Decentralization starts with you.

in blurt •  15 days ago 

I remember as a kid reading the old westerns. The Wild West. Might made right, as it always does. Only it was more blatant there, as the wealthy landowners made little pretense it was their way or time for a dirt nap.



True decentralization if you would.

It seems to me that a common mistake most have when it comes to the idea of decentralization is equating it with structures of power. This illusion that all would be equal has never led to anything good by those who hold the idea.

And make no mistake, in societies that on the surface appear to be fair to the majority, it is indeed an illusion that can be stripped at any time.

This works both ways once one walks as a decentralized free man or woman.

Because there will ALWAYS be those who foist themselves atop us to steal from us. Force their illusions on us using their violent enforcers to hammer down the nails that impede them.

It is also a flaw to believe that one can ever be censored or forced to not be decentralized.

Back in the day, when more people understood personal responsibility, it was understood by many that one could either duck their head down and blend in with the crowd.

OR, they could raise their heads up and be noticed for going against the current. Depending on who was viewing these people, they were considered a threat or to many a hero. They refused to allow the idea of stronger power structures to cow them into subservience.

These folks often met with unfortunate consequences. Sometimes though enough folks followed their example and the day was won, temporarily.

When a person of intelligence decides they are free (decentralized), they never mistake that as being free of consequence. Just the opposite in fact.

They have a moment of sobriety, where they understand that structures stronger than them might decide to squash them like an annoying bug.

If the person's heart weighs strongly on the matter enough to pull them forward anyway, they understand the consequences. And, they have dispelled the illusion that they are the slave to the power structures in question (which is often forced centralized structures).

If you're so convicted on the words you share, quit being a coward and understand there are ramifications. Understand the difference between blanket assertions based on anger (having a tantrum) and facts power structures dislike.

In the case of the latter, if it's so important you have to share, understand why the definition of a hero came about, and understand if you have what it takes.

If you can't take it, put your head back down and blend in with the others. Post your pushup posts, your challenges, and whatnot, and leave the posts that are prone to conflict with others who are better suited to handle others not agreeing with them.

Many of us can see at the end of the day it was never about free speech. It was about those crumbs, or seeking approval of some sort. The message is only important in the context of a more selfish design for those who grumble about the consequences after the fact.

Decentralization starts with each of us, a decision made every moment we interact with others. Believing it's not is a cowardly view that holds an illusion to hide from the harsh truth awaiting us at all times.

You will never find that place where the parasites and their violent enforcers will leave you be. Understand this, and that decentralization of the free person can only be manifest in your own heart and action.

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