Edification Corner Issue 4: Why Services Like Upvu Are Good For Blurt

in blurt •  3 years ago 

In this issue, the beneficiary for 99% of the rewards will be @rajitsear. My apologies in advance as this post will be controversial and has a good chance of not garnering the support my previous edification posts have. However, I picked this person as they are a great example of a point i wish to make here. I'll return to that after I discuss some of my disgust over the ignorance and hypocrisy I watched unfold a week ago, as well as make the case for why Upvu is GOOD for the Blurt ecosystem.

My first point is on the many distinctions being made when suddenly there is some rationalization to justify taking SOMEONE ELSES property rights from them. I despise such maneuvers and the mental gymnastics I saw at play in the vote threads was eye opening.

I came to Blurt because of the respect the chain has for property rights and freedom in such rights. We saw that in their choosing not to steal every post from Steem as Hive chose to do, we see that in their not installing the flag theft mechanism designed to funnel rewards back into the pool so the large account holders will get most of it.

Blurt was hovering around .004 when I joined. In the threads I mentioned one newcomer whale was threatening to sell their recently acquired stake and tank the price. Before I move on to the contradictory thing they said after that, let me first say fuck you. Go ahead. I joined Blurt at a lower price than you can probably tank it to, and will be here if it falls again. And will still be here when it rises to where it still hasn't realized but will go.

I also don't appreciate this same whale saying in no uncertain terms that everyone receiving a delegation is stealing. I put them on the spot for this and of course they chose to ignore my request on highlighting who I steal from.

The final hole in their position was where they admitted we shouldn't force those who had delegated to upvu to unstake as this would result in the price plummeting as they saw at Hive with POB.

Taking a look out of curiosity I see that upvu at that time had almost 4 times the stake delegated to it as said whale who is free to slander and threaten others has.

I also wish to clear up that I didn't appreciate the way the choices were offered to us on the other whales posts. It was disingenuous to tie the options together as they were, and a special thanks to all witnesses who made that distinction in the voting comment section. For those of you who made no such distinction and voted against property rights for the bundled option, I've pulled my witness votes from you if I was voting for you. I believe a witness is able to make such distinctions, and also would serve as a champion for property rights,

Even When You Don't Approve Of Those Uses!



There were arguments made in that thread against those (the whale who made the posts especially) who self upvote heavily.

Those of you who know me should know that while I don't view self voting as community building, I defend its use and will debate vociferously against those who would seek to impose their will on anothers property.

Just as I do with delegations.

In the defense of this whale (double-u) one of his defenders unwittingly used a logic that actually would condemn him, stating it would be different if he voted many times a day for himself. Which he actually does on pub day. So perhaps we should change that to x amount of times per week since the stated abuse in the defense is actually occurring.

Or how about this. None of these mental gymnastics to rationalize anothers use of THEIR PROPERTY even take place, and we respect the ownership. Then we don't have to come up with rules to justify why it's ok to exert our will on anothers property. See how easy that is?

I need to make one last point regarding allegations made against double-u and his self voting. It was said (based on assumptions, appearances and also mental gymnastics that allows the dictation of how another uses their stake) he was operating from a position of greed. I can't rule out some of that as I mentioned before I found the tying together of delegations and delegations for self vote disingenuous, but for those of us here who know him his generosity is well known.

A case in point was one of my previous edification posts that highlighted him and made him beneficiary. I'm sure many of you are unaware (who goes back to outdated posts?) of this, but his portion of the rewards for that edification post were 1269.407 Blurt. He gave that to Elkezaksek. Not only gave that to her, but decided to ROUND IT UP to 2000 Blurt. That's a pretty huge round up. Not something one who counts their pennies would do.

I saw many hurtful things said about others that were unfair, myself indirectly as well with the stealing implications.

All so unnecessary if we didn't try to tell others rules on their property. And I stand firm on my defense of it, and will call you out on your bullshit narratives to whittle it away despite the size of your wallet and if YOU decide it makes me an enemy when I oppose your narrative.

One last point before I move on to the topic on why upvu is GOOD for Blurt.

There were several who aren't witnesses who voted unequivocally that delegations were bad and needed abolished. Some of those taking that position among those I appreciate and support and follow. I wish to apologize, as I had no idea you felt so strongly against them, and to honor you and how you feel on this issue, I will try to keep all of my future support of you in upvotes to the general area of stake weight that I hold minus my delegations. I have no desire to force this upon anyone who feels so strongly against them, and I just wish you would have said something to me sooner when I was giving you upvotes higher than my normal means. I have rectified this since those posts, so you can feel relieved that I honor you and your feelings on this matter.

Ok, now I have my butthurt part of the post out of the way, I will move on to why

Upvu And Similar Services Are Good For Blurt



One need only look at the action taken by the foundation in seeking a happy medium to the perceived problem of upvu to see the truth of what I'm about to say. The picture above gives a visual.

Fearing that there would be massive selloff if the current delegations were stopped, which would tank the price more than the slanderous new whale threatened to do and conceded was a potential issue if we pulled those delegations, the solution was to stop all future delegations.

Shortsighted in my opinion. Let me explain why.

Based on my take on upvu, their coming to Blurt played a good role in the recent higher valuations of Blurt. Because investment in Blurt financially is what creates more scarcity resulting in higher value.

Blurt is what is called a financial social chain. So the question that needs asking is this.

Is there room for those who wish to participate in the financial side without participating in the social side?

I would say yes, it benefits all of us to see this happen, due to the clear rise in value for all of us in our holdings.

I recently made a comment that I would like to share here.

I wish to broach what could be a delicate subject, yet I often see missing from topics such as this.

I understand that many come from areas where poverty is extreme, and worries over meals and such are common. And I wish to qualify this that I do support some who need to use their earnings to do such and improve their lot in life.

Yet at the same time it pains me to see that it can't be saved for the future, allowing it to grow on itself to a point where it accelerates in growth faster each week.

I believe that the value we have currently for Blurt is undervalued a lot, proven in my opinion by the inferior mother and sister chains Steem and Hive and their valuations currently and in the past.

Right now as I type this Hive is valued at 1.59 each, Steem at .46 each. There was a time when Steem was valued as high as 8.00 each.

For perspective, I wish to create a math chart. Just months ago Blurt was valued at around .003 each.

So for every 1000 Blurt one held it was worth 3.00 USD.

Now that 1000 Blurt is worth 36.00 USD. A huge jump.

1000 Blurt valued at .46 each would be worth 460.00. A really huge jump.

And then there are the intangibles of powering it up. You earn on it being powered up passively. I currently earn approximately 20 Blurt a day just from having mine powered up.

Then you earn an increase in curation rewards for voting and supporting your community. Which in turn makes them have more increasing their vote power which may also benefit you if they support you as well.

I wish there was more emphasis on this aspect when the conversation of earning was taking place. Blurt offers a chance to earn, yes. But it also offers an opportunity to give many of us a wealth with long term planning that we will not find in our lives because the corrupt systems of our countries wish us to be their slaves.

I hope one day to see that you are a Blurt whale, and a strong leader that many in your community are grateful for leading the way, teaching others how to do what I mention above and freeing oneself from the shackles our societies demand one wear.

Also, I appreciate that you are edifying your mentor. An act we need much more of in life.

To see Blurt become those valuations, one need understand we NEED investment. Many who come here either have no money to invest, or like myself just a little bit. I was able myself to invest almost 5000 Hive I converted. Just a small drop in the bucket that barely saw any fluctuation in value, and it was a brief blip lasting hours.

I love seeing the value go up, love seeing the immediate results in those I support who NEED the Blurt valued at scraps see it become larger pieces. Would love to see it be even more, where it helps provide for the many impoverished here to not only see themselves having enough, but can afford to breathe and begin growing wealth.

And lastly and more selfishly, I would love for Blurt to one day be valued enough I can escape the chains of debt slavery that hold myself and spend what few last years I might have unencumbered from dreams that steal my time and energy.

It goes unsaid by many, but most of us are here hoping that one day Blurt can be life changing for us. Or we would have a free blog on the many places that offer it without direct possibility fro ma built in function for rewards.

The community part is like some awesome bonus, where we can grow to care for one another and make an impact on one anothers lives.

BUT, this impact is also made possible by those who are solely investing without wanting to be social, without wanting to lift anyone but themselves to greater riches.

I will once again use double-u as an example, since he has over 6 million Blurt. As mentioned I don't find him as self serving despite my not appreciating those posts. I see how much good he does here at building community with his pub, and his gifts like I mentioned many of you were probably unaware of.

But lets suppose he was as greedy as another painted. Let's say he posted once per day, a one word post with 9 one word comments that he upvoted 100% to give himself all of his rewards. I argue he has this right, his stake, not mine, not yours.

The question then is this.

Does his 6 million+ Blurt that he has staked add value to Blurt?

If you can't see that it does you just can't see how this works.

It definitely adds value, and even if he chose not to support so many others and self voted as I outlined above, we would still all owe him some gratitude for investing in Blurt, and indirectly creating a scarcity that helped add a real valuation to the coin those of us focused more on the social side enjoy.

The same principle is true of upvu. If they bring investors who were originally deterred because they can't be bothered investing time alongside their money investment, then from my corner, thank you upvu.

You've helped turn my current max upvote from approx .60 (.003) to one valued at 6.40 (.032). A huge difference, and benefits not only myself, but the many folks I curate, especially the ones who live in poverty dominated countries where one is rich from a few dollars a day compared to most of their neighbors.

So the common arguments against upvu

  • It doesn't promote building a community. I suggest that it actually does indirectly. With rising valuations we see the difference as outlined above. Even without their direct interaction the investment part aids those of us focusing on that aspect of community regardless.

  • It rewards plagiarism. I would suggest plagiarism already exists here. In fact, I see many curation accounts at times upvote obvious stolen work. I would argue that it is disingenuous to hold upvu to standards that others aren't.

One example would be this post.


I think it's pretty apparent that it's stolen, and I had to add words because there wasn't enough for Grammerly who says there is significant plagiarism found (and I guarantee it wasn't my random string of words to give enough to check). And gee, look who upvoted it with their snide comment about delegating. Should we all grab our pitchforks and torches and march over to the Ctime?

Or perhaps we can wait and see what the foundation is going to unveil with the COAL program I believe it was called?

  • It rewards low effort posts. Ok, seems Steem found a solution to that. Not allow posts upvoted from delegation for vote services to show up in hot or trending. Not only will those using such a service get little more than the upvote the service gives them from their own stake, but they actually lose some of their stake as the service would want to profit off of the service. It doesn't take a great mathematician to understand that the service can only vote the stake in its possession, never exceeding that amount.

  • which leads to the argument against, that these services profit from offering a service that allows those who wish to invest monetarily without the time investment to do so while ALMOST maximizing their monied investment, minus the convenience fee an upvu will charge. If this is the argument against, why not install an option that would allow those only wishing to use Blurt as an investment vehicle to collect their full rewards for self voting in the wallet. Then they get all of their self voting rewards and don't need a service like upvu who allows them this convenience without posting 10 times a day. Would also be a partial solution to the stolen work argument by simplifying the claim of financial investment.

I'm done with this long winded part of the post. Now on to the beneficiary.




I found his introduction post last night despite his making it 6 days ago.


It was a unique post for myself, as he a priest in the Catholic church. An organization that I personally find repugnant for many reasons ranging from atrocities commuted against children to creating idols.

I had to read the post and comment section many times, as despite my misgivings over the church, the actions of the man were/are ones I view as blessings to those he has chosen to advocate for and help. I was able to finally separate the man from the church in my perception, and knew this is a man I wish to support.

He works on many fronts, seeking to educate, feed, provide medical care and much more as you can see from his post.

He has dedicated himself in service to trying to lighten his brother and sisters loads, loads that daily see good people crushed beneath in the world, often through no fault of their own.

Men like this are unfortunately rare, and when we come across them it should be our honor to search within ourselves and see if there is some way that we can aid them in their efforts, as well as edify them to others as an example of how the world can be better despite those in power demanding it not.

In his post he describes his community as

This community is best describe as poor and vulnerable .
Through my presence on ground for the past three years we have been able to build and roof an elementary and high schools and students have begun learning .

As a community organizer, we have integrated the whole community into agriculture, this is aimed at re-channeling their energies to useful ventures thereby reducing the tendency of high cult activities, crimes and other illegal activities within the community . This had worked so well .

In his lengthy reply to my lengthy comment there, a comment that was not kind to his church, part of his reply that really pulled on my heart was this.

We also agree that we must put smiling faces to a hopeless generation , to people who are like in the forgotten conners of the world . I am working in a place that is completely rural and poor . My daily struggle to bring development to this people makes them see Christ in me . It makes them cry aloud and in silence and pray that I am never transferred from their place . Keep in mind that this is only a drop in an ocean , should they conclude that all priests are perfect being ? Far from that because their experience is not rooted in all yet , but in some they have met !

We keep the struggles as humans until we depart from this one . My philosophy of life is simple ; “if you can’t feed a thousand , feed one “

I believe men such as this deserve edification for the actions they take for another, and support as well. I say often

If not us, then who?

This man has fully embraced such a saying long before our paths have crossed, and I'm both humbled and grateful to read his story of light in a world that would throw us all down into the darkness. For those who would focus more on the community side of Blurt, his is as fine an addition as any you could make to enriching your life with a real life example of caring for one another.

I'm thankful that he has chosen to come to Blurt and share stories of triumph, something we lack in our daily worlds where those who would own us with their guns and pillaging systems bombard us with propaganda designed to make us helpless. Designed to make us hopeless.

We need more views into life stories such as this, seeing the real impact one can have on others. We tend to become the thoughts we cultivate, which is why we are bombarded with such negative propaganda and systems. Through finding examples such as this and cultivating and nurturing the actions creating them, we can replace the despair they would force us into. Even if it is as he says, only one mouth instead of one thousand. His saying reminds me of one of my favorite, from Dr. Seuss.

To the world you may be one person; but to one person you may be the world.

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Dear friend, first of all I would like to write to you, my plan was to take back my delegation at the end of the year. Now the time has come, on Tuesday evening I will do that, if there is nothing against it from your side. I'm not sure, but as far as I know this will probably reduce your VP a lot, I think if you are at 100% your VP will reduce to about 50% after that.

I thank you for taking this job and can I assure you, it has been a pleasure knowing my VP is in good hands.

As far as upvu is concerned, we have different opinions. Accounts of this kind have the potential, like a cancer, to make Blurt a dead place. My intention is not to dictate to anyone what they should or should not do with their VP. Everyone should be able to do what they want with their property, that is basically my opinion as well. But, I have learned by now, there are limits. A knife is my property, but I am not allowed to hurt other people with it.

To come back to upvu. Imagine an account that offers a service similar to upvu. Many users first delegate 1m, then 10m, later his VP increases to 100m BP, where he himself has low BP of his own. He owns sub-accounts, which he votes abundantly with this foreign VP. In this way he permanently draws BLURT from the pool for his own purposes. This kind of service I would not like to have here.

Important for me to let you know, taking back my delegation has nothing to do with your opinion you wrote about upvu here. It is good to discuss about such things, opposing views are helpful to broaden one's view.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@praticalthought It’s a known fact that nature had made all human beings equal; yet with different comprehension of events. It’s difficult to arrive at a common ground especially on a larger community like ours. But one thing is for sure, we are all set out to help other folks get it right. You made a wonderful comment, wherein you were able to highlight pertinent issues begging for answers. The high level of constructive criticism felt, will definitely trigger our collective interest in setting the ground running.

It takes ones personal disposition and the free-will to embark on a challenging project of reaching out to folks in need and the community; these are works of absolute self-service to humanity. I wish to bring to your notice also, you standing for a just cause and the many years of commitment and dedication to this cause will forever remain in the channels of history; and surely posterity will smile at you. We should not forget this, we are collectively involved in this highly challenging cause with different world-views. The need therefore to re-focus our various claims into one is of utmost importance at this moment.

Finally, I leave you with these words of consolation: It’s noble to fight for a just cause , it’s even better when you do for the sake of a greater good and for the sake of those who can never make a refund .
Thanks for standing for a just cause . May your concern be rewarded.

Please forgive the tardiness of my reply. I upvoted your comment immediately but due ot my time schedule would not have been able to leave a comment worthy of reply so knew I would be returning.

It’s difficult to arrive at a common ground especially on a larger community like ours.

I think that if we begin from a position of respect of both person and property that it does much to allow common ground to be explored. The actions that prompted this post I tied to you were ones I saw didn't do either, with slander, threats and an attack on property rights being justified using a fallacious set of parameters to vote on.

I appreciate your acknowledgement that criticism at times can be constructive, although regardless of the constructive aspects the sting of truth can't always be mitigated, as it wasn't here.

I felt it was an omen that this occurred as I was about to choose another for a beneficiary post. I felt that my own wrestling of emotion I expressed to you regarding you the man and the church you represent made you a perfect choice. I had to reconcile that you as a man and the faith that you hold dear doesn't make your honorable actions less valuable because of the church which you reside within. I could only do such a thing by respecting you the man as separate from the institution that allows you to serve both your desire to see better for our brothers and sisters, and to serve God in a way that you find best suited for your calling.

I find your sacrifices for others to be an inspiration, and the stories that you can share here to serve as a light to others. Both that we can all look for ways to help one another, and for those lost in a world of darkness not to give up hope that no one cares, there are those who do.

Despair is a horrible place to live. I thank you for seeing that and doing what you can to transform that landscape for those who have been abandoned there.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much @pratical thought !
You inspire me with your writings! You are truly blessed with the pen , this is not so common a gift . You have developed the skills of writing in such a manner that deserves praise .
Your constant disposition towards separating “ the man and the institution” , sometimes make me think about, in a strict sense, the possibility of the separation of the “pound of flesh from the blood”
Yet am glad that we have agreed on many fronts on what needs to be done to put smiles on the faces of many people who still rely on others for their survival .
I am even more happier to see people who have taken my aspirations and longings to the NEXT LEVEL , this is truly amazing .
I agree with you that despair is horrific , not a state that one should live even for a single hour . We shall continue to do the bit we can .
Let me assure you that your generosity will be channeled eventually to where you desire that it should be .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have been delighted with this publication. The whale you mention has on several occasions threatened to take away your funds, showing its true face and its origins in other blockchains. The truth is that this cannot be just a one day debate, nor did I see alternative solutions to the issue. As you mentioned and as someone commented in one of my posts, we must decide why we are here, what is our purpose. Particularly I came with the idea of monetizing and subsist against the onslaught of the economy of my country, but I have been fortunate to share and build a community with people from around the world. Now I recommend social because it is proven that it improves everything including funds. It is said that this is not a business, but it requires investors and different ideas to move forward. Even debates like these where we may or may not agree.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Every time I read one of your posts I can see things from another point of view. I always learn new things and understand that many times we are limited by our short experience.

The platform needs investors and, as mentioned, not everyone is willing to spend time on the social side. Perhaps we should focus on how to limit plagiarized posts. The good thing about these discussions is that in addition to exposing the problems, different solutions are also raised.

Thank you for always bringing a teaching for me. "Separating the man from the church "is something that is often complicated. Thank you once again for reaching out to interesting people and for showing your different vision on each topic.

Thank you for your kind assessment of my posts. I knew this one would be extremely provocative, even from me due to the many views and emotions that were made manifest a week ago.

Strong enough I put off even writing a post for many days as I needed to gather myself as much as possible before making an attempt to pull in my own so I could present as much as possible a factual view. One minus as much of my emotion as possible.

On the surface (especially at the beginning) it probably looks like I failed miserably, but all of the threats and accusations from a week ago had me feeling sick about Blurt, and I needed time to digest what I could.

The platform needs investors and, as mentioned, not everyone is willing to spend time on the social side. Perhaps we should focus on how to limit plagiarized posts.

I'm glad I was able to show these are two separate issues, despite their being some overlap between those who conduct themselves criminally and the service. Because they are two separate issues, and it is not a good move to treat everyone like a criminal and limit activities for all based on the truth that a few criminals employ those activities. We all shouldn't be punished for what some do. In the US we have lost so many of our freedoms using this slippery slope of rationalization and it gets worse every year.

Thank you so much for reading and weighing in with your thoughts. Especially on such a controversial post as this. I saw earlier one of the leading curation services here had voted and commented, then unvoted and deleted their comment. I laughed as I went into this post knowing it would not get much support, at least initially. But it's my hope that even if it costs me support for now that it can serve as a springboard for discussions on investors, plagiarism and property rights.

All topics that need a deep examination, one that respects property rights.

Good day friend how are you?.

We continue with the topic of the delegations... Yesterday I did not respond because I was tired, I got home late and I preferred to wait until today, to be cooler so that my brain could give me the correct words to what I want to express about this controversial issue .

I was one of the people who at the beginning commented that the delegations be eliminated because then the situation would get out of hand here at Blurt. Despite the fact that I enjoy a good delegation.

Then, as one is reading about the subject, one realizes that the delegations have positive functions for the ecosystem when they are used well, for example in the case of the accounts that award delegations as a prize for a month, this motivates the users.

What I don't particularly like about this type of automatic voting services is when they vote for junk posts, but if it's little people who make good posts and don't get good rewards, I don't see that it's bad to use the service.

In the case of steemit, the following occurs and this may be an example for blurt to take into account...

In steemit there are communities, there are communities to which you can delegate and they vote for you, this can be seen as an automatic voting service. The big difference is that in these cases, the communities establish rules, for example: no plagiarism, your publication must be well elaborated, a minimum of words and a minimum of photos. The community has a work team which verifies the publications even when users have delegated, so if your publication complies with the established rules, they vote for the publication, but if you publish something that does not comply with the rules, for example that day you are very tired and you publish only one photo, the community does not vote for that publication... you could say that the community has a filter!

There are other communities that, in addition to the quality of the publication, require that you vote and comment on other users of that community and if you do not do so then they do not vote even if you have delegated, because this is established in their rules.

This I do not see badly, that is, if you are a person who does not receive support and a community presents you with the opportunity to vote for you and establishes rules, I comply with those rules and delegate, I do not see it as selfish, simply that you dedicate time to publish personal or your own content and your publications are under-explored that discourages, on the other hand with these communities you have the opportunity to obtain votes fulfilling certain parameters to which you adhere.

But as a counterpart, there are automatic voting services that do not verify the publications and vote all content even junk posts, in these cases, the communities have established that they will not support the publications that have votes from these services.

Going back to Blurt, I think that if maybe this type of service created a work team and verified the type of publication for which to vote, it would be different. These accounts could establish rules and then verify, perhaps directly the owner of the account does not have time to verify all the posts, but could perhaps hire a person to verify them... Because as we know, a platform that does not offer good content is not attractive to investors, and if our platform is filled with junk content, this will cause it to collapse.

The good thing about Blurt is that together we are building our platform, we can learn from the examples of other platforms, take the good and discard the bad, what has worked is welcome and what has been bad should not be brought here.

As most of you know, my language is Spanish and I use the google translator. I hope that everything I wanted to express in this comment has been understood.

Thank you as always for reading and weighing in. I was heartened to see earlier that when one of Mr. Cornells curation accounts upvoted, commented then unvoted and deleted the comment it wasn't by you. :)

I'm hopeful that this discussion can bring about a newfound respect for property rights by many who were very cavalier in their discarding of them because the use wasn't to their approval. There are a few I support who were against them, some accounts that if you look at their multiple accounts easily vote themselves 20-25% self votes day in day out. I value them and don't hold it against them although others would argue they don't have that right of self vote.

The way I see it, the only difference in 100% self vote which is allowed here, and delegating to a service like upvu is one would get a watered down vote probably from upvu for the convenience of not needing to post 10 times in a day.

I believe all of this leads into a conversation on investors, specifically those who have no wish to be bloggers yet whose investment makes Blurt more valuable by higher demand and staking. I believe those type of investors shouldn't be shunned and perhaps we as a community need to find a way to make Blurt inviting for them. Whether through a reward option to collect 100% of ones upvotes daily perhaps in the wallet where they don't even need to lof onto the front end other than wallet. This would cut back on some of the low effort and stolen posts I see complained of, while at the same time inviting purer investors into the Blurt family. Those of us building communities will grow faster than them because we build ties and support with one another, and would benefit from the rise in valuation they would bring that would make our community support for one another much stronger.

I noticed upvu has a post now acknowledging they are willing ot speak with the foundation as well about some form of compromise.

I felt really sick this last week over all the things being said, the threats slander. I think if more people supported property rights and valued one another we could have had this conversation in other ways. Ways that involved a saying I really like, calling someone in rather than what we saw, calling people out. My own post also had some calling out, which has been pent up inside for a week now. Then I tried to steer this topic into a call in, where we can try to see one another with more respect and in doing so understand motivations and possible compromises that lifts all of us rather than forming mobs. i left Hive to get away from mobs and the often misguided to ruthless callouts.

I'm often amazed at how well many of you from the Spanish community are able to translate into English, and I've always been humbled to see this effort made to me here at Blurt.

Thank you for weighing in, and thank you for being part of my community.

hahaha well, I spent about an hour writing the comment and then fixing the translation so that it was understood. I am glad that it has been understood and I hope that the issue of delegations reaches a good conclusion, it would be sad if blurt had an ostile environment like other platforms. We have always had a pleasant atmosphere here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had the same concern when I realized that delegations were suspended to some accounts that clearly specify "delegations blocked for being an upvotes account for unfiltered delegation" however I think the same as you since that happened the price of BLURT has started to fall, it seems that there are external interests in keeping the price low to acquire the very cheap token and then increase the value to sell everything acquired, where do I agree with your opinion, where is the benefit to the user that he does not have to invest? , we will continue to publish daily to obtain rewards that are not even enough to maintain operating expenses, such as electricity and internet, not to mention personal expenses to cover the time invested, it is clear that any trade can yield higher profits in the same time invested, the issue is very controversial but it is more than obvious that maintaining an account accumulating the investment ion of all in exchange for a vote in favor has been favorable, contrary to what they want to justify.

Don't lose hope. I appreciate your alternative theory regarding price manipulation, which I don't know would be the cause but an interesting possibility.

I appreciate what one top witness Freakeao said here in the comment section. This topic can't just be voted and over in one day, there are many nuances that need considered which demand it be an ongoing discussion/examination.

Thank you for reading and weighing in with your thoughts.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

lol just wait until the whale offends the person who owns the domain, they could just open up the SSL and teach the whale that possession is 9/10ths of the law considered the "my keys my crypto" argument, the website owner is under no obligation to please a whale.

I would suggest hacking more dumbasses who think they understand private property while they galavant on the internet like morons using other peoples private technology to access their public APIs and DNS service.

Unless you are the administrator of a major DNS provider you are in no place to be entitling yourself to ownership of an online good.

The patent mob is in for a super harsh awakening once quantum PC breaks SHA-256 and I am just going to laugh at them try to stop the next wave of stolen IP from being blasted across the internet so fast they cant stop it.

While I don't wish that even on a dipshit whale who feels they can order others with threats and insults, you raise a valid point I mention often. In fact in my recent comment to you on your post I posited that I believe many hacks are probably from the very companies who purposely allowed security to be lax so they could feign innocence.

I really wish more would understand that freedom and respect of property rights doesn't suddenly end because of ones disagreement with the use of their own property. My country has went to shit during my lifetime because of the whittling of rights using this same logic.

One thing I've found to be an invaluable tool when engaged with those who grow comfortable thinking they hold the upper hand due to more resources or over estimating the resources they have. If one is able to not covet that resource as much as they covet honorable or logical outcomes it neutralizes that perceived advantage. I discovered that by the time I was 7 or 8 playing chess. Most rely so heavily on their queen one can force a mental victory the sooner one forces a trade for the queen, often even if it is necessary to give away ones queen and one or two other pieces.

I believe that the way this topic has been framed from the start has missed out on larger pictures while offering up a loss of property rights as the only solution to the incomplete pictures drawn.

Thanks for reading and taking the time to weigh in. While I never foresee the foundation ever doing what you suggest as a possibility as I find them to be honorable men, the odds of it happening elsewhere would be much greater.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I am speaking in theory yes, I would have tagged someone if I thought they were a toxic player as such.

I sometimes post provocative opinions like this to encourage discourse and debate.

Thanks for responding with so much reflection and insight!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I dont understand this user you speak of also not to mention the accusations and claims you have talked about here. But now I see he has a bot or is manually going around and voting for people JUST BECAUSE THEY HAVE NO OUTGOING DELEGATIONS. This is without respect to quality of posts or potential plagiarism how is this any different than an upvote bot?

I really don't understand how community curation projects can fall in the same category of demonetization that is going on. Or even in my case and your case were the same whale who does not have time to vote has trusted us to manually curate quality content with his vote, because putting those shares to work is still important to the ecosystem.

The example of the plagiarized content and his upvote is perfect. I actually wrote the above before even getting to that part of your post.

I like the narrative of how conversation has led to more exploration of this topic and in a way this post is playing devils advocate very well. Nice mental gymnastics the gold metal goes to......

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello, your arguments are very good, I do not agree with you, since most of the publications that have an Upvu vote are plagiarism and I know it because I have verified them with the page, so this implies that blurt supports plagiarism

since most of the publications that have an Upvu vote are plagiarism

Not sure I agree since I looked the other day as a test and didn't find that to be the case.

However, if it was the case then we have separate issues. Let me explain, I'll use gun violence here in the U.S. as my example.

Because of the high level of gun violence here, there is a constant demand that we need forfeit our right to possess guns. Ignoring the fact that much of the gun violence is being committed by those who already are not allowed to own and use a gun. That logic would strip guns from those who would only use the gun in a legal manner for defense or hunting, because of the actions of those who ignore laws anyway and will still use guns for criminal violence regardless.

Blurt has said they plan on unveiling an anti-plagiarism system called Coal.

I also wish to state that one who views Blurt as supporting plagiarism would then I suppose also believe WordPress and other blogging sites are also supporting plagiarism. I am hazarding a guess for example that a huge chunk of plagiarism occurs on platforms using WordPress, some self hosted some not.

Should we shut all WordPress blogs down if we use the idea that platforms allowing it (because they are unaware) are by default supporting it?

I fully support a discussion on plagiarism, but in all fairness it is a separate argument than the direct property rights that I discuss in my post, although I did extend a possible solution within the post for those wishing to use that as an excuse to punish all for the actions of the few.

Once one begins justifying limitations and demands for use of others property, where do the demands stop? And while making those demands, how many are then deterred from investing because they don't wish to be treated like the criminal they aren't?

Thank you for weighing in, although we disagree as I see the view you have as a false equivalency that rationalizes taking away freedom of property ownership.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think that there was also some misunderstanding.
Actually, it was just about the abuse and the concern that one day it will become like it is on Steemit.
I share that concern and I don't think you can limit that by pointing it out to people or not upvoting them anymore.
Supporting others here with a delegation, I think hardly anyone objects to that.
The worry is simply there that at some point the bots will prevail here too....

And to Werner, @double-u :
Here in the blockchain is the money for his retirement savings.
He always had the risk of loss and still invested in Blurt and kept going.
I don't think he is greedy.
And as for the blurt donation from your post, Werner transferred
100,-€ via paypal . That is more than double....

The priest is a great asset, both for his village and for Blurt.
I hope that he will find much support here.

(Almost ) no matter what you would have posted here, since it is for the priest, there is of course an upvote......


I'm very wary of ANYONE who goes to impoverished areas with 'medical care'. I personally know someone who goes over to Africa to work with 'AIDS orphans'. Those orphans were created BY the medical establishment and they will grow up to be the new victims of the medical establishment by foisting on them expermental or outdated vaccines and drugs. They wrap their drug trials and sales in other good works. I'd have to know more about the man and his work before supporting him.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wish I can tell you more about him but I will let you follow him and see what he posts. Fr. Ada is a blessing to his community and the church in Gboko. My understanding of this medical care is simply that he is able to gather money and build a good health system for the villagers to access easily, this way medical doctors come from time to time to treat people. He has used his position to bring medical care to his community. Can you imagine a pregnant woman given birth without medical professionals around to attend to her properly? that’s just an example, what he writes here is just a small reflection of what he does in his community. Thank you @practicalthought for gifting him the post rewards. I read every single word of this post but I am more concerned with what concerns @rajitsear

many women give birth without doctors. I had my 2 without doctors. Only midwives. Don't put your misguided faith in medical doctors they are not gods gift IMO.

I understand your reservations. Similar to the fright villages around the world know when they hear U.N. peacekeepers are on the way regarding how many of the women and children are going to be raped.


We see where for example the Gates polio program has actually been the cause of giving folks polio, and we also can assume that much testing has been done on impoverished nations.

Despite that, I know this man was urged to come to Blurt from one who knows him in real life. I look at the pictures he shares and based on the initial impression I have, I believe that he does good work and deserves support.

I hope as time passes and you see more from him you will see enough to determine that he is worthy of your support.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness


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Great post for reflexion

Thank you for sharing such a great content

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All the delegation services are not bad, also all are not good. I don't know much about upvu's strategy as I said before. So i can't talk more about that. On the other hand, blurt have talked more than their limit about delegation in last days. It was not good. I think people have their rights whether they would delegate their power or not. It is not a big matter if you upvote him or not. Blurt authority should talk from thier boundary. They shouldn't talk like general people.

I think when you have enough power to support others, you shouldn't delegate power. But when you haven't enough power to support other to a noticeable mark, you should try to earn something more by delegate your small power.

Thanks dear.

I think when you have enough power to support others, you shouldn't delegate power.

We're all entitled to our opinions. Yours on this issue is where we part ways, because there is no freedom in your opinion. You would dictate to others what they must do with their property. It's a slippery slope that all starts at the top of the hill with rationalizations on why such actions are for the good of others.

To be honest, its very long post, so I will read it tomorrow. Because its to sleep now.
Good night sir!

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