This is the whole problem with the world and why we even have wars cause everyone thinks they have a right to tell other people how to think.
Or to go freestyle ...
there are two sides on a coin .
Hey , i am all for free speech that is why i say what i say .
like isn't it better we can have this conversation rather than you being like F you you believe someone can say blurts a shit coin I am going to take away all your money.
You can say the fuck you word .. we are in Blurt .
Sorry , maybe it is only me , but calling someone i respect a whore is not allowed in my book . DV button or not .
but thats ok, that means that you have a personal boundary around the word whore so you can mute that person. I personally don't rly care about it at all so won't mute for that. I generally don't say the f word online lol I think just cause my mum was so against it as a child it stuck lol
The fuck word to me is a funny word , whore is very agressive and this towards anyone .
well thats precisely what I am saying different things offend different people and different words. I remember dating a mixed race guy in South Africa and he described himself as coloured, then someone else got offended when I called them coloured. It's impossible to go around pleasing everyone all the time. It's better to just actually chat with people and ask their intention before getting triggered, then if you still can't get on just move away from them.
We all respond and act differently , that is the beauty of this world .
so you think someone should be downvoted and their money taken away because they used a word you didn't like? What if they are the richer one than you? Is it ok for them to dv you and take your money away because you don't like the word whore?
there is a different between free speech, free opinions etc and being able to have discussions and then acting on those in a way that harms others. I think anyone should be allowed to discuss ABSOLUTELY everything and then do anything that does not directly harm another individual. Words are really pretty irrelevant and most the time only have the meaning we give them. For example I know ppl that call their friends whores and it's endearing in a way.
as adults if someones is saying something mean we don't like we just choose not to hang around with them or associate with them and let them hang around with other mean people. If it's in a place you can't avoid them like at work thats when every person should be welcomed to discuss their points and try to find a compromise as to why everyone is acting the way they are. Often times it's a lack of understanding of where each person is coming from.