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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What are you confused about? The unclaimed tokens are of accounts that never logged in. You and the gang fawn over any and all controversy, blow it completely out of proportion and vilify the community at large, why are you still here, if this place is so corrupt?

unclaimed tokens

lol there was no claim drop

accounts that never logged in

I don't think this data is stored on blockchain or anywhere else

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·

I like how disingeneous you continue to be especially after you chimed into with "100%" to a response based on the premise of both those things: unclaimed tokens, and accounts that are inactive and have been, and you didn't refute or challenge it at all, meanwhile there's multiple people who affirmed the same premise, but you try to lolol at me literally for relaying the exact same message.

Keep farming Fake Outrage, exemplifying what a douchebag you are, nothing too low for you, you went from fAkE stake, to crying theft and pretending that you don't know what I'm talking about.

Love how he subtly shifted the term from inactivity ( meaning not one transaction) to one of not logging in.

I don't think this data is stored on blockchain or anywhere else

Of course that information on what transpires on independently owned third party interfaces isn't logged onto the chain.

What is logged onto the chain is every single activity because there is a transaction fee to do so. So if there is not one single transaction the account is being referred to as unclaimed, not whether they may have logged in being some super secret mystery despite the logical conclusion that with no comments or votes coupled with no wallet activity strongly suggests they haven't logged in.

On unrelated subject, I was surfing the net last night and found a rare picture of their biggest lie hoe here on Blurt.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Remember, they hate this place so much they can't stop coming here!

In the meantime, I have understood that an unclaimed token burn does not affect the price. Thank you for this. If you want to continue masterbating over other so-called things I supposedly do in your reality, please do so.. I seem to trigger something in you, so the problem definitely lies within you... Glad you liked those memes!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you want to continue masterbating over other so-called things I supposedly do in your reality, please do so.. I seem to trigger something in you, so the problem definitely lies within you...

What are you talking about?