RE: Witness voting

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Witness voting

in blurt •  2 years ago  (edited)

Of course you can do what you want with your Blurt sweetie... I was just hounding the penguin a little... but... IMO the money is gone... Just saying for the books....

Would it cause the same trouble if I had sent the 29000 Blurt to @ultravioletmag ?

No... 😂

Why aren't you around anymore?

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🤣 never a quiet moment

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sorry luv... yes, I admit it... I was harassing the penguin a bit... 🙈

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No matey - you weren't harassing me in the slightest - but you were really embarrassing yourself for the whole world to see.... won't age well...guaranteed....

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  ·  2 years ago  · that it?...seriously?

I have nothing to prove- its all verifiable on the blockchain, you idiot!
....steem, hive and blurt, for over 5 years !.. without... one... single... complaint!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yep, that's it... 😂 I haven't seen those infos...

For me you're just a dumbass bad mouther and I wouldn't give you one single Blurt... and coz ur a jerk!


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am always happy to lend @lucylin tokens on any platform and have done several times - he always pays me back promptly.

I'd like to see Blurt bounce back, but as a crypto investor I'm watching what is going on here and clutching my head...A witness may not make decisions, but I do expect them to lead by example. And the witnesses on Blurt have been failing in that regard for some time.

Lucylin is continually crash testing this platform, and showing it's weaknesses.


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Lucylin is continually crash testing this platform, and showing it's weaknesses.

Lucylin sucks... Thats is all that he does here.... 😂


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....cringe worthy, at best...

This kind of idiocy does not help blurt one little just shows the lack of brains of witnesses- the very people who make decisions on the direction of a blockchain.
(..and for everyone to see..).

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the very people who make decisions on the direction of a blockchain

A witness (at least my witness) doesn't make decisions.. My witness produces blocks... Nothing more, nothing less... What a genius... 😂

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