53 years since the man stepped on the moon

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Going to the moon and coming to the Nirvana
The first saddagers who were caught....
Photos of the Apollo 11 mission will take you to a remarkable day in history
July 1969 was the first time humans on planet Earth landed on the moon. We came in peace for all humanity. “ - The Apollo 11 lunar module has been shortened in the souvenir.
Neil Armstrong created new history when he landed on the moon with Bush Aldrin and took “that small step for mankind” on the moon.
Have you seen what the astronauts ate for breakfast on Launch Day morning, or here's a photo peeping through a small window to greet their wives after they got home.
Here is a rare collection of photos below to restore the mission from start to finish.
There is also a photo of the Apollo 11 crew relaxing during practice on May 24, 1969.
The Apollo 11 Mission space crew sat in front of cameras answering questions of journalists the night before they departed at the Kennedy Space Station in Florida on July 16, 1969.
Apollo 11 commander Neil Armstrong ready to wear his helmet on launch day
United States Vice President Spiro Agnew and Former United States President Lindon B. Johnson was watching the lifting of the Apollo 11 mission at the Kennedy Space Station, Florida on July 16, 1969.
Aldrin shows his planet-towards television audience how to make a space sandwich on their way home from the moon. Apollo 11 was about 137,000 navy miles from Earth when this picture was made.
The Apollo 11 crew arrived by helicopter waiting to get them. The Apollo 11 Command module rolled over the sea on July 24, 1969 at 11:49 a.m. south of Hawaii.
The Apollo 11 astronauts who arrived at the Ellington Air Force camp on July 27, 1969 are still in a sanction van and being welcomed by their wives.



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