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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Each person is responsible for how they give their positive ratings, however it should be done at least with appropriate criteria to not turn this is a circus, today someone wrote a publication looking to hunt fools, an example was if you could republish content from other platforms, if you ask possibly it is your intention to do so. But if Hive or Steemit ask for original content why not Blurt? if we want to be part of google indexed searches why not ask for a better ceo management and original content. Additionally if there is content that is detrimental to the blockchain, attacks, theft I think there should be some method to avoid crashes we have already been through so much..., As always thanks for sharing your amazing posts.

Hello friend, thank you for weighing in.

First, lets be clear that neither Steem nor Hive required any ID verification to be members. I've never provided any such thing to either organization.

On the idea that they demand original content, I also don't see that. In fact, in the case of Hive they stole millions of posts worth of intellectual property when they forked, porting over every single post on Steem without one authors position. Some were blacklisted, some chose never to go there, yet all their work is there just the same. Hive is perhaps the largest content thief ever seen in the existence of the internet.

On the topic of Google search, to be blunt, from the way the blogs are not able to be organized with parent/child to the way most write their posts searchability for most will never happen. I've been able to get a few posts ranked high for certain terms, and that was pulling from a large knowledge base I have on the subject. Further, searchability is mostly overrated. Google admits that more than 90% of all websites will never receive one visit from their search.

Now, onto how does the platform deal with this. I would say the way other platforms handle it.

On the rest of the web, the owner of work discovers someone is using their work. They then file a complaint (DMCA) request with the platform its on. The platform then, and only then, initiated a dialogue with the accused. Offering the account who posted it there an opportunity to dispute the charge of intellectual theft. If such is met with an unsatisfactory response or outright ignored, that one piece of work is then taken off that platform.

I am a proponent for property rights, and this by extension would include the hosts such as blurt blog (not the chain, the host) having a remedy to protect themselves from legal repercussions such activity could bring.

But, this is something that in the rest of the world is initiated by an allegation from an actual creator, not something initiated by the host where no such charges have been leveled by parties who have ownership in said work.

In the case of the person whose comment and blog I used as an example here, I don't even advocate their getting kicked from the site. No owner has filed any complaints. It's enough for me to see what they are, and they will never get support from me.

Google admits that more than 90% of all websites will never receive one visit from their search.

They are promoting own businesses and agenda only

This is true. I use DuckDuckGo for most of my searches. Google will literally show you the opposite of what you search if it doesn't fit the approved sheep narrative.

if we want to be part of google indexed searches

f that crappy and rigged search engine

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

RobGoogle is failing as a search engine and they are falling. It's a corpo that's moribund and a censor that's acting to its detriment. The last two years have shown where their tentacles reach and what they can do....

I personally will never give up my personal ID online. Since the internet started I have always used a pseudonym which people who know me know is a nickname of mine in real life. I've started out online as an activist for animals and we were all in danger of being attacked by people on and off the internet so for our own safety none of us ever used real names. I have stuck by that rule to this day and my name is well known on social media. Very few know my real name unless they meet me in the real world. There is word that this will become the norm to even get on the internet. If that becomes the case I will no longer use it except for the things that do recquire ID in the world.

I don't think most understand how dangerous it is to shed light on things, such as we both shares here we have both participated in.

Sadly, many things that for many seem innocuous are getting folks canceled, harassed and stalked costing people jobs and threats of and actual threats of violence.

There is word that this will become the norm to even get on the internet. If that becomes the case I will no longer use it except for the things that do recquire ID in the world.

That will also be the day I'm done with it too. I already opt out of crap like Fakebook so many of my family seem to need. They all think something is wrong with me because I don't desire the monitoring and self reporting these sites demand.

Yeh speaking of the danger aspect ur right, it is dangerous to speak the truth. It's been dangerous for quite some time to speak about cetain subjects like 'vaccines'. People have died, some I knew personally.

I've witnessed one of the leaders at the forefront of challenging the trafficking be jailed, have false BOLO's issued from the county attorneys office, had his entire organization threatened by the FBI, a homeless camp he ran for homeless vets destroyed for his refusal to stop shedding light on this. A camp that mere years earlier he won humanitarian awards for running. He has drawn the ire of politicians, law enforcement, large media corporations, as well as large names in the so called truther movements who have revealed themselves as shills used to placate the masses while drawing them out for identification for future harassment.

Yes, it is a very real danger.

I don't think its AS dangerous now as complying and taking the shitshot tho, there is that ;-)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Whilst I 100% agree with maintaining anonymity for whatever reason people choose (I simply don't want people to know my personal details, they can learn who I am by what I post and what I write about), I find the challenge of plagiarism and theft of intellectual property one which Blurt has to play a role in.

My reason being...

I am a content author - I write original content and share it on various corners of the internet. As you say, if somebody steals my content, it's my responsibility to get it removed from wherever it's being shared. If that content is on Blurt, I want my photography, my content, whatever I have created to be removed from Blurt.

Who do I contact for that? Users are anonymous, they value their anonymity and Blurt doesn't know who they are. As you say, for some, it's a big selling point for joining the platform. So where do I turn? Do I contact Blurt? The author's ignoring my messages.

Somebody's now selling my content on this platform, making money from my content (irrespective of whether a few people notice this and choosing not to upvote it).

Is this a loss of their freedom? Or a violation of mine? I'm a grown up, what do I do?

I'm not going to go off and sue trollsoccer, he's anonymous. So who is my lawsuit going to be against?


  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

So where do I turn? Do I contact Blurt? The author's ignoring my messages.

Yes, exactly. Just like elsewhere. I can tell you that as a self published author, this is exactly how it would work. My work is on dozens of unauthorized websites, many offering them alongside hundreds of thousands of other books, often claiming for free. Now in my case, I've never once sought for a take down. However, others aren't as glib about it as I am. Perhaps easier for a self publisher, because I have a mindset that the folks who are likely to either purchase or download for free at these unknown sites likely would never have paid for my work on legitimate sources such as Kindle, Apple, Nook, Kobo etc anyway.

But lets say as an author I stole your image from Depositphotos. You see it on the cover of my book, and however one determines (this part is iffy to me as I don't know how you could tie my buying of the art to my possible pseudonyms on the cover of the book), you would then either reach out to me personally seeking proof I had publishing rights to your photo, or send a cease and desist (jumping the gun slightly imo) or you would contact Kindle, Nook etc filing a DMCA complaint.

You will never stop thieves from doing what they do. I as a free man am tired of being placed under surveillance for the actions of others, especially when this doesn't stop it from happening at all. I can remember what it used to be like without all of this surveillance, and what it meant to be free.

I'm not going to go off and sue trollsoccer, he's anonymous. So who is my lawsuit going to be against?

If your implying that you should be able to sue the host itself, we part ways here. I believe it is reckless to believe one has an actionable claim against them if they are willing to spend their time and energy determining if you have a real claim, and act on it if you do and aren't just wasting peoples time filing a frivolous DMCA which happens ALL THE TIME.

First, it is in most cases a bit narcissistic to seek any sort of large payoff when odds are as I pointed out above the loss was probably negligible at best.

Second, to hold an innocent third party liable for the actions of another is off the charts, and a large part of why we find ourselves slowly not able to have nice things anymore.

You don't (or shouldn't) get to decide that since trollsoccer is anonymous and probably doesn't have deep pockets he isn't worth your time, lets see if we can find fault with the more findable deep pockets. It was trollsoccer that stole from you, not the innocent third party with deep pockets. This insane idea of holding innocent parties liable for the direct actions of others is the same mindset that demands no privacy and that we try to make the world some nice neat bubble that protects everyone from everything, including themselves.

It is a fact of life that nature is predatory. No amount of legislation and loss of freedom will ever make this not so. It just corrals more of the power to be predatory into the hands of fewer people who control these systems.

I can't protect you. I'm not responsible for protecting you. However, when I see work I find questionable as belonging to the one presenting it, I CHOOSE not to support that and reward them for doing so. That is as far as I go, and I make that choice as a FREE MAN who is tired of losing his freedom in a losing battle others demand I participate in that will never be won by them, just erode the quality of freedom.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

You will never stop thieves from doing what they do

This is true. However, Blurt has the power to stop restrict them from doing so on their platform.

I think I agree with your general sentiment and our views do part ways at the 2nd point - your message got lost somewhere amongst the "I'm a free man and make my own choices" speech.


I think you answered my main question at the beginning of your reply

So where do I turn? Do I contact Blurt? The author's ignoring my messages.

Yes, exactly.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can understand you very well.
Until a few years ago, I didn't have a smartphone, nor was I on Facebook and the like.
I didn't miss anything either and I was a total opponent of posting private stuff.
Then Uganda came...and I was forced to make our project known.
Privately, it is impossible to raise larger sums of money.
So I made friends on Facebook.
Three years ago, someone told me about Steemit and advised me to collect donations there as well.
I declined, not wanting to put myself through any more stress.
A year later, I was approached about Steemit again and since we needed donations, I looked into it.
I had no idea about cryptos and blockchains.
The requirement to collect donations is publicity and of course people need to know who I am and where the money goes.
I had to give up my identity protection....
I keep facing the question,
how much I'm going to tell you about myself and I've become more and more open.
I don't know yet what I will do in the future.
Maybe someday the day will come when I stop everything and post nothing.
Should Blurt develop the same way as Steem and Hive, then I won't bother anymore.....
We will see...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

After recently powering up/joining (finding my account lol) I've really appreciated blurts friendly, open-minded, and non-restrictive ethos. I'm here because it offers a bastion of creative freedom within an age of oppressive internet surveillance - and hive mind free thought assailants.

Ultimately, like you say, it all comes down to self-responsibility and I'd take plagiarism over surveillance colonialism - any day of the week. Give them enough rope and most scammers tend to hang themselves, and when they're outed on here - well, I think our collective actions would speak louder than words.

Welcome to Blurt.

it all comes down to self-responsibility and I'd take plagiarism over surveillance colonialism - any day of the week.

Exactly. So tired of the non stop surveillance. One could use that mindset to demand non stop surveillance on all things as we see the creep towards already. Enough is enough. Sadly so many younger people have no clue what life was like before it got pushed to this point.

Welcome to Blurt.

Thank you, I appreciate it. After a year in a self-imposed literary wilderness - I'm really looking forward to sharing my thoughts on #blurt. :)

The use of plagiarism checker is a good idea to bring down plagiarize post in blurt.
I am still In support of the opinion, that our ID should not be used as means of identification, because no body will want to show his/her personal ID on the internet.

The vision of Blurt is to allow everyone to express their self without being afraid of things like (down vote)
I believe, we can achieve that, if we all take our time to go through any post before giving our vote.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yep. Both Megadrive and I have told you that Blurt will never force ID verification. You have the right to remain anonymous and I will always fight against any action or policy that would threaten that.

If people want to identify themselves, that's fine. If they want to remain anonymous, that's fine, too.

I'm not personally completely anonymous; anyone who wants to find out my identity can do so easily enough, but I do understand the importance of anonymity for someone in your situation.

I'm also against collecting data on our users. As I told other members of the core team recently, data we don't have is data that can't be leaked in case of a security breach.

As I told other members of the core team recently, data we don't have is data that can't be leaked in case of a security breach.

Exactly. In the last several years I've had my information compromised from

  • United Airlines

  • Department of Defense

  • Ebay

  • Target

Just to name a few. The airlines and DOD are really frightening, as if they can't keep hackers out then who can? I get urged all the time now to pay all my bills online and sign up for this or that app on my phone.

No thank you, just more points of concern for myself.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  


Indeed i fully agree , for multiple reasons connected to free speech .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

This is one powerful post!
Thank you for protecting the truth and standing strong.

Thank you for reading, and your kind assessment.

I took a look at your blog. I'm not typically a fan of art (I'm uncouth like that) however your mirror art is quite unique. It reminds me of a man I knew in the mid 80's that etched on glass, mostly for vehicles. He would do intricate designs of dragons and wizards and warriors and such.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's so lovely you had a peak on my mirrors!
Yes, without bragging, I haven't found in the world anyone who does the technique that I do. But the most important part is - cutting glass and arranging stories through symbols and forms makes me happy and satisfied at soul level :)
Have a wonderful day!!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Glad Blurt is not going to require ID to be here as I would be leaving if it was to ever happen.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I remember one user during near the STEEM-HIVE fork posting Justyy's whereabouts inciting to harm or do something bad against the guy, so if we proceed for the KYC thing it will be unfit with this kind of use case @practicalthought
We can just continue to use the "Warden' system and common sense to sort of police this platform.

Hello cryptopie.

I wish to speak with you regarding something off topic. It will be a little harsh, but I respect you enough to know your physical handicap does not imply you are mentally handicapped.

When you disappeared quite some time ago, I grew very anxious. Imagining the worst had happened due to your conditions. After some time, I needed some closure, so went to the other chains in search of any news on your life.

I was very hurt to discover you not only still plugging along, but posting with much frequency.

I feel betrayed that you chose to just drop off like that, without considering the turmoil you would create within those of us who grew to care and be concerned with your life. Very hurt that for what appears to be the at that time drop in value of the coin it was no longer worth your time to interact here with us, with me.

I'm usually immune to such things, at least to the extent I was vulnerable with you.

I don't know to what extent I will support you now that the value has gone up and is now worth your time. I suspect I will still to some extent because I still feel compassion for you despite the seeming disregard you displayed towards the impact your dropping from the platform with no explanation had on me.

But, I have grown my circles since that time and will need to work you in somehow, although my obligations to others who view this community with more value than the tokens worth take precedence.

I hope you can empathize with my words to you, and never do this to the community, never do this to me again. Your disappearance is part of why so many refuse to open their hearts to those who need compassion. I do not wish to be that person who closes their heart off, but I still can and will if I see an individual refuses to honor the dynamics of us in any way other than what monetary value can be squeezed from me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You speak from my heart!
I was exactly the same!
I also thought something bad had happened and after a while I also saw that everything is so far o.k..
Since then I no longer give upvotes.
I also separate it very well - a physical disability is not a mental disability and therefore I make no difference to other users.
You can observe very well that suddenly all kinds of people come back to Blurt,
of course, because the value increases, everything else is BlaBlaBla.....

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Don't we like people return to Blurt?, now that they are returning you now basically don't like it @elkezaksek why?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hi @practicalthought I was expecting this kind of response really and you are the first one to say it. First of all I am only posting at steem once a day with almost zero interactions. I do have to post there because I am invested at steem and I am using a vote service.

Now, I did stopped using blurt because before there was always a thing in the back of my mind that if people are coerced not to use blurt much less mention it within that particular sister blockchain then it will not flourish.

Then the blurt team taken-out the curation accounts which included killing the Filipino curation account of my friend which made her to stop being active. So I also thought how can newcomers get support considering that they need to pay in order to start here thereby making it hard for the chain to grow so it frustrated me much.

Then there was an issue with @oldstone after admins PLG/COAT him. He was my big supporter and it made me feel of course, unhappy.

I also had stated in the discord that if only Blurt would be one cent I will be happy which is why when it got to three cents I said maybe it is time to start again right back up and I am not only the one having the same thought. As you can see many have returned as expected. Don't you think that it is what we expect? for Blurt to rise in value so people can take another look, now that it is happening but you solely assume in my case it is only the factor.

There is also the factor that I sense that some people doesn't like me here, even that particular person that promises unbelievable support turning to insult me. Now I am a very sensitive person and if I feel that if there even has a slight sign of threat against me I would walk away five million miles.

Then there was this issue with site being inaccessible to finally lead to blurtter shutting down which was my preferred frontend before. So I decided to stop for a few days which lead to weeks and then months. All the while I just kept relaxing myself watching youtube videos and listening to music because I cannot do anything physical anymore for years now even my love for cooking and my hobbies I stopped them all, it doesn't mean that I betrayed my own love for doing them.

Also it is now hard for me to read and read, even watching movies had gone hard so I have to look at the screen in a way that I will not strain my eyes much less reading posts not to mention my slow as heck laptop and I am glad to upgrade it finally.

Now that I feel that you are already cancelling me together with Ms. @elkezaksek, @megadrive because he/they upvoted your reply to me here and maybe others too like double-u, because of your narrow assumptions, I do not believe now that you are sincere about being concerned about me, because I believe that if you truly care or love someone, your understanding is more vast than the universe.