New Beginnings

in blurt •  3 years ago 

Despite the rain that has been ongoing for 3 days now, I find myself well rested getting this third day off. Rested and having more time to contemplate/implement ideas that have been swirling in my mind for some time.

About 9 days ago I posted about a possible hybrid model that could be similar to the SteemPress model that is a plugin for WordPress.

Truthfully, the idea had been on my mind for some time, as I’ve spent a lot of the last year researching successful bloggers and the methods they utilize for their success. Coming from a self employment background that has included self publishing, I saw that blogging in many ways is just a different form of self publishing.

Many of the ways I was used to making money for myself aren’t possible where I live as they were when I was in Tucson, just an hour from the Mexico border. So blogging was a natural place to look at as a new avenue.

Get To The Point Already.

So I’ve examined my Blurt earnings for the last month. I have a spreadsheet of my daily numbers so I can pay the government their demanded cut next year. For the last month I can see that without subtracting my fees, I’ve earned 15275.311 Blurt. At current prices that amounts to around 45.00 USD.

I feel that my earnings are probably in the upper level of rewards on Blurt, and to all of those who have supported me I thank you much.

Having said that, I believe that with my own blog on WordPress I can quickly earn much more than that, and with a little bit of time perhaps a hundred times that or more. I believe I have a good understanding of how to do SEO, and view my Blurt/Hive/Steem comparison post as proof.

I still command the number one spot on Google for many spots as you can see from the links I provide both in the post and comments I made to Vickyguevara sharing more links.

It seems to me that I would fare better at accumulating Blurt by having my own monetized WordPress blog and simply buy the Blurt periodically. The final piece to this falling into place with PayPals recent announcement that they will soon be allowing those who purchase crypto from them to transfer it to an off PayPal wallet. This would allow me to transfer from them to Ionomy where I could trade it for Blurt.

So, I won’t be posting much, if at all now. I will still be curating, and commenting some but my main focus will be on my yet to be created WordPress blog. I need to make a mindmap, do some keyword research and write many articles for it. My time is limited, which was evident when I went to the one blog post per week I’ve been doing here for awhile now. That time will need to go now to the new blog.

My Heart Is Still With Blurt

Despite several handicaps I see holding Blurt back, such as low velocity on the limited exchanges we are on as well as many others, I believe in this project.

I believe in the integrity of the Blurt foundation and the witnesses who all take an active role in improving Blurt.

I believe that despite the handicaps I see, some of which there are no desires to change, the esteem held for the average user that is sorely lacking on the other chains gives Blurt the ultimate edge over them.

I also believe that ultimately my transition from author to more of an investor and curator is equally important to the growth and health of the platform.

I read quite some time back an artist on the other chains talk of how so many benefits of the chain aren’t promoted as a quality. The top one (in his mind) was how artists and others who rely on fan base support (think Patreon model, or other direct donations) could teach their fans to reward them using a system like ours. They would never actually be parted from their money as they support those they appreciate, in fact their ability to support would only increase as their rewards would see to that.

I’m hopeful that at some point this can be one of the top benefits highlighted when the talk of the Blurt chain is discussed off platform. I saw this myself when I first joined our parent chain years ago.

This chain allows me to support many people here. One person does amazing charity work in Africa. Another relies on earnings to buy medications and seek regular much needed medical treatment that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. And many others I support regularly just because I appreciate their heart, their minds and such.

Granted, in many of these cases my support is minimal to the needs they have, but it’s support just the same and as time goes on and my stake continues to grow my ability to support also grows.

And worst case scenario, let’s suppose at some point the chain just never does anything except finally collapse. I can’t really view it as I will be out my investment so far, the future buys I plan that was the focus of this post. Because as long as those I support have seen their lives improved from my actions, there is value there that can NEVER be lost. The momentary breath and smile I was able to provide was well worth that cost/loss.

Best case scenario, the project moves ahead, even if in small increments and one day moves from its current valuation of .003 to maybe .25, or .50 or even 1.00 each. This could make me possess wealth as I’ve never had before, all the while allowing me to do what I mentioned in the worst case scenario.

To myself, it’s a no brainer that Blurt is a place that welcomes our hearts. No one can come along and steal your gesture to another like the other chains. It’s approach is respectful of peer to peer appreciation, and rewards such gestures.

So to close out, please don't think I gave up on the platform when you don’t see posts on my blog here. I’m still here, just going to do more behind the scenes and invest more once PayPal allows movement of crypto.

As I’ve done a lot recently since the picture issues, here is a video for your enjoyment. It’s a live version of Be Good To Yourself by Journey. It’s perhaps the best song they had after Steve Perry joined them that showcases just what a great guitarist Neal Schon is. The band toned down their harder rock sound when they brought Perry aboard, seeking a more mainstream sound for success than their abilities in hard rock could give them.

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


Dear @practicalthought I wish you much success in this new goal that you are about to undertake. I understand that it is difficult to have time for everything. At Blurt we are all important, content creators, curators, investors, witnesses, each one has a fundamental role within the platform and is the combination of everything that gives it life. I am very happy to have met you, count on me as a reader of your blog, I am sure that I will also learn much of you. Greetings

Thank you 🍸