Edification Corner Issue 3: Expectations Meet Reality Edition

in blurt •  3 years ago 

In this issue, the beneficiary for 99% of the rewards will be @freakeao.

But first, I wish to cover a topic that the two of us have discussed many times. Poor quality posts that have little effort and energy within them.

To highlight this, I wish to use an ongoing conversation I’ve been having with a user here, shariarahammad. The dialogue was prompted as you can see in the link below with my taking umbrage with a proclamation he made about wishing he could support the Africa project Elkezaksek runs. Wishing he but had more power so he could support her more, yet he delegates most of his stake to those delegation for vote schemes.


I of course called him out on his hypocrisy, and to my pleasant surprise he became real to me and explained his justifications for doing so. This focus however isn't on the current debate over the delegation vote dynamics that are being widely discussed. I instead wish to focus on the direction this conversation the two of us had took.

His defense of needing to delegate for upvotes was this.

Gee sir I confess my guilt here I never said I don't have power here

Here I have invested some money. In the past days when I did not delegate my powers to anyone, the income in my post would be very low. No one would support me. I would make many comments but I would not get support from anyone. I have invested money. If I can't withdraw money from here now, then why should I come here to work
I know it's my fault yet you are very angry with me i know what else i have to do if i don't keep up with delegation

First, I would like to say those who do this scheme don’t anger me. I feel like they do what they want with their stake, just as many like myself will see such behavior and take our votes elsewhere. What had angered me was how manipulative the claim about being limited or he would do more was a self caused issue.

Second, and more important to the thrust of this post is his reasoning on why he was using it. It’s because in his view no one would support him. Now we’re getting somewhere, and circle around to the many conversations I’ve had with freakeao on.

An examination of his posts and comments reveal what for the most part are lifeless posts presented in boring fashion. Several of the posts largely copy pasted from authority sites (which he does give credit to). The comments (possibly a language barrier issue) seem generic as well in large part.

That was why his taking the time to be honest with me excited me so, and gave me the idea to use this as an example that hopefully he and others reading this confused on lack of support can understand. Without realizing it, the energy he put into his replied here is EXACTLY the energy required to build a community that will support you.

Unrealistic Expectations



I see many come to social blockchain with a misguided notion that riches will fall into their laps. That those with stake here are potential employers and will pay them (through vote support) for throwing whatever up on even the most boring subjects that in the real world are being specifically searched for by those interested.

This is not how this works, so for so many disappointment sets in as they see themselves gaining no traction.

Things to consider that are not accounted for leading to these unrealistic expectations.

  • You are an unknown factor here. The burden is on you to let others know you are here.

  • If you do specialized posts (largely by copying/referencing another blog) you are greatly handicapping yourself. Those posts that do well elsewhere on the internet do so because they get folks specifically searching for those information posts. Not only is the search not conducive to those dry posts here, but the audience will be limited to only those of us here. There are great odds that the topic you choose to regurgitate on many of these type of topics will have zero people here looking for such information.

  • By time and again throwing out everything but yourself in the post, there is simply nothing for the rest of us to connect to. You are asking us to connect with dry boring information that doesn’t reveal you at all.

  • We are equals here, regardless of stake holding. I put my pants on the same way you do, my body bleeds just the same. For my country, I’m borderline poor as well, for most of my life 2-4 weeks away from being homeless should I not be able to work. Understand this please. I’m not your sir, I’m not above you. I’m just another person trying to make it through all this bullshit that is thrown at the masses by those in control who believe they own us and have lots of men with guns to prove why this is so.

  • Being equals, if you want to connect here be real, share of yourself. Share your pain, your heartbreak, your triumphs, etc. That is where any success you have here will be made.

  • You so desperately want to be seen, yet you hide yourself. Oftentimes refusing to extend the same level of seeing to others you wish we could see despite how you hide behind boring information that reveals nothing of yourself.

I could go on but these are all the same things really.

I was heartened to find when my engagement I mentioned above happened, the person came out and was real with me. I don’t approve of what they do, but my spirit soared that they dropped the masks and was real with me. THAT IS THE SECRET TO SOCIAL BLOCKCHAIN SUCCESS,

Having said that, one still won’t find a majority to likely be interested in who we are. But enough will over time that one day you will be eager to log on, and know it isn’t because you are trying to get a payday, but because you can’t wait to see what those you appreciate (and who appreciate you) are up to. Eager to share with them on your life, because you KNOW it does matter to them. And that is the how of creating support for oneself.

It’s not a quick overnight thing usually, and requires you just as diligently looking yourself for those like yourself. Requires you to be for others what it is you would wish for yourself.

That is a realistic expectation, and the sooner you drop this idea of employee/employer and adopt brother/brother brother/sister the sooner you will begin developing the support that makes the delegation up vote thing look very foolish. Because that isn’t support, they are using your own stake and sharing it back with you.




Where to start? He was one of my first real connections here. My initial impression being that he was one of the most social witnesses I had encountered in my time on social block chain. So along with my interacting with him, I began watching his interactions with others.

What I found was a passionate man who holds himself to a code of honorable conduct. One who doesn’t just talk the talk, but walks it so others can also learn from example. At the heart of every crises Blurt has had since I joined, every serious discussion on the future of the chain there he is. Often weighing in before most everyone else.

I watched and learned of his great efforts to curate, his desire to manifest a glue of community strong, even when things have looked bleak. I remember thinking back when the price fell really low, front ends had been disappearing and with it many from his Venezuelan community. I could sense the sadness in his energy, the disappointment. So much that I often felt perhaps some of his absence from writing was partially because of this. It can be quite devastating to watch something you’ve been trying to build so easily discarded by those you’ve invested your energy into.

Yet despite that absence in writing, he was always still here. Taking the time to read and curate and support, as he refused to allow the challenges life was throwing at him to dissuade him from believing in Blurt. From believing in us.

I’ve watched as the price has not only recovered, but rose to all time highs from my time here and suddenly many who he had cultivated and nurtured have made their way back. I watch quietly as he does what I find myself unable to do. He welcomes them back, and curates them, somewhat like the prodigal son story from the bible. I’m hopeful that many of those who turned their back on the community he was cultivating will understand the thanks they owe him for holding the structure of that corner together, and for not resenting them for abandoning him in that structure when the times got tough.

I wish to veer off point for a moment to say this as well. Those of you who left because the value wasn’t enough for you and have come back. You sent a clear message to those like myself, one that left no doubt that it’s not my company you are here to keep. It is a value of a coin.

So shortsighted, as you could have been collecting coins and building a stronger community with the likes of Freakeao during the hard times, which is where real appreciation has stood the challenges. Those coins that you felt weren’t valuable enough to receive then would all still be worth what they are right now had you stayed and grown with us.

I appreciate the kind heart freakeao has, one that still has room for those who left. One that want’s others to succeed here, which is how Blurt succeeds.

He runs his witness, he runs his curation program, he shares much of his time and heart with us. And most importantly, he shares in his writing from his heart. His words are real, imbued with his passion and desires, inviting all who are of a desire to be his brother and sister.

His is a perfect example of a realistic expectation. Of allowing oneself to be vulnerable and putting their heart out there knowing there will be those who exploit and use it for selfish gains. But he does it regardless, because that is the price to pay for finding those who want that connection in their life. That may even need it, to find another who is real and not just some mindless program droning on the endless talking points being handed to them.

Part of Blurts success is due to the vast effort he puts in here, into creating a rich soil for those who wish to grow. I can’t imagine how Blurt would look without him in it, without the mantle of leadership he took on himself. I thank him for all he does, and most importantly to me, for being my brother. That is the true value of a social blockchain, and I’m thankful that he sees it and shines that truth to the entire Blurt community to see.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Edifying others is a powerful concept, which very few people can assimilate. When a human being is able to let go of everything that causes him pain in his life, he is not afraid of death, much less to express himself and above all to share his convictions and life experiences. That speaks more about the human being than any NLP publication, food recipes or Selfie. If others would understand this concept as you apply it, they would not only be fortunate in money, but also as people.

I want to thank you for the appreciation you have for me. I have publicly stated that you have been a teacher to me, as many others have become part of my life in different ways. I have wanted to multiply what we have built; which is why I always say be real.

When users understand the true value of the real, of the social, they will understand that we can cross borders, that no matter the language, we are not simple users, we are brothers, we are friends and above all a group of people creating a better place.

My dear friend, my dear and appreciated brother, thank you for your words. I hope soon we can enjoy a coffee in a closer way and philosophize about this thing called life.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm slowly getting my feet under me here hahahaha and I don't have as much time as I need! LOL but I am so thankful for people like you and practicalthought (and many many others on many many platforms hahaha) that go out of your way to help others. You are my kind of people (ah - and this is dreemsteem on my project account hahaha) I just wanted to say how much it brightens my day to see that there are more of us - not just on the planet- but in specific places all throughout the cryptoverse.

Keep doing what you are doing - and don't stop! :) All the points will align in time for people like us to make a great difference in the lives of many. I believe this.

I have upvoted witnesses with my dreemsteem account - (you were the first, as promised hehehe)

and I will soon upvote with this account too. hmmm unless there is a way to proxy votes??? I hope so! hahaha that makes it much easier :)

have a beautiful day!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I responded inadvertently in a new comment.


Leaving this here as dreemport upvoted it, lol.

placeholder to come back and reply. Please don't vote.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I will upvote... lol

Because its people like you and freakeo that make a difference here - and the fact that you will truly come back and reply to him when you say "placeholder to come back and reply" is why I upvoted.

Because you have done this to me - and you have come back.

And that's what I'm upvoting. Your commitment to continue the conversation genuinely.
(oh - obviously this is dreemsteem hahaha - i'm on my other account because I just posted - AND - powered up! wooot. which means my vote actually has financial VALUE now hahaha)

I won't bother telling you how much everything you say resonates with me - hahaha because I'd rather just show you over time. But I will say a little bit - because I guess I can't help myself hhahahahaha- the last 5 years of my crypto journey has been implementing genuine connections across platforms and making true impacts in people's lives. - and it has been one of my greatest accomplishments in my life. I have SEEN with my eyes, and heard with my ears the impact that it has when people drop the walls, and dare to connect. ESPECIALLY now. we need this.

I don't want to dissuade you from your techniques - because obviously you're having success in reaching people. But I'll tell you - my time has been frustrated with people who are manipulative and deceptive. I will STILL give time to them if they show me that they are really willing to listen and apply - because everyone needs a chance (and second chance and even third chances SOMETIMES) but what I have decided to do after years of frustrating myself by reaching out to many.... is to be more laser-focused in reaching out to the ones with the most potential. Because then they become part of the army! :) And THAT is when good things go wild! hehehe

Anyway - I really appreciate the relationship that you have with freakeao. Thanks for making that public - I love to see it when people shine the light on the amazing things in life . I would much rather do that - than anything else! :)

Hah, thank you. I did return and reply, but still wiping sleep from my eyes and opened a new comment box on accident, so my comment can be found here.


I'm more like you than you think. I wrote off most who left when the value went down. I only have so much time to interact and vote, and spend way to much time here already. They lost their slots to others who understood the value is in us, not the momentary valuation of the coin. :)

Thank you for voicing your appreciation. I've heard many good things about you before you came here, and look forward to seeing what magic you bring us as you weave your portion of the pattern into the community.

With each new addition that is willing to share of themselves as you bring to us here, the richer and faster Blurt will grow into its potential. :)

Hi, friend,
I have thought a lot about the issue of curatorship now that we are trying to establish certain rules, for example in the case of autovotes, many people post poorly because they cannot find what to publish, and thinking this week about that, I think it would help a lot if each curator team will place daily topics for people to choose and publish, sometimes we don't have ideas and that helps us, I say this from my own experience, I like to participate in those challenges or contests where there are varied topics, also the color challenges for example .

As for @freakeao. he is a valuable person here on the platform, both as a curator and as a real person, in my case I always write to him when I need help with things that I do not understand or do not know how to handle ... and that is what I appreciate.

Thank you for reading and commenting. I think your idea for topics would aid greatly, a wonderful idea. I do wish to address something you said though.

many people post poorly because they cannot find what to publish

I think the problem is rooted deeper than that. I watch people, done it my whole life. In general, we are shit on and forced into many roles we hate and are powerless to escape. We are trained that we are ignorant useless things unless we fulfill limited duties that are demanded and even then we still likely aren't worth shit. That our experiences, our pain and hurt and dreams are a joke and keep them bottled up because no one gives a shit. Because you don't matter.

I believe this mindset instilled in so many that they aren't worthy of sitting at the adult table is imprisoning so many here. They've never been given permission to have a public opinion, never been encouraged to freely be themselves.

I mentioned elsewhere recently it reminds me of the movie Roots, where the slaves were freed here in the US. The man tells the one slave he is free, and the freed man replies back

free to do what?

It's imperative that the many coming here, especially from impoverished shit holes where the corruption is so bad being able to eat or have power or get gas today understand it isn't like that here. Here we are building something that encourages us to celebrate our individuality, recognize our pains and joys. It's ok to be you, its ok to be me.

This mindset of being less than simply has to be conquered. It has no place here. It only exists out there where the assholes extracting and demanding who the experts are have men with guns forcing this submission. Connections aren't made from men and women on their knees begging for alms. They are built by equals who look and see one another as equals who all have similar aspirations of having enough for themselves and those they love and finding joy and fulfillment to the degree one can.

I'm no ones master, I'm not anyones sir. I have feelings and hardships just like most, and those I'm connecting with here don't worry what they post, because they post from themselves, from the common areas we all have together. Your blog is an excellent example of someone who understands the struggle, and understands the joys when good things happen. It's something we all have in common, not unique to any one of us. Yet what seems to be unique are those who willingly share it, because they understand they are both worthy and better yet honor those of us they share with, putting aside that false mask of less than.

Thank you for giving me more canvas to explain my perception on this.

Thank you as well for sharing your appreciation for freakeao. I would like to see more comments such as this in my edification posts. As I mention above, so many are quick to let us know when we fail, but not so free to edify actions that are great. So many on their death bed wish they had told many people their love and appreciation but they kept it to themselves. To have voiced that thanks and now its to late.

The world needs more of that, and Blurt is the perfect place to build what should be a thing everywhere into a way of being here. :)

well, I like more to curate posts of personal issues, experiences, as you mention here, in my opinion they are the best, they also show that they are real people of flesh and blood ... and that they are not a mask that appears to be someone who are not.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Estoy para ayudar, intercambiar opiniones. Gracias a Blurt por darme la oportunidad de conocer personas no solo de mi pais, sino de otras partes del mundo, gracias a ti por darme la confianza y ser tu asesor. Dentro de poco espero el señor Cornell me permitta ser parte de su equipo jajajajajja. Gracias por comentar y feliz viernes.

I am here to help, to exchange opinions. Thanks to Blurt for giving me the opportunity to meet people not only from my country, but from other parts of the world, thanks to you for giving me the confidence to be your advisor. Soon I hope Mr. Cornell will allow me to be part of his team hahahahahahahaha. Thanks for commenting and happy Friday.

Gracia a ti :) sobretodo por la paciencia porque sé que pregunto mucho jajaja

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We make mistake. I think that is not a big fault. But if we argue in favour of our mistake, that is the biggest fault. We all should realised that. I have already read your conversation with shahriarahmed. I know him. He is my countryman. But I felt shame after reading his concept.

I also delegated almost 50% of my staked bp. But after delegation, I realised that was my fault. Some blurt users make some posts against delegation and described why delegation isn't proper system. I got that point and revoked all my delegation after 23 days of delegation.

Thanks dear practicalthought. I am consistently learning from you. I have decided to delegate a small bp (5k) in a good project wanting nothing in return. Is there any project like this? I have a little time because of my study. That's why I can't research on blurt. If you such project, please let me know.

Thanks sir.

I'm so glad you've decided to help your community more directly. I would say this on delegation if you're of a mind and have time.

There are many in your local community who could use a gesture of delegation. You have no need of another persons created project. Here we are all free to be the leaders we want to see more of. You could choose worthy neighbors and strengthen your own local community (doesn't have to be local, just saying that). You could delegate it to one person who you see brings long term value and growth to Blurt, or split it up into 5 pieces with each getting 1000 Blurt delegation etc.

If you don't wish that. there are many good projects too that don't ask for delegations yet you see them everywhere selflessly curating, such as the several curation projects run by Mr. Cornell.

Please don't allow disappointment for shahriarahmed to allow you to write him off. Even though he has since posted more of the crap that won't be interesting to most, and still is participating in the delegation vote scheme I saw a redeemable side to him in his replies and ownership to me. I mention in another comment here to blessed girl that those who would rule us condition as many as they can to be failures.


Blurt offers a new way most have never considered and cant see because of that. I believe that he can make a great addition to Blurt, if he can see what is possible if we invest in one another. It's difficult to shed a scarcity mindset when that is what you've known your entire life, and the worry of meals and shelter being lost is a real concern as it is for many of us. That mindset isn't as conducive to building love with ones neighbors, it encourages a dog eat dog mentality that only serves those who are hoarding the worlds resources as their own.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes I think we need to help create better people in our communities and show them better paths to income through creativity and work of curating and how this will be more profitable than cutting corners.

Killing delegation is like medicating for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Killing delegation is like medicating for the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Exactly. There is much to say about the power of shunning in a community. Especially one where there are vote rewards in play. I looked at many of those I follow who were doing this and the amount they get from this scheme is less than what they lose just from my votes alone. I've already had several tell me they have seen the error of their ways and have taken back their delegations. One even asked me what I would recommend for delegating for a selfless gesture to build community.

Unlike the mother and sister chain, we are blessed that the foundations and most with large stake understand community and investing in our neighbors and have been so proactive in voicing displeasure both verbally and economically.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I think that education is the key because most people myself included do not understand every implication of their actions on the blockchain. I looked at that service and thought wow that may not be bad to get a little extra votes on my posts. But I never moved forward with it. But I also didnt think of the anti social implications and those that would put all their BP in delegation.

You are doing good work getting people to think about these things be accountable and give a chance for them to change, and help them with any info along the way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my opinion, the most important and most important thing is to support each other, this is because by supporting fellow users of this blog it will be a way for us to share and communicate with each other.
and from that we can also get friends from various countries here too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


You are flesh and soul. I’ve always appreciated your writing and thoughts. I’ve followed you through Steemit, Hive, and because of you I’m now here in Blurt. You’re my “freakeao”

I’ve written to journal my life. I’ve never expected anyone to land on my page but it’s a wonderful thing when a kin spirit comes along. The world becomes less desolate when someone kind crosses paths. In the formidable internet wilderness, it’s a wonder to make human connection. Your encouragement through the years meant a lot. You are an ambassador for the community.

May you always prosper and find many kin spirits.


Thank you, I'm honored by your view of me.

For what it's worth, I'm somewhat of a hard man and when I edify or support another (the same thing really) the person (in this case I'm referencing you) is deserving. I'm apt to give everyone initially some support if there isn't a red flag, and my continued support is as much (or more) a testament to the character of the person being supported than myself.

Thank you for stopping by. We've been leaving the lights on for you, and keeping your room ready for when you decide to pop by for some rest with family.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are right!
Cheers @freakeao !
(I hope so much, once a time in your own brewery...)

You have such a big heart @practicalthought

Blurt offers one more freedom to express a loving heart than any other system I've seen. No one can undo and desecrate a kind action for another here as they do at the other chains. I'm humbled to have found such a system that not only allows kindness, but encourages and rewards it.

I think more will reveal their own kind hearts as they understand Blurt is about shedding chains of scarcity and here there is an abundance for all who will cultivate it.

I'm really glad you're here. I know I've said it before, but you put so much effort into your work I still haven't had time to give it the thorough examination it is due. Thank you for coming to Blurt.

I was honoured to be invited and thankyou for all your support. Kindness is a lost art and the most important thing humans can be.

Well, there is nothing to say after your excellent post. Perhaps, it is the 3rd post that I studied in your blog. And I can understand that you don't like delegations altogether and you are exactly right in your opinion, no one can decline it. I remembered very well that you made me understand through one or two comments that why delegation is not healthy for this beautiful community. For that and for this nice post , I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There is a thing that I want to mention here that I have studied several posts against delegation, plagiarism, spam etc but I haven't found one important thing in those posts including yours as well. The matter is that there are some blurtians who fix their votes each others and seldom upvote any posts wether it is a quality post or bad, wether it is a good comment or useless, even they don't think to intract someone as well. I think it is also very bad thing for our community. I don't want to reveal them and hope you won't force me for this. Have you ever thought, consideref about it or I am wrong in my opinion? Please show me the right way!

One more thing I noticed in your post that you are preventing us to call you or other big guns sir. But why sir? What is wrong with it? If you don't mind or consider it bad, let me define why people specially I call you or them sir; by this I never considered to flatter or deceive anybody but it is my respect for you guys from some following aspects:
1- Your are seniors.
2-You are elder or big in age.
3- I am learning from you.
4- I accept you all as teachers.
That's why, I call you sir. After all this, if you don't like to be used it for you then I will never use it for you.

At last, I am 100% agree with your praises for @freakeao sir. I have read his 6-7 posts and I found him excellent writer, hard working, loyal, guide and good teacher. I have learned so many things from his awesome posts and hope he will keep writing for us in future.


Hello dear particalthought
I want to make a contest every week
And from tomorrow i will start this work by the help of God.
Because Most of the blurt users complain that the big blurt users of blurt platform does not help us to progress.
And this complaint from them is right. Because people don't vote by reading someone's articles and ideas. People are voting by delegating to each other. And those who are new to the field do not have the ability to delegate. That's why these people get very few votes. That's why I especially want to help such people. And for that I need your help. I want to make you sponsor so that I can help others with your help . If you want to have some conditions I am ready to accept it.

The first winner will get 100% vote
The second winner will receive 75% of the vote
And the third winner will get 50% votes from you.
That's all I want from you.

I want to make you sponsor of my contest

I will need to decline your request. I simply don't have the time nor inclination to do such a thing. I even tried my own contest for about a month and dropped it. I have a large community that I already support.

Because Most of the blurt users complain that the big blurt users of blurt platform does not help us to progress.
And this complaint from them is right. Because people don't vote by reading someone's articles and ideas.

I disagree. The burden is on each of us to create our own personalized community. No one is owed a community, it is earned by interaction that provides quality to all involved. Not all posts are equal, not all interactions are genuine, and even when genuine will still not resonate with all who see it.

A perfect example of this would be your coming here to my blog and writing a heartfelt comment to me. Even though I can't accommodate your request, you took the burden upon yourself of making yourself known to me, and in such a way that you revealed your heart. Enough so that I took a look at your blog.

While I won't probably upvote all of your posts, I found a couple right away that I appreciate and upvoted. I like your outlook (despite my disagreement with the quoted statement above which comes across as entitled) and have now begun following you. This is how community building is done, and I urge you to continue doing this and you will one day have a strong foundation here because of the community you build around yourself.

You said

Man's nature is strange. He weeps for the dead and makes weep the living

Impeccable. With observational writing such as that, if you continue to make yourself know to others here you will have a strong community for sure.

Thanks for the encouragement

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I want to make a contest every week
And from tomorrow i will start this work by the help of God.

Where's this contest? I can't see it on your feed - have you got a separate profile for it?

Indeed we need to work harder to make a strong community

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You have a highlighted an important subject, i see more people from my native region like India, Bangladesh, pakistan and all have ( most of them ) a language barrier. I do support them sometimes with a vote. But issue here is that most of the time the comments are same irrespective of content, looks kind of fake. So, they expect every content and comment of them to get votes but they don't. This is just a quantity based expectation over quality based expectations.
So, only thing we can do is just help them and educated them sometimes.

I have not talked much with him, but he is a nice guy who love to freely keep his opinion and let everyone be happy with its content.
His curation adds to the happiness and is a nice initiative. He supports everyone irrespective of their powers.


This post has been manually curated by @chibuzorwisdom
You can get more upvotes from us by using #blurtconnect tag.

Thank you for sharing such a great content!

You can delegate any amount of blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng to support this curation.

Blurt to the moon 🌕