Encounters shrouded in fog...

in blurt •  last year 


Yesterday I went to find my sea, no, I didn't want to focus attention on it, but on what surrounds it, such as the pedestrian promenade, which winds parallel to the theoretical line of the sea itself...

I walked a few hundred meters up there, then I decided, seeing and considering that the beach and the sand were very compact, to go for a few steps down there too, I heard the light song of the sea waves, the atmosphere was very soft , because there was fog, which kept away the bulk of the people, who already in this season are used to frequenting the sandy mantle, some to take a walk, some to let the dog free, some to collect the fruits of the sea itself, yesterday there weren't many people, the humidity had done an excellent job of natural selection, leaving only those who really wanted, like me in this case, to go to those places, so muffled and almost soporific...


At one point I looked up, I made up my mind and I couldn't figure out what kind of building it was that I saw confusedly wrapped in fog, of course, thinking about it for a moment, I was almost sure it was just an abandoned colony, one of those they have been there, for decades and decades now, some even for a century, dating back to the Fascist era, it is half a scandal, because something should have been done a long time ago, instead of letting them slowly and progressively decay into a state of total abandonment to themselves...


I approached to better distinguish the forms of this colony, I'm not a technician, I don't know exactly how deep the renovation works of these buildings can and should be or if they should even be demolished to be rebuilt later, but certainly left in these conditions is the worst choice ever, because moreover they are also a receptacle for petty crime, so it would also be time that serious and sensible measures were taken in this regard, but I am so afraid that my words are without foundation and direct contact in the field...

Photos of my property, taken with my smartphone...

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