
in blurt •  last year 

Speaking of beneficial and healthy plants, I recently enjoyed harvesting green bean plants from the garden. We who live in the countryside always use the garden as a natural resource to sustain life. Green beans are a source of vitamins as nutrients that are good for health, some mystical forests are transformed into gardens, this activity is a job that lasts all day for garden farmers.


Today I share with you what I went through a full day with my busy life today. We as farmers are busy with farming activities, we cultivate many useful plants, for example today and this month, this month we enjoy the harvest after two months of planting green beans in the fields. A number of people in the countryside are busy in their sometimes picking bountiful crops.

Living in a rural environment, is the largest land for farming, we also have several other types of useful plants, some of the rural people cultivate corn, sweet potatoes, watermelon and many more, this activity takes place every day . Sources of plants that are common around the countryside are mostly transported to the city to be traded as an economic source for rural people. The view is quite wide filled with useful plants as a source of income for people around the rural environment.

This is the process of removing the skin from the mung bean seeds, all the produce from our garden, we dry to make it easier for us to peel the skin, this process is manual and takes about two days in this process. The mothers are in charge of drying the seeds at home while us the men are in charge of picking in the garden, this is our routine work throughout the day when the harvest season arrives.


Look, these are mung bean seeds that are finished and ready to be marketed. Planting crops has become a tradition for people who live in rural areas, rural forests are always transformed into agricultural land, we are very proud to live in the countryside, apart from farming, we also have other side jobs from time to time, doing greenery always happens in the countryside , preserving the natural environment is very necessary to protect nature.

The morning always looks very beautiful around the farmland, the air is cool, the sound of birds is heard in every tree, the leaves keep falling. We always feel this open view every morning, we always enjoy the beauty of the natural panorama which is quite special. We always sell produce from the garden to the city, a number of agents from the city go to the village, they also buy crops from the village to be traded to the city, this activity is included in the habits felt by rural people.

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