Secret place stuff from yester-daze shadow.
The gates were broken exactly as needed.
I love trusting under His wings.
Silver Bullets for silly wolves.
I remember the feeling of surprise. Don’t miss it but I do remember it enough to know when it’s notably absent.
‘I love King David. He loves you too.’
My name is Sweetness and I like to dance.
Magneto speaks Riddles and you confused wolves with the simple schemes have absolutely no idea what you have walked in to.
Let me speak clearly… these Spirit of Mary angels that are being visited and gifted both faith and the love they have yearned their entire lives for have…Protection.
Forgive them Father for they know not what they do…
Except now you do, silly wolf.
If one of you wolves received this link from a woman you prowl then you are now aware.
He told you Himself.
Try Him.
Please. Either way you take that.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Do you know where the Word is today, wolves?
I’d say ask the Spirit of Marys you have been targeting but they are on to you. Otherwise you wouldn’t have been put on notice whichever day you receive this link from one of those He has assigned me.
Try me. Either way.
You might want to try the repentance route soon.
The crowded light will involve flamethrowers.
It is written.
None of you are alone.
Everywhere and nowhere all at once.
Dance some today. You are elect. It is real.
Humbled and honored to be your MM.
Wondering what Carl did that was so Bad.

Find me finding her.
Wish they all could be California squirrels.
Same principle for TownShips

Of course-o.
Seeking Godly men on the beach for the young SOMs.
Surf PE! Told them to honor their parents for raising them here.
Way to go! Blessed for where you grew up, and show appreciation for it : )
@garrocleanenergy! I tried with your brethren.
I think they thought I was hitting on them. 😎
We went from here 🤬
To Alec Baldwin 🥓
Revival Time... 🖖
Life's a beach
1st Motorcycle Tai Chi ride after I get my bike back from the shop will be to Malibu Beach~! 🖖
Getting my 30,000 mile valve adjustment, new brakes & tires too...
The Peace is the Power.
I hear the choppers flying…

The medic says he’s alright…
The Preacher sez.
So many grains of sand.
Can you unlock the Psalms for her?
Has He revealed the key to you?