RE: An "InLeo" for Blurt?

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An "InLeo" for Blurt?

in blurt •  8 months ago 

Nice application. It would be great if LEO team launched this app on Blurt. That will never happen because hive gestapo would downwote them. What they can do is crossposter for those who have accounts on Blurt. This could work just like dtube

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Or maybe if the source code can get available there can be a blurt inleo version as well. I am using it since last 4-5 months and that is a great platform where people are joining in daily.

Blurt thread version that gives different currency in rewards.
BEO token for example and that can only be traded either for hive or blurt itself.
All these things can help blurt but the team is not thinking about all this.

So sad!!!!