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The very Inner Circle I doubt ever appear with a username, they probably just stump up the money and keep control of the thoughts through the highest inner circle. It’s probably the CIA to be fair. I’m sure the top guys are 100% behind the scenes and thought control central are a circle who go out and do the job for them and police the users and recruit and manipulate people to work on their behalf. I actually don’t think a lot of the people policing the site are even aware how corrupt it is and Are just literally hypnotised into some bizarre way of thinking along with the fear of standing out for having original thoughts and going against what they are being told. I think people like Marky are on the fringes and very liable just to be pushed out at any time. I think he’s just one of the useful idiots performing his role until he is no longer needed then he’ll be discarded, he might already have been tbh.

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I think he’s just one of the useful idiots performing his role until he is no longer needed then he’ll be discarded

Nice thought... 😂


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I could totally see this happening I just don’t think he’s in the centre at all he might think he is

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So I did a quick spread and my cards suggest that in the past he actually felt like it was a happy family over on the hive, he was pretty happy there he felt like he was one of the crew and at the centre of everything and everything was working out positively, but there’s been some harsh words or truths discussed and he has walked away to kind of go within and do some questioning. Right now he feels like he’s lost a lot of his power and influence to create or build.

There we go not everyone believes the cards but I thought I’d give it a quick read I know some people think it’s bollocks LOL

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Hive in general has lost a lot of its fast moving momentum right now and it’s having to kind of almost start building again from the bottom and soon it’s going to come up with a choice like a crossroads where it’s going to have to make a decision to go one way or the other maybe that’s even going to come as a fork or something.

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I like doing these readings they’re fun we can come back to them in the future and see if anything happens. In the future I get that hive is going to have some body of regulation come in it’s going to be some type of authority or regulation or more traditional way of doing things that’s going to be forced upon them there’s going to be a loss of abundance and a lot of truth is coming to light. There is also going to be a period of betrayal between certain people it’s going to be a really rough patch for them for sure but they could come out of it the other side as a platform towards more positivity but it’s not going to be without a lot of change first.

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Surprisingly I got two of the best cards from the deck for the futire of blurt the four of wands and 10 of cups. I actually wasn’t imagining that if I’m going to be honest.

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😂😂 The mean King LOL he wouldn’t even admit if I was right so I wouldn’t really take anything he said is clarification.

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Of course or readings are purely for entertainment purposes only and just for a bit of fun

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It’s more like this tho

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we did hundreds of those in school 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

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They're not building anything there anymore... That 💩hole is going ⬇️wards!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I’m very objective when I read tarot I don’t put my opinions into it and I actually think they could come out ok eventually but before that I got the card about authority, traditions, the right way of doing things it was the hierophant basically and all the cards around it were reversed so that structure in authority is going to bring a period of devastation betrayal et cetera et cetera but I do actually see they could come out of it the other side as a platform it might not take everybody with it. Excuse all my typos I use the voice to type app and sometimes it really messes up but it’s too difficult to type everything on my iPad

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Haha luv... sounds interesting...your prediction of Hive... I personally think that it will implode....

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I think it could fork again you know, I think some higher authority is going to come in and cause a lot of problems which will in the long run work out well for the platform but I do wonder if it’s going to get forked by the cabal and they are going to repeat history again and try and start something else. I’m pretty sure they will end up fighting between themselves but that’s more my intuition, I’ve always felt history will repeat itself and another argument would lead to another fork. I don’t think they learnt their lesson is the first time round. I mean if they were gone Id post on hive again lol, why not just at Steemit now feels great and free. Justin sun was a legend in my eyes. He was a proper karmic mirror for those cabal.

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I actually think they might have a choice at some point and they might fork again, I actually think history could repeat itself on this one.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You really have gone down the rabbit hole? Who do you think is in charge and what is their incentive to chase people away? Please don't tell me it's the illuminati or somesuch. Hive is people and most are quite normal. I met Mr Blocktrades again at the weekend. He controls several of the biggest accounts and is a nice guy. Whilst you fret about secret cabals he's building something amazine.

90%+ of people who get big downvotes have been caught abusing the system. Others are personality clashes. You just got caught in the crossfire, but then starting accusing people of all sorts of things. I've seen others accusing good people of being paedophiles/satanists etc. That's just fucking crazy.

You have talked of seeing 'secret' discussions, but I've seen no proof of it. Personally I would welcome you back on Hive, but you burnt your boats really. I wish you well in whatever you do. Other people I care less about, especially those who have attacked me here. Not that their insults cause me to lose any sleep.


Please don't reply with 17 different comments :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I don’t know what you people are talking about if I wanted to be on hive I could be there. No ones stopping me from doing 5 different accounts with a doodle one, a walking round old buildings one and sticking up a cartoon character on each one. I think it’s a big mistake being there with your real name and photo anyways so if I ever did want to be there would put up a cartoon character anyways. Maybe I’m already there posting every day. No one has a clue. You rly think you can stop someone posting? That’s what I tell drutter if he misses the money just go back on with a bland as shit account. The thought police don’t rly like quality content anyways. Consistent crap, with lots of Thankyous and a few comments saying how anyone who ever cashes out their own money is the spawn of the devil and anyone who posts on steemit should be nuked to 0 and your away on there. Don’t even rly need to spend time building up. It’s easy as pie.

People sad about hive should just do that. They can pretend to be a useful idiot, not get too involved and just cash the cheque. Best way to be on hive if you have to be on it.

Believe me or not about conversations in chat room 2 in steemit chat. I guess you can’t disprove them either. It was a guy called Klye who invited me he had a yellow cartoon character visage. He didn’t hang around dissing all the newbies and nuking them for fun tho like the others. I probably should have screen shot some of the chats but it was my first days on Blockchain social and brand new to the world of crypto I just thought they were a bunch of bullies with no real power. Mostly it was made up of a lot of the ocd members. Never saw marky mark there.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Anyway final comment back to before ... if you don’t feel your controlled on hive and don’t serve thought police masters then go on to outofthematrixs posts and defend him publicly and upvote some over on the big brother site. Infact reshare one of them too :)

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Steevc is a chicken... 🐓


People who don’t get downvoted keep their head down to stay in line with the thought police most the times I got downvoted was for just seeing someone’s side who was like ura soul lol your not allowed to engage with renegades. Let’s see Steve try if he rly thinks he’s free there. It’s ok feeling free if your following all big brothers thought rules 🤣👮‍♀️

TheScummyScum has 2 million delegation on buildawhale from blocktrades... Are you blind or dumb or both retard? Marky nuked my acc a bit... But guess who really nuked it big time.. C'mon steevc.. Even some one as dumb and blind as you can answer this question... 😉

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I don’t think he is personally I think you guys give him way too much power. I don’t think he’s even close I think he’s many runs out he’s probably been excluded himself by now

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

he’s probably been excluded himself by now

No, he still has 2 over million HP delegation from blocktrades. This is his acc 'buildawhale':


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I just don’t get the feeling he has much power personally that’s all I can say I’m not saying he’s not been thrown a bone to keep sweet but I just don’t feel feel it. Maybe they have so much money they even forgot they were delegating that much from when he was more in the circle I dont know. 1 million is probably nothing to these guys. I’ll read some tarot cards on it later LOL

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For a start he has a family they never take people with a family into the real inner circles because they are too much of a threat.

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Maybe he showed a glimmer of awareness and they didn’t like it

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