I've been thinking about this these days. From a certain moment on, when I write, I think that I always look for photos and think about them first. Suddenly this thought occurred to me, and when I looked carefully at my writings and other people's writings, I found that there weren't many posts without pictures, and most of them were writing with pictures. As if to prove the content of the text, I got the impression that I was writing pictures and the circumstances about them.
With the spread of smartphones, taking pictures and writing texts has become commonplace. In the past, cameras were not common and taking pictures was considered a special activity, but now it is a very comfortable activity. It seems that it is becoming more difficult to see text without photos as it becomes natural to take, share, and write about it.
I think that maybe I'm losing my ability to describe the situation in writing without pictures. I think the ability to describe a scene through writing and vividly trace the memory and reproduce it again is a very valuable ability. Writing can do that wonderfully. And it takes practice to describe and materialize memories and emotions through writing and deliver them to others. It's possible, but it's not easy. However, as the tool of photography has become so popular and easy to use, it seems that there is no need to describe the scene when we are together in our daily lives. This is because, with just one picture, you can show it right away without having to describe it in writing. Still, I think that photography has its own strengths, and text has its own strengths.
Writings subjectively describe and express situations. And it is subjectively conveyed to the other party, and the intention of the person expressing it seems to be reflected more intensely than in the photo. And the emotional realm seems to be expressed more directly than photography in some ways. It seems that photography has an area of expression as a photograph and text has an area of expression as a text.
I've been thinking about various things, but I'm going to try to practice describing and expressing situations in writing. If possible, minimize photos as scene descriptions and express them in writing. Maybe it's because I have a desire to write well. I want to write a nice article for once. I've been procrastinating on writing for a long time, but I'll start again little by little.
요즘 이런 생각이 들었습니다. 어느 순간부터 글을 쓰는데 꼭 사진을 찾고 사진을 우선으로 생각을 하는구나란 생각이죠. 문득 이런 생각이 들어서 찬찬히 저의 글과 다른 사람의 글을 살펴보니 사진이 없는 글이 별로 없고 대부분 사진과 함께 글을 쓰고 있다는 사실을 발견했습니다. 마치 글의 내용을 증명하는 듯이 당연하게 사진과 그에 대한 정황을 글로 쓰고 있다는 인상을 받았습니다.
스마트폰이 보급되면서 사진을 찍고 글을 쓰는 것이 일상화 되었습니다. 예전에는 카메라도 흔하지 않았고 사진을 찍는 다는 것이 특별한 행위로 여겨졌는데, 지금은 너무나 편안한 행위가 되었습니다. 사진을 찍고 공유하고 이에 대한 글을 쓰는 것이 자연스러워져서 사진없는 글을 보는 것이 더 어려운 시대가 되어가는 것 같습니다.
사진없니 묘사하는 능력을 어쩌면 잃어버리고 있는 것을 아닐까 하는 생각이 듭니다. 글을 통해서 장면을 묘사하고 생생하게 기억을 더듬어서 다시 재현하는 능력은 참 소중한 능력이라고 생각합니다. 글은 훌륭하게 그런 역할을 해 낼수가 있습니다. 그리고 글을 통해서 기억과 감정을 묘사하고 구체화 시켜서 다른사람에게 전달을 하는 것은 연습이 필요한 일이기도 합니다. 가능한 일이지만 쉬운 것은 아닌것이죠. 하지만 사진이라는 도구가 너무나 대중화 되고 쉬운 장치로 일상속에서 함께할 때 굳이 장면을 묘사할 필요가 없어지는 것 같습니다. 사진 한장이면 글로써 힘들께 묘사하지 않아도 바로 보여줄 수 가 있기 때문이죠. 그래도 사진은 사진 나름대로의 장점이 있고 글은 글 나름대로의 장점이 있다고 생각합니다.
글은 상황을 주관적으로 묘사하고 표현합니다. 그리가 주관적으로 상대방에게 전달하는데 이 때 표현하는 사람의 의도가 사진보다 더 강렬하게 반영이 되는 것 같습니다. 그리고 감정적인 영역도 어떤면에서는 사진보다 더 직접적으로 표현이 되는 것 같기도 하구요. 사진은 사진으로서의 표현 영역이 있고 글은 글로써의 표현 영역이 있는 것 같습니다.
여러가지 생각을 해보고 있지만, 한번 글로써 상황을 묘사하고 표현하는 연습을 해보려고 합니다. 가능하면 장면 묘사로서의 사진을 최소화하고 글로써 표현하는 것이죠. 글을 잘써보고싶은 욕심이 있기 때문에 이런생각을 하는 것 일지도 모르겠습니다. 글 한 번 멋드러지게 써보고 싶네요. 그동안 글 쓰는 작업을 많이 미루고 있었는데 다시 조금씩 시작해봐야겠습니다.
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Thank you for remind it!
Hello dear Pixelwide! Your thought about
writers in their writings is hundred right.
A lot of writer write about thier thaught, which is present . They write seeing pictures. Thanks for your idealogy.
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Thank you 🙂 @tomoyan
Like you said, text can do alot in describing a story or environment, don't feel obliged to put photos or take pictures on purpose for an article, it would be nicer, but like you said, you start to put alot of tought into it and might get a bit lost in the intention of the article / text or not be satisfied with the quality of the photos.
I would sugest either not giving to much importance to taking the photos themselves (since writing might be your best side) by looking at free stock photos sites you can use (i can't recomend much, but pixabay comes to mind from other users and there are more) or also explore Creative Commons images that have a specific license were you can earn with them, (CCBYSA, etc).
I think most of the times people that write use the images to put a bit of a mood to the post, many do not use them to actually describe the writing itself but maybe some of the feelings ;)
PS: In hive something came up which i found cool, #hivestockphotos, not for here, but i liked the idea and gave it a try and shared some of the profits of the text.
My view is more on photos and writing, because it is as if we are walking to see the scenery and spontaneously comes to mind with certain reasons for the sight. That's why photos and text are indispensable for every post, telling stories about the photo in question is something that is easy for many people to understand, they just are lazy to think about it.
I feel the same way when I write. Sometimes I struggle to think of the right words to describe each image I'm about to post. Sometimes I also have difficulty determining the right image for the writing that I have made.
For some people, the presence of an image in a piece of writing will further strengthen the meaning to be conveyed. Besides, it will also give pause to the eyes when reading, so they don't get bored quickly.
Supposedly, words are more than enough to express the truth that we write, but readers expect more. The existence of photos in the writing, is already considered as a necessity.
Indeed, they both have their strengths. Sometimes it's even difficult to write about a picture. You spend lots of time thinking and crafting the write words to use to depict the picture or image. Thank you for this great post.