Extraction Chameleons

in blurt •  3 years ago 

It always amazes me when I see extraction chameleons in action. Very few are subtle, their obvious self interest glaring so bright you wonder how so many still don't see it.

I've had an opportunity recently to view not one, but two of them here that were so obvious you have to nod and recognize yet again self awareness is not a given for most.

In one of the two cases, one who has been absent (on our chain, not the others) is suddenly interested (possibly) in blogging here again. Couldn't have anything to do with the sudden rise in valuation all the recent activity resulting in velocity inflation had though, could it?

I find such disingenuous actions repulsive, enough to use the online exaggeration it

made me throw up in my mouth a little.

While I do wish for there to be more users here, more interaction I find myself realizing that I really have no desire for those who abandon the community during low periods to come around to try skimming during the better times. It's insulting really.


Hey, good news. I'm back for another go at this, I really missed you all so much

Would look more like this if they were honest.

Hey, now that it looks like it might start being worth my time to interact with you losers, here I am. Now upvote me and give me some of the coin. I promise to toss some crumbs here now. Before, even though it was simply a matter of copy pasting my posts from the other site I make my real money at, you weren't worth the effort. Now though, you can have my crumbs.

The other person I was excited at first to see. They have been in some insane drama over at Hive with the upper echelon who love to steal rewards. I've counseled this person before they should stop supporting that dynamic and just move on, and thought perhaps they finally got it.


They just decided to cross post here a couple times to spread the word on how evil the Hive is, while demonstrating they can't stop being there. They managed two posts and one comment in reply to mine when I responded to being tagged.

In both cases, the disregard for the community speaks volumes on why these type of individuals are bad for a community. Both are here merely to extract, albeit different ways.

The one is willing to trade the crumbs now for crumbs of tokens, the other wanted to trade on community sympathy. The one thing in common is neither person cares for what they can do to make the community stronger. To do anything to enrich. It's all about what can I get right now to scratch this itch, screw anyone else's itch.

I have a feeling in the coming months as Blurt continues to solidify and create paths that deviate from the other chains, we will see more of these chameleons making their way here. Testing to see if it is worth their time to extract.

They will find from my corner I've reserved my support for those who wish to be part of a real community. Which means they are looking for ways to enrich the community, not looking to be a parasite while the eating is good.

I noticed back on Steemit we saw this a few times from some well known influencers. They saw a community, and would upload their videos. A few of them I was excited to see arrive, and would vote and comment. When I noticed no replies, and upon further examination no replies for anyone they were quickly taken off my follow list. I could view their material on whatever platforms that still allowed them without wasting my community time and votes. They weren't part of the community.

I'm hopeful as we see more of these extraction chameleons entering the Blurtosphere, that most remain vigilant in remembering who stuck through the harsh times here. To continue supporting and rewarding of those who stayed in the trenches with us. And in the case of the one who came here and tagged me, once they expose their colors to quickly cut them loose so the support isn't squandered towards an intent that does nothing to aid the community.

Blurt is making many moves lately, and for those who turned their backs on us because the payoff wasn't worth it should just keep trucking along elsewhere in my opinion. We weren't worth it then, they aren't worth it now.

Blurt is heading for the moon once people realize the projects that are coming, realize there is ZERO censorship here. The extraction chameleons can get left behind once they've revealed their true colors.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think every human being should have enough idea about any job before starting it. And we have to have enough patience to do the job and have strong morale. We should not keep any work incomplete. It applies to all areas, be it blogging sites or any other work or platform. To work on any platform you must first be patient, keep your morale strong and work properly.
Then one day success will have the highest probability. Anyway, nice to read your post. But I can't watch the video of your post ...

It's amazing how many people have blogs using something like WordPress, and they not only never make money, they lose money paying fees for hosting and ads etc. They gamble that at some point they will get enough traction to pull in an audience and perhaps be able to monetize.

Many who come to these social blog blockchains seem to want everything now, and care little for audience or community.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When there is no money, the maximal income is always zero - when there is some money, the maximal income is always more!

sapiens? unlikely.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think Blurt is a very good website for those who write blogs. Because they don't have to lose any money to work here. Rather, they will get a strong community and good support in here. Do you agree with me?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Do you agree with me?

Not entirely. The problem in this dynamic is on several fronts.

Many who view the entry as so easy would never consider investing

Because they don't have to lose any money to work here.

And yet, the only way the token has a valuation is from those who are willing to lose their money to invest in it. If more come who enter the door of no risk of loss than those who are willing to invest and lose, we will see a low valuation of the project due to as many or more seeking to merely extract from the monetary value than can support such an approach.

A sign of a strong community is where we see an actual monetary investment that takes that risk of loss.

I saw that early on years ago when I joined Steem.

While my out of pocket investment pales greatly against some, I will use my investment here at Blurt as an example. I invested nearly 5000 Hive into Blurt when I came. Hive was valued much less then, and by todays valuation i would nearly be a whale with close to 900000 Blurt. I don't regret my timing though, as it is what it is. I saw I wanted to be part of Blurt, and as such wanted to enter from a position of possible loss as that part of the equation is much more necessary at this stage than contributing through posting.

I don't knock those who have nothing to risk having said that. I cant afford loss either really. But if this is to succeed it will require more to understand that a community also needs funding and not just posting and cashing out.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I can understand you well.
When Hive came about, I wanted to choose.
Unfortunately, that didn't work because of the Uganda posts.
I didn't want to go to Blurt because I don't have the time or inclination for three blockchains.
I think you know how I got here ...
and then I liked the community so much that I swapped a lot of Steem and Hive for Blurt ...
I never had that community feeling with the other blockchains.
I think most of the people on all three blockchains are mainly interested in making crypto.
Money rules the world - that will never change.
But I think the people here who believed in Blurt during the bad times support each other and that's a good thing. Friendships have also developed and in the @double-u pub you often end up feeling like you've spent an evening with friends ...

That's right, the vibe here at blurt is different than on the other platforms, I think there is feeling.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Exactly!! Feeling!

I have seen several people who have returned after leaving everything here, and it bothers me to see that, but I focus on those who have always been ... in good times and bad ... I cured them with affection.

However, in my curatorial work on the 3 platforms, I think that's normal, people abandoned steemit when hive was born, steemit was left deserted and then when steemit recovered its value, those who had taken out all their SP began to return, now in hive there are people who are coming back because its value has risen.

and I have also seen loyal people who stay on one platform, be it good time or bad time .... they are faithful to the end !!!

people abandoned steemit when hive was born

I look at that as we were forced to leave. I began powering down there the moment Justin Sun began talking about he owned Steem and was going to transfer it and all of us over to Tron. I wanted no part in his stated goals, wasn't what I signed up for. I did give Hive a try, much to my financial regret. They didn't learn anything, weren't actually opposed to tyrants running the chain. They were just upset they were replaced as the tyrants and needed to set all right in their world where they were once again the big shots ruling over the terrain.

they are faithful to the end

How it should be when the idea being adhered to is morally correct. I would rather go down financially with the honor of those running blurt than get enriched by the evil schemes of those at Hive.

Thank you for reading and sharing your thoughts. :)

They were just upset they were replaced as the tyrants and needed to set all right in their world where they were once again the big shots ruling over the terrain.

that's exactly what happened.. everything remained the same...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Just another day at the zoo watching animals. I can understand that feeling you get as I have felt it too.

What bothers me is the constant talk of what they will do for the community and things. I always like when someone does something and then later if they want to toot their own horn great, as no one else will do it for you.

I always like when someone does something and then later if they want to toot their own horn great, as no one else will do it for you.

One of the draws you have for me is how you do so much for others. You do so quietly really, other than your comment on those posts you curate. You don't make posts detailing how great you are to the African community. If one never looked at the posts you curate the fact you do so would be lost for most.

I hate tooting my own horn, usually only doing so if something angered me in the selfishness of another, or if my own character was called into question by someone who has no ground to stand on themselves.

From my Christian days, I always appreciated the idea behind the saying to pray in private. It reveals a truth as to the motivations of the one praying. Same goes for those who do things for a community.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I like that analogy to praying in private. Thanks again for all your compliments, blushing...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell. También, encuéntranos en Discord

It is human nature to find greener pastures. I know a lot of people get demotivated when the price is low or when they do not get the returns that they were expecting.

But then we must also give some benefit of the doubt that they were busy with other stuff or maybe having a difficult time.

I have been here on Blurt for a year and there were times especially last year when there was a hack and nothing was working. Like many others, I too was frustrated but I kept believing in this project.

The best thing to do is to ignore those people who do not add any value to our lives.

But then we must also give some benefit of the doubt that they were busy with other stuff or maybe having a difficult time.

That benefit is lost when one goes and sees the same people posting daily elsewhere, and now that price is going up we're to believe they suddenly aren't as busy, lol.

Like many others, I too was frustrated but I kept believing in this project.

Thank you. That is what defines a real community are those who don't abandon the trenches when things look bleak.

The best thing to do is to ignore those people who do not add any value to our lives.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Well, you got that one seriously wrong, matey......
Interesting take though....


A take based on actions. You mentioned in one of your other comments you will be contributing more, and that will be awesome if you decide to immerse yourself in the community here. So far, that hasn't been the case.

So far, you have only posted and commented a couple of times when I wrote this piece, all Hive related. There was an obvious lack of your interest in what anyone else was posting, as evidenced by both your lack of comments and votes. During the same almost week of time you had plenty of interactions on Hive.

It is what it is, but so far you have demonstrated zero real interest in Blurt and the community beyond how it could be useful to you in your Don Quixote battle that only serves your enemies interests.

An interesting thing about folks. One can make a situation emotionally charged and it acts as a magnet, even when the pull is negative. I remember someone busting the Bernie Sanders account years ago as he staged (successfully for some time) a flag war between his accounts, creating emotional drama. Also read a comment from Ned on how great the Bernie/Haejin war was for Steem.

Such emotional charges keeps combatants involved, and serves to draw both spectators and new entries into the combat arena. The only win in that situation is for those being charged emotionally to withdraw from that circuit. Stop adding to the charge and allow the other elements being charged from the dynamic to dissipate.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Huh? How can they say Hive is evil when it's better than Steemit. People there are stealing rewards? Oh looks like I haven't been the loop then.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hive is getting worse by the day, and the way the big accounts treat anyone that doesn't agree with them.

I'm moving over to blurt myself...(see my account on hive!).

Without downvoting corrupting everything - I see no reason why blurt can't be the improved version of hive...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh I see. That's sad to hear then... Never knew something like that was going on.
