Architecture in Košice

in blurt •  2 years ago 


People walk around the city and often do not even notice the small details that are around them, while making the city special and beautifying. I do not mean flowers and urban decoration. I come across architectural details that the artists of their time relied on so that we could admire them today.


Tourists will notice these details sooner than the people who live in the city.

I noticed them as I walked in Košice.

You just walk from foot to foot and look around. He doesn't just go soulless, he just perceives his surroundings.

He is passed by able-bodied men, women in nice dresses or miniskirts. Why not? It's warm summer weather.


The camera on your neck is waiting for your opportunity. And it's here! The first photo is created. It is a coat of arms that stands out discreetly on one of the buildings.


A little further on, more and more photos are taken. One suddenly realizes that there are many beautiful architectural works around him.


It's hot and the man needs to rest for a while. He sits on a bench in the shade. But is it possible? Sculptures, masterpieces of medieval sculptors stand out nearby.


There is much more in the city of Košice, from which I present to you. It is definitely a place worth visiting and stopping for a while in this hectic world of ours, for example at the Košice Singing Fountain.

well thank you

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Nice one from you @photoparadise. These pictures are well taken and it shows the beauty of this area. Slovakia as a whole is an interesting place to visit and I'm sure that people go there for various reasons.

This architectural display looks rich. It's the type of thing tourists enjoy capturing on their camera.

Posted from

Thank you