RE: The Freedom Of Blurt

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The Freedom Of Blurt

in blurt •  2 years ago 

a denigration and humiliation to having these things taken from you

Your ways were harder than mine, I already knew that, or at least I felt it.

As long as you are not threatened yourself, you unfortunately don't see or don't want to see certain things. I'm experiencing it myself right now, I still have a week to provide proof that I have nanoparticles in my blood. If I dont provide this proof, I face a fine of up to 2,500 euros and a ban on activities.

It is frightening when not even one's own body is respected as property. It is to be feared that many people will lose their property and thus their freedom in the near future. At least if the current developments continue. I, see the beginning war only as a logical continuation of the last 2 years.

To have the game set up to allow it to be taken from you makes it not worth even playing the game.

This is how it looks. The first programmable currencies seem to be in the starting blocks already. If you don't behave, you won't be able to buy chocolate.

If I feel I have the right to dictate how you use your property, then I'm in effect admitting that I and my desires are greater than yours and your property.

Yes, that is correct. And the question is, if someone uses their property to the detriment of another, to what extent their options for action may be restricted.

I am also thinking of the few who accumulate property while many have to live in poverty as a result. What we have experienced in the last two years was once again a huge redistribution and thus even greater hardship in the world.

They tell you how often to work in your yard,

Oh, I know that only too well. Cruel.

Imagine, one day my grandfather decided to build a house for himself and my grandmother. He just built it, no building application, no permission, no conditions. I think many can no longer imagine this form of freedom. But there was a time when it was normal.

Since it can take some time before our paths cross again, I didn't want to end our last conversation like this. I had the feeling that otherwise an unpleasant energy would remain. Perhaps you are right and it will be some time before we can do this freely. At the moment I feel as if I have left a cult and I wanted to free a good friend from the clutches of the cult leaders.

It was nice to share our thoughts, we will meet again sometime. Until then...

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I hope that you and yours can make it through these troubling times you face. I believe the only reason they are making things so insane here in my country is because there are still to many of us alive who grew up with a concept of freedom almost existing nowhere else in the world. So they seek to dilute us with illegal immigrants as they instill madness and self loathing in our children.

I wanted to say, I don't feel like I'm in a cult either. I don't form attachments in ways that are conducive for that. I would point out that despite our friendship I opposed you with the VTS lol. I don't allow personal feelings to sway me from what I see is correct.

I didn't want to end our last conversation like this. I had the feeling that otherwise an unpleasant energy would remain.

I appreciate this sentiment, thank you. I wasn't allowing any of this to taint our friendship. I understand why you feel as you do, and there is anger within me over how things unfolded as well as some who were participants on the other side who went places that were ridiculous. I was offended for many, especially yourself. Despite our opposition over this idea, I never once felt it was personal and we were both able to discuss this reasonably despite never finding any real common ground over it.

Life would be so much simpler if everyone could do such a thing.

I remain optimistic that at some point the draconian measures being pushed where you live will relax so you can breathe. And that when that happens, perhaps it will allow you a fresher perspective to see that one can be a participant at Blurt without being a company man.

I really meant it when I said that no one at the foundation, or witnesses nor anyone else here has anything to do with the connection I formed with you. This place is merely a forum that allows us to connect and even benefit in a possible financial way from the caring that developed.

Thank you for being my friend. I've had so few in my life and I always feel honored and surprised when I find one.

we will meet again sometime. Until then...

It will be a good day for me when this day comes. Take care and know my thoughts and well wishes are with you.