One in our community is in need of help.

in blurt •  7 hours ago  (edited)

It was with a heavy heart I read a post yesterday by @amaterasusolar detailing her heading toward homelessness again.

Homelessness is a harsh, dangerous experience for even healthy young men. For a woman of advanced age, living in the climate she does where winter is devastating it should frighten us all on her behalf.

Sadly I am limited in what I can do to help, more so than normal as my work injury has me in a dire position.

I was able to send her 2240.5 Blurt, but that's only worth a little under 5.00.

I don't know if she even has the means to cash it out, nor accept cash donations via Paypal, etc.



I am hopeful someone here can help our sister in Blurt as she heads toward this frightening place. She deserves better, and I would love to see Blurt help her escape this fate if possible.

I appreciate anything we can do towards this end.

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  ·  6 hours ago  ·  

do you know where she lives? I astked but she hasn't responded yet.

Posted from

She did reply to you yesterday. She said she lives in Long Island NY.

I'm concerned it didn't show up for you her reply.

I wish there was more I could do to help her, but I'm close to it myself getting hurt on the job and no paycheck. I can't imagine being an older woman having to live on the street.

  ·  3 hours ago  ·  

I didn't get a notification, but thank you, I can see it now.

Posted from

  ·  3 hours ago  ·  

Actually, I'm not getting notifications at all, but I think it might be because I am currently using blurtlatam, which is often wonky. I keep losing access to other front ends, and somehow end up here until I straighten things out. thx for bringing it to my attention.

Posted from

  ·  5 hours ago  ·  

It was with a heavy heart I read a post yesterday by @amaterasu detailing her heading toward homelessness again.

Correct the nickname because it is directed to someone else. It may confuse someone.

Thank you

  ·  4 hours ago  ·  

From my side also 2000 for @amaterasusolar

I appreciate your kindness, thank you.

  ·  4 hours ago  ·  

The idea that if people have something unnecessary to give away, you could try to possibly have a small auction at Blurtmarket in blurts and donate to that cause. I don't know if I'm not fantasizing too much because I don't know if there are enough people here to get any response, but the idea popped into my head. Because I'm guessing that a lot of people here are from the states, so maybe shipping for people from the states won't be a problem.

  ·  6 hours ago  ·  

I am very sorry to read about these situations, especially when I find myself in a similar situation, even though the cost of a house can be high, any amount can help. In my case I have been raising funds to try to reach 3k usd to be able to restart my whole life and it has been uphill. I hope this person continues to fight fiercely and can stay on his feet.

I'm sorry to hear of your own situation. Sadly I'm also in the same boat since getting hurt at work.

I'm really concerned for her as it's dangerous enough for a young man to live on the streets, an older woman is really dangerous. then the winter is brutal where she lives.

Thanks for letting us know. All I have is blurt too so I sent that.