Some of the old updates
For a long time community has been asking for some other embeds like AnchorFm, and Twitch. And now those have been fixed.
Twitch and Youtube Shorts
Regex for youtube shorts was updated by @chisdealhd along with a domain parameter fix for Twitch Embed code. So I added him as the beneficiary for this post.
His merge commit can be checked below
The twitch embeds worked with Embed code, but not via direct URL, so I fixed that, and now both URL and embed work.
Twitch Cips integration is still pending as I need to add more regex, I will do it next and push. So please wait.
Anchor.FM integration
@famigliacurione records his podcasts and shares on anchorfm and he asked the integration, but I was not able to make it work before.
But now I did, and both Embed code + plain URL will work.
Link to git commit
Sample of youtube short
@tekraze has a clone
There are so many innocent people in this world.
He is real @tekraze also clone his post