What is a candlestick?

in blurt •  4 years ago 

A candlestick is a way of displaying information about an asset’s price movement. Candlestick charts are one of the most popular components of technical analysis, enabling traders to interpret price information quickly and from just a few price bars.

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This article focuses on a daily chart, wherein each candlestick details a single day’s trading. It has three basic features:

*The body, which represents the open-to-close range
*The wick, or shadow, that indicates the intra-day high and low
*The colour, which reveals the direction of market movement – a green (or white) body indicates a price increase, while a red (or black) body shows a price decrease
Over time, individual candlesticks form patterns that traders can use to recognise major support and resistance levels. There are a great many candlestick patterns that indicate an opportunity within a market – some provide insight into the balance between buying and selling pressures, while others identify continuation patterns or market indecision

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