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Please do not associate this attempted scam with @cotina which is managed by the @symbionts team. @evegrace has changed her Keys, which were stolen, so the situation should be under control, and we should not negatively judge her for this breach of security. Thank you! 🙏

@famigliacurione People have to open their eyes .. from scammers and people who deceive but unfortunately sometimes they are stupid .. and stupid .. they don't reflect and then they feel bad when they are screwed .. wake up before it's too late ... you know how I think my love .. me and you talk about thieves and scammers almost every day at our house and thank god we keep them away. unfortunately @evegrace is not the only one scammed .. and it won't be the last ..

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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Those ids who are doing such as works should be downvoted i think. Anyone’s id can be compromised.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Vielen Dank!

Da kann man nicht genug vor warnen.

LG Michael