Boarding is complete for the flight from Amsterdam to New Mexico. My neighbor has a slightly strong body odor, so I put a little perfume under my nose and went to bed. I arrive tomorrow morning at 2:00 a.m. And I have a five-hour layover after that. #10252023
アムステルダムから、ニューメキシコへの便へ搭乗完了。お隣さんは若干、体臭きつめの方で、香水を鼻の下に少し着けてさっさと寝よう。到着は明日の朝、2時am。しかも、その後、5時間も待ち時間あるしなぁ。 #10252023
Habe a good flight buddy ✈️👨✈️
Thanks a lot 😄