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Excellent tutorial, thank you for this contribution that will be useful to many people who do not know how to use Ionomy.

Thank you for your kind assessment. I know how frustrating dealing with crypto can be as one who isn't really much of a crypto person myself. Hopefully many will find this useful, and the good news is the one I initially put it together for was able to use it and get Hive converted and sent to her wallet. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ionomy is usually very easy. Especially if you send your hive to transform them into Blurt. However I prefer Probit. Which gives more life to the tokens in Coinmarketcap and Coingecko. You can handle hive, blurt and other cryptos. If you are in Venezuela you convert to USDT and send to Binance which usually has a better exchange rate. I included this tutorial in a thousand last edition of Blurt in one post.

I responded to your last comment on Probit thinking it was this one I've fallen so far behind in comments, lol.

Thank you for mentioning them. Folks in my country can't use them however. Our choices are limited in the U.S. and I've found Ionomy to be the only U.S. exchange I can trust. I'm not sure what other countries can access Probit, but would point out that in looking into them it appears they do want KYC whereas for now at least Ionomy doesn't.

Hopefully Ionomy can get acknowledgment at some point from Coinmarketcap and CoinGecko.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

if you are not going to make millionaire transactions, you can use it without KYC. At least I have not done it. I still use it to exchange my tokens on a daily basis. slds

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very informative and well explained. I hope this can be put somewhere accessible like the sidebar on blurt blog so that it doesn’t get lost after payout.

This is the portion ai like best:

So a good time to go wash dishes or some other small chore that might need doing while you wait.

Being someone who also tries to maximize time, you always win when doing something productive while you wait.

Thank you. :)

you always win when doing something productive while you wait.

Exactly. I always end up forcing myself to go to bed as I'm driven to get more things done that were left to the side. Always seems not enough time in the day, so being able to maximize is always a winning strategy. I appreciate that stood out to you in the post. i don't give it much thought other than when my partner gripes about I'm always doing things and she wishes I would just relax more. I do think however that in some ways doing things can at times be relaxing in their own right.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Awesome. Great Tutorial. I select Market price too… it seems that whenever I choose anything else it doesn’t go through ???? I watch my original value and get pretty much the same when I transfer from Hive to Bitcoin to Blurt … However , I lose a ton when I use Ethereum. So I avoid Ethereum like the plague.

Thank you. It was nerve racking trying to put it all together, lol.

I need to go to sleep soon, but wanted to get this done this morning.

I have to tell you I just did a transfer and followed ur steps to the letter and am off to wait for it to appear in my blurt wallet. Just had the email verification now. Fingers crossed I get this one right.

Just read and upvoted your post on it going through successfully. So glad it helped. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

wow, a very informative tutorial for the entire Blurt community. I like your amazing work.

Thank you for your kind assessment. I hope many can find it useful.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's good job from you. This will be a great help for the newbie. But I always surprised to see the difference of highest buy order and lowest sell order in small exchange. This is not good. Though the difference for blurt is now decreasing day by day. That means people is now wanting to in touch of blurt.

Yes, Blurt is growing as more understand that freedom of expression is allowed here.

The lows and highs you observe are those who mostly seek to profit from forcing an arbitrage situation. Buy low, sell high and create bagholders. I don't concern myself to much with that. I'm in the long vision where what I seek values a long term growth that will make such short sighted profit seeking pale in comparison. Those folks create disenfranchised bag holders and I'm focused on creating a value here with people who also understand long term vision and we will all be wealth holders as our community continues to grow with quality members.

Thankyou so much for this timely tutorial. I have to admit and please don't kick me but I already had a little go at doing this yesterday hahaha.
As you might have guessed it did not go well again. I'm not sure what I did wrong but I MAY have used the HIVE wallet memo and i was sending HBD. I only saw the HBD box this morning. I have raised a query with Ionomy (yeh get me raising my own queries now) and received an answer saying to re-transfer the HBD and he also said I hadn't put anything in the memo box (but I had). I can't resend as I sent all the HBD available and it has gone. Where it's gone tho is another question. Do you really have to change to BTC as well? Why not straight from hive to blurt? Seems a bit long-winded yes I agree.
Thanx for all your help with the other problem I'll try not to be such a pain from now on but can't promise.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Just chiming in. Yes, you need to exchange Hive or HBD to BTC because it’s the intermediate token for the conversion to happen. Currently Ionomy doesn’t have a Hive / Blurt pair (why this is so is beyond me) so you have to go through:

  1. Hive/BTC - to convert hive to BTC
  2. Blurt/BTC - to convert BTC to Blurt

Thankyou I did this yesterday and am quite chuffed with myself now

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Blurt mania is in full effect

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello @practicalthought, I want to talk you about an issue privately. Can you give me a permission of any of your private place, please?

My apologies, but I've always kept my blogging separate from my other areas of life. My blog at Steem and Hive centered on very dangerous men who control the worlds drug and human/organ trafficking and many have found death as a reward for much less than my reporting at their hands. I don't have any other platforms I use, and would be afraid of being doxxed or the platform hacked if I decided to use one for outside communication.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh shit! If so, you have taken right decision by separating them. I am sorry. Then can I tell here that I want to share?? As there are no other option.

Then can I tell here that I want to share??

Yes, of course.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Me and one of my friends, username harmonic, have planned to run a contest on blurt. It will be on various subject and every contest lasts for three or seven days. After one contest end, another will start. But we have a issue to give reward to winner. As we have not enough blurt power, we have decided to give liquid blurt beside some vote to winner. We may afford liquid blurt coin worth of 5 to 10 dollar for per contest. Now we are searching for some person with high blurt power who can give a support to winner just by a vote. Can you help me in this regard? I just want to tell you to give a 100% vote to the winner of the contest in every three or seven days. If we get some person like that, our journey will be smooth as I think.

I see many contest like that on steemit but none on blurt. So I decided to run it. I think it will encourage the users to interact more on blurt. Thank you sir.

I can do so conditionally. Here is what I can see myself doing.

  • A large part of my high vote is due to a large delegation I've received. It has allowed me to change up how I vote. I can't say how much longer I will be retaining this delegation. Once my delegation has been pulled, I would need to discontinue the dedicated support. I may choose to continue to support, however emphasis is on choose as well as it be understood I would be losing around 77% of my vote value at the time of such delegation loss, so any continued support I might choose would reflect that drastic decrease in vote power.

  • I would only be able to support contests of a somewhat neutral tone. While I enjoy historical pieces as you know, I've noticed a theme for some people that seeks to blame all people of certain shared characteristics despite their lack of participation and profit from such actions. I don't support such generalizations that seeks to foist culpability on innocent parties. I wish to further qualify this to say I've never seen this reflected for example in any of your historical pieces for which I'm glad. The sad truth is that regardless of race and cultures etc, most people who find themselves within such areas of rule are helpless and blameless for the actions of their often despotic rulers and in my opinion can't be held accountable for the evil dictates of these regimes.

  • My time is limited, and could only commit to once a week voting, which might necessitate your doing one contest per 7 days but only allowing a 5 day window to participate. Let me explain. My time here while daily is often sporadic, due to the fluctuations in my real life schedule. By only allowing the contest to run for 5 days out of the 7, it will ensure I can vote on posts that might win that were posted at the beginning of the contest, the 7 day window won't force me to try being on during a select few hours to try to vote before the voting window closes. It would in effect give me two days from the contest closing to be on and try to have as high a voting power as possible as well.

I can't think of any other possible impediments or conditions off the top of my head. If you believe you can work with this, I'm more than willing to help out. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Well this was a lot of work but couldn't be more clear.

I use Ionomy long ago and they have increased fees but nothing that hurts really and they have to make business or close the bar lol.

I personally prefer creating limit orders since you can get better prices. They will take some time to fill depending on prices fluctuations so eventually a close and create new would be needed.

As a citizen of the supposed land of the free, the growing clampdowns have forced many exchanges to close their doors to us. Many that remain hide behind the KYC regulations to steal ones coins, such as Coinbase and others are renowned for doing. Proving once again the regulations are meant as a deterrent for average people to get ahead, certainly nothing to do with protecting us.

I appreciate that Ionomy doesn't buckle as such places as Binance did, and don't have a bad rep for theft as so many of the others do. Their fees are a little high, but as one who isn't the most crypto literate I appreciate how easy they make it without worry once one knows how to use them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The only drawback that I find at Ionomy is that the way back to FIAT isn't possible so if you, for any reason, want to cash some cryptos you won't be able to.
People need to buy items or pay bills and they are done in cash nowadays. It's sad that you have to pay fees at every step ( and you have to take some) from crypto to cash.

Agreed. I've never converted crypto to fiat and need to look into a way to do so. Normal avenues such as Coinbase firghten me due to the thousands of complaints of theft from their users once they tried to initiate a withdrawal and were refused under a false claim of KYC that was no issue when depositing. Further solidifying a purposeful theft when no matter ones compliance level they pretend it wasn't enough or didn't work and just give canned responses designed to frustrate and ensure one never gets their funds.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I don't use Coinbase... I tried (they were hacked back in the past) that always was fair to me although I never widthraw into FIAT. At FXOpen I widthrew some time ago and had no issues. Of course the KYC is a must since your funds must go to/from a bank account and there's anti laundering policy here in Europe.
Hey we have here stuff for a whole post!

Thank you for creating a tutorial for Ionomy. People often get confused as there is always so much to learn about the blockchain. One thing that I do not like about crypto is that there is a huge learning curve and not everyone is equipped to deal with it so easily.

And I do agree that @Megadrive always comes in and helps everyone even if it is a small thing. He is one of the major reasons Blurt has survived all the attacks and hate from many people.

One thing that I do not like about crypto is that there is a huge learning curve and not everyone is equipped to deal with it so easily.

I agree. I've thought since almost the start back in my Steem days that if the blockchain could simplify things from buy in to password it would go far for both mass adoption and coin purchase for power up. I know in the case of buying in, I would have much more stake if i could just pay with like Paypal or a prepaid card and buy it direct. I hate exchanges, the need to jump through so many exchanges with the risk of their keeping the coin at each level, and all the james bond stuff one must do to safeguard long passwords etc.

I like Ionomy because they don't force many of the hoops with KYC.

Thanks for the step by step instructions and procedures. I will be experimenting this soonest. Good Great work my friend 👍

Thank you. I hope it helps simplify the process for you when you use it soon. :)

If you find you have questions, please let me know and I can look to see if I can add it as a step here. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for this, it will surely help new comers

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome just what I need to get going with using ionomy as I looked at it yesterday and had no idea what to do. I will try it out soon. Thanks 👍

Awesome. I hope it will simplify the process for you. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Indeed it will thank you.

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HA I just had to refind this to do another transfer using ionomy. Have reblogged so I can find it again easily. I thought I'd done something wrong with my last attempt and had lost some HBD but just received it today and been told I did it right they made a mistake. I must be cursed.

Just keep at it. Soon it will all be second nature to you. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hello @praticalthought..
thanks for Ionomy Tutorial For Converting Your Hive To Blurt.
Your post helped me a lot who is still a beginner.

greeting from me

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very important information for everyone here, because most people ask about the things you describe.
Thank you for sharing knowledge.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

very helpful. i am glad i bumped into this post as I was planning to get more blurt for my account!

Glad it will be of help. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes thank you!

Hello sir
You have done a great work.

This is my link of special post on the occasion of Diwali
Hope you will see my blog and vote for support

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@practicalthougt thanks for the tutorial, you sharing your knowledge is really appreciated 🙏

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for this mate. I googled how to transfer blurt from ionomy and your guide was right there. I used LTC in the end, about to try it out.

I'm honored that you took the time to let me know that coming in from outside you were able to find my instructions on Google. Out of curiosity I looked and saw that you were successful as well.

Welcome to Blurt. :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I was very happy that Google actually served me up the results I needed. Your guide would be a good addition to the help pages here!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks you sir so
This is a good information and good work