Strange sensations chasing each other...

in blurt •  last year 

Immagine CC0 creative commons

How many times do I find myself in front of the computer, during a day, maybe it can happen that, sporadically, I don't turn it on for a day, maybe two, but these are completely exceptional cases, normality, if we want to call it that, is to spend time in front of to this light source, which can also give satisfaction, to those who know how to fully exploit what it is actually able to provide...

For some time, just over 5 years to be precise, I have been a frequenter of blogging social platforms, I have already seen so many things happening around, here and there, and I have realized a fact, not exactly pleasant, that every it repeats so much...

"There are very few certainties, true certainties, on the net..."

What am I referring to? To the fact that I have often made plans, hypotheses, projections, and suddenly something happens which makes that goal unachievable, which vanishes irreparably, but until recently everything seemed easy, almost automatic, and then everything goes on to bless, because there are no conditions to continue hoping to hit the big target, the one we care about in a particular way...

By now I should have gotten used to it, I should have gotten used to these situations that almost seem like low blows, beatings down there, where the sun doesn't shine, but you think and hope that there won't be any other surprises, that we can continue on our way without more setbacks, but it's pure illusion, it's not looking reality in the face, am I perhaps a pessimist? Yes, no, who knows, I'm certainly simply analyzing what happens to me on the net, to me as to several other users, when fate turns its back on you...

Sorry for the outburst, it's not a great time for me, I often pretend nothing happened, but I can't always and in any case get around the obstacle, especially when it comes towards you, in all its grandeur, you trip over it and fall to the ground, then you get up, because you have to, maybe that's also the beauty of life...

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