Should Blurt run Ads on the side and bottom of the Blog ?

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

Blurt is getting lots of page views each day, each month.

According to Google Analytics there are 64,000 blogs and 10,000 active per month.

The monthly page views are probably well above 50,000.

Do you think Blurt should run Content related Ads on the Site?

Opt in ? Opt out ?

Blurt could be earning $20,000 a month that could be used to buy up all the cheap Blurt on all the Exchanges.

This would cause the price of Blurt to skyrocket .. 🚀 🌙

What do you think ?




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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Opt in! 👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No, I don't like that idea, the interface looks cool as is, ads tend to ruin it and actually cheapen the place in my opinion.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

What about if it’s Opt-in.. or Opt out ?

You can opt-in to see Ads and possibly earn extra revenue sharing or opt-out and earn none ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I guess I would have to see it done. Like I said I don't like the idea, but if it happens it happens.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wouldn’t be active here anymore. In my opinion it just just make this place look corny and will lead to content made by many to be attractive to advertisers. That means control.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah . It looks like not many people want to see Ads.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wouldn’t just bail. But it to me (again my opinion after what I have seen happen in the podcast world with crypto and moving away from the ad model) the two things do not complement one another but instead one is the old model and one the new model.
My boldness on topic is from following it so closely and not in anyway a criticism of anyone who disagrees 👍
Ur my favorite account here! Advertising or not :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I guess if people want to Opt in they can… make it optional… more options are better than few.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I’m in agreement 100% @gduran

And unfortunately if Google has anything to do with it I would no longer support or post this place. It’s the opposite to everything things like decentralized places like here and Hive , Podcasting 2.0 & crypto stand for. I saw this in Google thing in the post above in the example and cringed

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Weldone @offgridlife, am of the opinion that blurt can run Ads, extra funds can be generated based on your analysis and #blurt can increase its popularity.

Thanks for sharing this

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It will not increase popularity. I see it doing opposite. The ads based model is the dinosaur. Things like podcasting 2.0 are the future. Value for value model not ad models are the decentralized future. A good example to see this is check out podcasting 2.0 podcast. Ad based models are dying. If the ad model took off here and did appeal to more people to join it’s going to be content focused on making sure your content appeals to those paying you. I understand it wouldn’t start this way with us already here but it’s a easy outcome to predict. With all respect and love I say hell no to this idea. Just my take though. I’m so turned off by that model I’d likely not be active here anymore.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In my opinion, Blurt is okay with Adsense ads, but with a limited number of slots, not too many.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It will only get worse and worse once we open this door in my opinion. I see this as a horrid idea

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I say in the end it would be up to each individual owner(s) of the front-ends. Curious to see if people would be have the open free market to post their own legitimate personal/business ad(s) through real human bidding or some decentralization of power sort of way. In otherwords, a community owned ads sponsering committee. Where even micro businesses can get their ads up for a small fee. Ofcourse proof of a real business should be made essential. and of course, nothing that will harm our platform such as companies like google.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

In a way each blurt blog is an ad for their own brand. Adding goggle ads kind of goes against the individualized concept of Blurt... so it's up to the front end developer but it should be opt in/out. Steemit puts ads on my blog and I don't like the way it looks. I would like to see Blurt skyrocket to the moon though.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah. It should totally be Opt in / Opt out. If you don’t want Ads on your blog you should Opt out.

yeah I am good with it for sure :) I opt in too

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

It’s weird how so many people are against Ads and earning Free money. If you don’t like Ads just ignore them… event you don’t even notice them.

I really love ads on YouTube and actually purposely don\t turn them off as I know it supports creators to give free content. I love the system. Everyone can access free content and someone else pays and all you have to do is watch 2 seconds of an ad. The people I tend to watch are hardly earning millions from YouTube as I watch more spiritual people than 'influencers' and I would like them to earn.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

The YouTube comparison is quite a turnoff. Just makes me think of censorship and how evil Google the company is. Literally Google is evil and horrible for society

I mean I like the idea of YouTube, if it wasn't so censored etc but this would be different because it's just the principle of allowing people to watch free content and create free content that advertisers pay for, really it's like that anyways as we are only earning here because richer people are buying the tokens to invest in the platform, it's not that different. The main thing I guess is cause it's decentralised advertisers would have to accept that we run the content not them so they cannot be exclusive with what's advertised on.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

I with all respect and love gotta disagree.
Unfortunately it’s not just about that. It would change his place dramatically over time. I’ve worked in the industry and seen it first hand. The decentralized world is moving away from this kind of model. There is nothing decentralized about advertising. Once this door opens it overtime will change everything. I say this with all love and respect 👍 I only speak so harshly is my take because I’m part of the podcasting 2.0 and value for value movement and have close friends involved directly with the movement away from this ad model. It’s my opinion and I have much respect t for u 🙌. My frustration is at the model not u guys who feel differently 💜

thats ok we can discuss and debate different opinions without taking offence lol people are so careful now hah I mean hive is the the most censored social media platform probably that exists it's worse than fb so it's defo not just the advertising

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Isn’t Blurt awesome… we can discuss ideas, disagree and still be friends without being censored or bullied. Blurt is the absolute best platform on the planet.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love YouTube. It helps pay for my kids university.

I realise everything in life you regret what you didn't keep up ahaha I was earning a little from YouTube and then they changed the earning to 1000 subscribers and I gave up and then recently got back into it a bit. I had similar thing happen with nfts haha someone sold one of mine the other day as one of the first nfts but I never stuck at it at the time just keep up with everything lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I created a bunch of NFTs on Wax…. They sold for a few dollars, then eventually those collectors sold for a lot more and I got nothing. So I don’t bother with NFTs anymore.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Everyone wants everything for free… they hate Ads, but they just want everything for Free. It’s like all these people who complain about Socialism in Canada and go see the doctor (for Free) once a week. Lol…

I say YES. Give a percentage to Blurt wallets and then use rest for development.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That’s a great idea. Maybe 50% of revenue could go to the blog creator if an Ad is clicked on their Blog. I wonder if that would be complicated programming ?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ads may be good but It should be limited amount of Ads.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes… maybe each blogger could choose if Ads run on their blog … and a % is paid to the blogger if an Ad is clicked on their blog.

I’d be very curious to see what kind of Ads run on my blog. I would definitely Opt in.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Me too.