Monetize your YouTube Channel with Web2.Support and Blurt !

in blurt •  7 days ago  (edited)

I’m going to set this up on my YouTube Channel and old Blogger blogs.

It’s been a while since I played around with RSS feeds.

But let’s give it a try .




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As I explained elsewhere, if it's just dropping links without embedding or porting the article itself, Google will punish the front ends as spam just as they did the directories back in the day. In the long run, this will make us lose our respectable DR rating of 42.

Blurt domain rating ahrefs.png

  ·  6 days ago  ·  

Also ... Google LOVES LOVES LOVES YoutTube Shorts Links ....

This will move Blurt to # 1 .... Google is paying some YouTube Creators $10,000 a month for creating Youtube Shorts.

  ·  7 days ago  ·   (edited)

Update : The Web2.Support RSS Feed adds the Youtube Shorts URL / Link and embeds the Video on Blurt ...