Omar bin Abdul Aziz.

in blurt •  2 years ago 

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This time it is necessary to mention the era of Omar bin Abdul Aziz. This era was Rashedar's appendix to the caliphate. It was an intense glow that illuminated the whole path. He inaugurated his caliphate era by returning the illegally usurped regime to its original owner, the Muslim nation. Because in the eyes of Islam, the only legitimate way to form a government is for the Muslim nation to elect a ruler of its own free will, not by military force or by inheritance. He said standing on the pulpit.

Brother all! I have been given this difficult responsibility without the opinion of myself and the nation. I am throwing away the burden of my obedience that is on you. You choose someone yourself.

The crowd shouted, "Amirul Mu'minin, we are choosing you." We have full confidence in your leadership. In this way he revived the original system of electing rulers. Because no one can be appointed ruler without the consent and advice of the nation.

Then he noticed the crowd and said friends! A number of rulers have passed before me. They were unjust. You have only helped them to escape from their oppression. Remember! Creation cannot be obeyed by disobeying the Creator. The one who acknowledges obedience to God himself must obey. But one who disobeys God should not be obeyed. As long as I obey God, you will obey me. But if I disobey Allah, then it is not necessary for you to follow my command.

After assuming power, he first began returning ill-gotten gains and confiscated assets. He started this work from his own resources. He searched all his real estate earnings and found that all of them had been acquired illegally. He immediately returned the property. He even had a ring in his hand. He took one look at it and said that it was unjustly given to me by Olid from the money collected from the west. He immediately submitted it to Baitul Male. He returned all the land he had. He ceded some of the Imam's jagir, Yamane Muqaidis, Jabalul Urs, and Fidik, all of which he relinquished and returned to the Muslims, leaving only a spring in a place called Suwaida. This he carved in his own sense. Its profit was in his hands every year and it was about one and a half hundred dinars.

When he decided that he would return all that belonged to him to the Muslims, he instructed the people to call upon the unjustly entitled Muslims to return all their rights. He stood on the pulpit and addressed the crowd.

Citizens gave us many things that we should not have accepted or donated to anyone. All its assets were in my possession. No one could call me to account except Allah. Listen, I have decided to return all such wealth. But I am starting this work from my personal wealth.

Earlier, the relevant documents were brought in a bag. Muhajem started reading the documents one by one. When Omar finished reading one by one, he would take it. He had a pair of scissors in his hand and he would cut the documents with it. In the end, not a single document escaped his hands. He then took up the case of his mistress Fatema bint Abdul Malek. He said to her, "Put your jewelry in the temple or allow me to be separated from you." Take one of the two. I can't live with them at home. Fatima says Amirul Mu'minin! I will accept you. What is the value of a diamond? Even if it was a thousand times more valuable than him, I would have preferred you to deal with it. Then at his direction it was deposited in Baitulmal. When Omar bin Abdul Aziz died and Yazid bin Abdul Malik ascended the throne, he said to his sister Fatima, "If you wish, your diamond can be returned to you." He replied that he had given it to Omar happily during his lifetime and that he would not accept it after his death today.

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