Splinterlands daily focus with various considerations, 09 february 2023...

in blurt •  last year 


A decisive increase in my rating score, I finally see Lega Diamante III up close, and I'm starting to think that this Season too could end in a more than acceptable way, even if a lot of water still needs to pass under the bridge...


There are just over 4 days left until the end of this umpteenth Season of the game, they are not many but enough to give me a few chests, at the moment I have reached 18, I don't want to make any particular predictions, also considering the fact that I wouldn't know what to write, if 27, 30 or more...

The moment of unpacking has arrived for today too, I had accumulated 7, a fair number, which gave me hope for the final result, which in the end wasn't bad at all...


Let's say right away that the lion's share was played by the SPS, as they arrived in good numbers, not many but at least a significant number, adding up the 4 caskets that contained them, I accumulated just over 7, for a value of about 21 cents, not bad really, for a daily Focus, add 17 alchemical potions and 1 new generation Card, of the Fire Element, of the Common genre, Ferox Defender...

Screenshots taken from the Splinterlands game, made with the help of my computer...

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