

I swore if I live to the point this comes (I believe strongly I just might as things speed up now) that if I ever see any air tubes in my travels away from cities once the breakdown comes, i will fill as much dirt and debris in them as I can.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had been planning a long series of short quotes from Political Ponerology - it really is the psychological manual of our times, but it is also rather heavy reading. It's all there: the psychos, the neo-psychos and pseudo-psychos, the brainless minions, the accommodators and facilitators... and then the rest in quiet misery.

I had been planning a long series of short quotes from Political Ponerology - it really is the psychological manual of our times, but it is also rather heavy reading.

I had to look it up as I am unfamiliar with it. It looks like a fascinating book and I look forward to your sharing. I do believe I'll also be getting a copy of the book as well. It was recently my birthday and I received a gift card. To the dismay of those who get me gift cards, I sometimes will sit on them for months before using them. They will be happy to see me use one quickly this time.

the psychos, the neo-psychos and pseudo-psychos, the brainless minions, the accommodators and facilitators... and then the rest in quiet misery.

An apt description. The minions are so quickly replaced, they are like the horde of Genghis Khan. Always more waves of them coming to hammer the nail if the misery stops being quiet.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The book used to be freely available on the author's own website as nobody wanted to stock it!! then the author died, so as he can no longer profit from the truth one can now buy it! That's precisely how the publishing industry operates as gatekeepers, even on the net - however, still freely available on z-lib.org ;-)

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