Bringing gratefulness and mindfulness to Blurt.

in blurt •  8 months ago 

Yesterday I made a gesture with 11 different Blurt members.

I received my first powerdown, and dispersed most of it (8500 Blurt) to 11 people whom I enjoy and feel are good for Blurt.

Of those 11, 1 person noticed and acknowledged.

Before that, my 3 recent posts also had others set as beneficiaries, none of whom acknowledged.

The reason I point this out isn't for any accolades.

It's to showcase the apathy that has led to many operating on autopilot here.

This apathy is a large part of the root issue Blurt has, where the norm is to operate within a small set of parameters. And with head down, be oblivious to what is going on concerning ourselves and our neighbors here in the community.

I'll be continuing to disperse my holding randomly as my powerdown continues, as well as naming beneficiaries to my posts.

Invest in what you wish to see more of.

One thing I agree with mariuszkarowski on from our recent discussions is this structure is set up to allow you to potentially be part owner here. Which if handled correctly means you would become your own banker.

I say potentially as it will only be worth one's time if more folks become mindful of their own roles here, and the importance of focusing on our neighbors here and their own well being. Not just log in quickly for our quick faucet returns.



I wish to share my reply to the one person who was mindful enough to even notice the gesture yesterday.

I'm humbled by your mindfulness and by extension gratitude. You are the only person who acknowledged my gestures yesterday.

One of the amazing qualities of this social experiment is the ability to reward others, mostly without depleting one's own holdings. In fact, in the typical voting scenario, one gets rewarded for giving to our neighbors.

I knew upon coming back that I wouldn't be using Blurt for direct monetary gain, and instead of letting it sit there, I had the epiphany the other day to begin sharing what I've accumulated since the beginning of the year to say thank you to those of you whose sharing I appreciate.

They say if you want to see more of something, reward it.

I've been blessed compared to many here at Blurt.

In the two years I was here active before my absence, I was able to accumulate 3000 USD, 2500 of which was profit.

For whatever reason, years ago Jacob Gadikian gave me a large delegation which he never reclaimed when I left. On a whim (or compulsion) I decided at the beginning of this year to return and begin using that delegation to give thanks.

It's a gift to be able to do this for others, especially those we haven't interacted with in the physical world.

I sometimes feel that we can get a great sense of one another through the online medium, as we are all connected energetically. Most aren't mindful enough and have allowed the harshness of life lessons to dull that connection as one would face hard choices if they acknowledge we are all connected, and possibly even all one from that understanding.

I really appreciate the many things you share here, and the way you brave new experiences. The way you edify your husband and son.

Blurt would begin growing if others understood that we need to nurture and encourage one another. There are many types of riches, one being caring for our neighbors as we care for ourselves.

I've often said when feeling dismayed at others' selfishness and at times cruel callousness that we can't let those actions define us.

We must become what it is we wish so desperately to find in others.

If not us, then whom?

I hope the few of you who may read this will give my thoughts some thought here.

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You have expressed yourself so well out here.
The problem that I see in today's world is that everyone is on a very fast pace, people are moving ahead with blinders and they barely see what's happening around them. Mindfulness only comes when we slow down and majority have no time for that.
Specially on these platforms I have noticed that everyone is just looking at their votes and wallets.
Big or small is not the question, when someone does anything for other person it is an act of kindness and compassion and that needs acknowledgement but we have become so used to taking everything around us for granted that we have forgotten to appreciate.
You are a very kind soul.
I will not deny that my objective is to earn money but then at the same time I also love engaging with like minded people through these platforms.
God Bless you my dear

  ·  8 months ago  ·   (edited)

Muchas personas van en piloto automático, otras quizás no se han percatado de tu buen gesto. Y si están en un momento como el mío, quizás estén intermitentes en sus cuentas. En este preciso momento noto que soy parte de ese pequeño grupo que ha recibido este regalo, que no es pequeño. Es grande porque se hace con el fin de multiplicar lo bueno que se ha vivido. Espero como siempre que cada paso y sobre todo en este momento, en tu vida todo este bien. Agradecido. (Nota no recibí notificación de la transferencia)

Many people are on autopilot, others may not have noticed your nice gesture. And if they are in a moment like mine, perhaps they are intermittent in their accounts. At this very moment I notice that I am part of that small group that has received this gift, which is not small. It is big because it is done in order to multiply the good that has been lived. I hope as always that every step and especially at this moment, in your life everything is fine. Thank you (Note I did not receive notification of the transfer).

Maybe that's why others haven't noticed it either. The notifications do not seem to be active.

Amigo mío, sepa que mi descripción de falta de respuesta y piloto automático no fue una acusación contra usted.

Conozco y me entristece la difícil situación en la que se encuentran usted y su familia. Su porción del planeta prisión es comparable a un encierro, donde la supervivencia es más difícil que en muchas áreas.

Recuerdo vívidamente su contemplación de la migración para poder mantener mejor a su familia. Me alegro de que no haya llegado a eso, ya que el dinero no es tan valioso como el tiempo compartido con quienes amamos. Sin embargo, entiendo muy bien cómo hacer sacrificios desgarradores para ayudar a quienes amamos.

Dicho esto, la cadena es mucho más pobre con tu ausencia y la de tu esposa aquí en Blurt.

Estoy agradecido de que nuestros caminos se crucen aquí en Blurt y aprecio, como siempre, su gran respeto y deseos para mí. Gracias.

My friend, please know that my description of lack of response and autopilot wasn't an indictment against you.

I've known and been saddened by the plight you and your family find yourselves in. Your portion of the prison planet is one comparable to a lockdown, where survival is tougher than in many areas.

I remember vividly your contemplation of migration to be able to better provide for your family. I'm glad it hasn't come to that, as money is not as valuable as time shared with those we love. I do understand all too well however making sacrifices that are heartbreaking to aid those we love though.

Having said that, the chain is much poorer with you and your wife's absence here at Blurt.

I'm grateful to have our paths cross here at Blurt, and appreciate as always your high regard and wishes for me. Thank you.


You were the muse for my decision to go this route.

I've always loved how this system allows me to be for others what I'm unable to do in the fiat economy. When I came back at the beginning of the year, it was only so I could vote and give that little bit. With Ionomy out of the picture, I knew I wasn't going to be cashing out any more Blurt.

This was the perfect solution that came to me when you said this about a week before I started this.

it really does seem like blurt is some sort of half-way point in a cosmic maze

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

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Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

I would expect no less from a total do nothing libtard.


  ·  8 months ago  ·  

Cry Cry Baby Cry, Cry

  ·  8 months ago  ·   (edited)

Note to viewer:

Another perfect example; they only have one thing on their mind.

Torturing children.

Baby = young child
cry= state of distress

This is what is on their mind......again and again and again. They live in a sick world normal people do not know much about. But there it is, again and again. His f^cking name is troll 666 for heaven sake.

He could call me stupid, or an asshole, or arrogant, rude.....but "it" goes with a baby in turmoil.

Something it's very familiar with.

Really sick people is what we are dealing with here.

Thank you.

Context for third parties reading this as to why Dan is throwing his ad hominem tantrum as he is famous for doing when he isn't getting his way, in this case, a pass for plagiarism, copyright theft, and slander so ridiculous it showcases a need for therapy.

That's Mr. Dan; you piece of shit who runs cover for the worst of kind.

Hey, great news Dan.

I saw on your latest repost at Hive, where you were crying about losing your Blurtbooster vote as they don't support content theft and slander Marky gave you a solid.

He said

You seem overly upset you lost your $1 upvote on your plagiarized shit posts on Blurt. Maybe you can collect & recycle 20 cans to make up for it.


Of course, that will only work for you if they do recycling in your current place. Maybe once you wear your welcome out there due to your inability to control your emotions you can go to a new place that accepts it.

That dollar sure must mean a lot to you so we can hope.

Of course, it's a shame the dollar that means so much to you wasn't worthy of your own quality effort and you chose to steal your content while making ridiculous accusations of a defamatory nature.

I've always found it ironic how often we can be the impediment for ourselves.

I saw this video of you when you found out you had lost the upvote from Blurtbooster.

That was while you were still somewhat calmer though.

Practical Retard = troll 666

Thank you

Satanic fuck gone!

Another piece of shit exposed for what it is.

Hah hah,

Your emotional state has you adding this to your tools, lol.

Everyone I don't like is Practicalthought.

Perhaps all of us who stand in the way of your dollar vote you lost is a team sharing desks, each desk with the corresponding account name?

Like maybe 7 of us rotate the PT desk, all getting paid 6 figures per year by WEF just to deprive you of that 1.00.


Maybe you just need to get some help in dealing with your rage.

I'll take the latter option as most likely. So obviously you'll choose to scream to the world your delusional emotional state of mind and not seek help.

Hey, you are talking to your top 10 witness. Show some respect.

  ·  8 months ago  ·  

I am not practical thought, but I can be your father. Even though your mom already serves me food every night. So get your ideas in order man with a misshapen head and crooked teeth.