If you know how to buy Low and sell High between Exchanges.
It’s called Arbitrage.
Blurt is traded on a few exchanges, but people don’t know how to read the bid/ask charts.
Oh well.
Ha ha…
Most people do the exact opposite with Blurt.
People who buy High and sell low will always be poor.
It’s unfortunate really.
Ionomy: https://exchange.ionomy.com/en/aff/f7862c1aeae8e0399176a908fcecbcfe
Hive-Engine : https://hive-engine.com/trade/SWAP.BLURT
So true. Buy-Sell is real game.
It's so sad that everything comes down to money & it's harsh.
In our culture, (not present - I am talking about past), a person was valued & given importance, with the amount of wisdom & knowledge one has gained.
Another example - a person was valued & given importance with the amount of contribution he has done for the society - Mahatma Gandhi.
Now a days, everything - everyone is valued by just money - money - money.
Well... It is nice to be paid for your hard work. Too many people expect people to work for Free. But when people power down all their Crypto and sell at the bottom ... for nothing ... that's a really big mistake. It's a fine line. Greed and Fear destroy much wealth ... I see it happen here every day. Most people have no idea what they are doing when they trade their crypto … people are always trading with emotion. If you treat Crypto currencies like Currencies and trade Blurt, Hive, Steem, Dtube, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dogecoin, BNB etc against each other you can do extremely well.