The Anatomy of the Spiritual Body - Chakra System - Part 3

in blurt •  3 years ago 

In the last 2 post The Anatomy of the Spiritual Body - Chakra System - Part 1 and The Anatomy of the Spiritual Body - Chakra System - Part 2 of the Chakras, we learned about the 7 Chakras in the physical body. Today, let's understand the 6 Chakras which are very much a part of us but they are not in our physical body, they exist in our Energy body.

Every living being on this planet is connected to Mother Earth and to the Universe through an invisible Etheric Cord. And just like how the 7 Chakras in our physical body brings wholeness to us, likewise the 6 Chakras outside of our physical body in our Consciousness connects us to Mother Earth and to the Universe, which has many names, the Higher power, The Oneness, The Divine, The Creator (The Creator of all that is), The Cosmos, whatever you feel aligned to.

The Etheric Cord connects us deeply to Mother Earth, just like how the baby is connected to a Mother at birth with an umbilical cord, and the cord connects us into outer space to our higher consciousness from where everything is Created in its most original form. Again, all of these Chakras are interconnected. When we harmonize and balance the 7 Chakras in the physical body, we open pathways to connect to the Chakras outside of our physical body in our Energy field. If this connection is established one can get free from all the karmic residues and it brings a high level of Spiritual Awareness expanding one's consciousness.
Connection to these Chakras help us to tap into the other side of the veil, the world that we cannot see with our naked eyes.


Below the Feet there are 2 Chakras that connect us to our Mother Earth, our Roots

  1. Earth Star
  2. Earth Gateway

When one is grounded well, these Chakras are balanced and we are easily able to connect with the Energy of Mother Earth. We feel calmness in our life, no matter how much chaos outside, but within we will be safe and calm. We will feel like a small baby in the womb being taken care of by the Mother.
These Chakras are also the record keepers, they hold all our Karmic accounts. It is said that this Chakra holds our birth plan that has been created prior to our birth.
The connection to Earth Gateway Chakra helps ignite the Kundalini Energy. The Kundalini Energy runs through the spine from the base to the top of Crown Chakra.

When we are able to connect to both of these Chakras, we are actually healing the whole of Humanity, since balance in these Chakras means eliminating Fear, being grounded, and a deep connection to Mother Earth. The whole problem is that the majority of humanity has lost this connection and that is where we are seeing so much chaos in the world today.


Above the Crown Chakra are the 4 Chakras in our Energy field that connect us to our Higher power, The Divine, The Oneness, where everything eventually merges and becomes one.

  1. Cosmic Gateway
  2. Universal Gateway
  3. Stellar Gateway
  4. Soul Star

The Cosmic being the highest level of connection, what we call the Oneness.

When we work with all these Chakras, we expand our Consciousness, We can start connecting with the higher frequencies and can travel through other dimensions. Activating the Cosmic Chakra is like entering the Womb of the Universe. Step by step illumination and ascension takes place as one starts connecting with these Chakras. Our connection with our source gets strengthened and there is an increase in our sublime experiences.
The Stellar Gateway Chakra, holds the experiences of all our lifetimes across all spaces and dimensions.
The real thing is we are trapped into many layers and lower dimensions, we need to understand our true nature by crossing all of these gradually and connecting to our original self from where we and all of this Universe came into existence.

Working with these Chakras makes us understand the seamless connection with our Source. We are all connected in this Universe with these Energies and nothing works in isolation, everything is connected.
In our day-to-day healing process, we focus on our physical body, but the point is to bring the wholeness and integration of all ourselves and this can happen when we understand the nature of our Physical and Etheric body and work towards the Healing of both. We have accumulated experiences and Karmic debts from over many lifetimes and it is not so easy and simple to clear everything, but it is a journey that one needs to begin with full awareness.

I hope all these 3 parts of "The Anatomy of the Spiritual Body - Chakra System" you have found useful.

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