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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I didnt realize i had to justify what i do with my blurt. . .
Do I also have to justify that I dont have an Ionomy account?
Would it cause the same trouble if I had sent the 29000 Blurt to @ultravioletmag ?

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Of course you can do what you want with your Blurt sweetie... I was just hounding the penguin a little... but... IMO the money is gone... Just saying for the books....

Would it cause the same trouble if I had sent the 29000 Blurt to @ultravioletmag ?

No... 😂

Why aren't you around anymore?

Posted from

🤣 never a quiet moment

Posted from

sorry luv... yes, I admit it... I was harassing the penguin a bit... 🙈

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No matey - you weren't harassing me in the slightest - but you were really embarrassing yourself for the whole world to see.... won't age well...guaranteed....

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  · that it?...seriously?

I have nothing to prove- its all verifiable on the blockchain, you idiot!
....steem, hive and blurt, for over 5 years !.. without... one... single... complaint!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yep, that's it... 😂 I haven't seen those infos...

For me you're just a dumbass bad mouther and I wouldn't give you one single Blurt... and coz ur a jerk!


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

....cringe worthy, at best...

This kind of idiocy does not help blurt one little just shows the lack of brains of witnesses- the very people who make decisions on the direction of a blockchain.
(..and for everyone to see..).

Posted from

the very people who make decisions on the direction of a blockchain

A witness (at least my witness) doesn't make decisions.. My witness produces blocks... Nothing more, nothing less... What a genius... 😂

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lol....I'm sorry, I never realized you were her financial custodian..
(I presume not advisor, not after your insistence on following sunk cost fallacy strategies)...

Oh..... you're doing it..?

You're actually doing it, aren't you ?

You're VIRTUE SIGNALLING, aren't you ?
(You are mega in disguise...I just knew it!)

Are you 'coming to petra's aid' ?
.....helping out a damsel in distress?

Oh.... this is absolutely priceless....!

top tip - she has more street smarts that most of the people I've seen on here - you could learn a thing or two from her, if you could just get rid of that white horse, and get rid of the white knight armor...

Need another shovel ?...lolololololol....

Breaking news :
become a witness and virtue signaler - 'cos people REALLY want to see that strength of character in a person who is responsible for blockchain...

O....M....G....absolutely priceless...another shovel, sir?

...I'm sure ultra will put you straight later, bless - she's a grown up...lolol..

Posted from

So, when is @petrapurple getting her Blurts back?

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You realize that @lucylin is always there to help out .
I was kind of on the travel when Steemit went shitfuck ,. had trouble getting my Steem out , it wasn't much ,.. but he gave me hive in return for it , very helpful .
Today i wanted most of my liquid blurt in to HE ,. did first a 100 true @graphene-swap and after reading on HE a 100 blurt true @blurt-swap . After some time the graphene swap came true , the blurt-swap not ,. so i did send 5500 blurt to graphene-swap ,..
Now 7 hours later , still no 100 blurt from blurt-swap and still no 5500 blurt from graphene-swap ,.. fuck i wish i had asked @lucylin , @ajerkoff or @frot to trade it with me ,.. this not knowing where the fuck my coins are sucks .

I don't think it's on you to know and judge about trade with private property between users . Oh',.. your not ,. i see , your just using the info to paint a darker picture ,.. A false picture based on you assuming the worst in someone .
Any options you wanna add ? Did i leave one out ? or two ?

Both ways ,.. it looks bad dude .

He' @lucylin ,.. for what it's worth ,. i got some coin to invest ,. in about 4 weeks , ;-)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

You'll get your coins.. The trades run on blockchain.. Sometimes there is a bottle neck..

I appreciate you stepping forward... If everyone gets their coins... I am contempt...

Personally, I don't want anything to do with lucylin... IMO he is a bad mouther and full of shit.. My picture will stay permanently!

Blurt is big and we can co-exist peacefully...

He started this crap by thinking he could answer a question, that I asked ultraviolet...

As long as he stays out of my face, I'm fine...

I hate drama, especially here...

Thanks for your words and support... It is much appreciated! 🙏🍀

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It's all in your perception ,.. like i come from the low educated work floor , so lucy speaks "nice" compared from where i come from ,.. take a f#cking punch or cry ,.. I was a group leader building construction and stuff with a bunch of idiots most of the time . Fun part , if you take a punch ,. you can counter that .
I mostly countered with ridicule and mocking in the worst way ,. never misused my position by countering with handing out a shitty job . It's where i learned anarchy , lead to freedom and build the trust true actions , not words . Took only a few days to get a demotivated work crew to be a happy workforce again . Would have bin a whole other story if i was but hurt by every word said ,.. it's why the workers are demotivated ,.. weak woke wannabee leaders .
You lowered yourself to baseless insults and low end meme's ,. com'n , be creative , like me . ;-)

Reg the Penguin.png

It's all in the picture ,.. @lucylin could explain it even , except the footwear . Might explain that one ,. warm wholly fluffy house boots ,. symbol for retired . ;-)

I hate drama, especially here...

I get that , i do ,..

As long as he stays out of my face, I'm fine...

Really ?
LOL , i might never get any profit out of blurt ,. but entertained i will be ,. HO' such drama !

Do you know what i mean , .. notch , notch ,..

Aay,. say no more . ;-)

Peace bro ,.. and Trysomemore , for it's a free world .

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Use it is the new version of hive engine, just click withdraw and your name, 5 mins later it lands, did it today.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What business is it of yours what another member of blurt does with their money...

Pray...please tell ?

Or....Are you making it your business on her behalf? ...are you?...are you?, really ? ...yes?

Great witness qualities you have going on there..control freak, much ?
....Would you also like to be a bank manager when you grow up ?

Ultra is a bit busy at the moment...this is gonna be epic....

I don't have enough shovels ! ...hilarious....

Posted from

Or....Are you making it your business on her behalf? ...are you?...are you?, really ? ...yes?

Yes actually, because I have the bad feeling, that when someone like you is involved, she will never see her money again... 😂

Look, I found your shovels! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes actually, because I have the bad feeling, that when someone like you is involved, she will never see her money again...




Yeah, you do you, matey - and listen to your fweelings - and just ignore all the verifiable facts on the blockchain because FACTS get in the way of your childish delusions....lolol... fucking... embarrassing...

....And THIS is the caliber of witnesses on blurt?...seriously ?, just what the hell could possibly go wrong...???...

baah (2).jpg

Posted from

Prove me wrong... Till then:


Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  · that it?...seriously?

I have nothing to prove- its all verifiable on the blockchain, you idiot!
....steem, hive and blurt, for over 5 years !.. without... one... single... complaint!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yep, that's it... 😂 I haven't seen those infos...

For me you're just a dumbass bad mouther and I wouldn't give you one single Blurt... and coz ur a jerk!


Posted from