Closing Season of Splinterlands with various considerations...

in blurt •  last year 


Let's try to do a quick analysis tonight on what happened in the opening of the chests at the end of the season of Splinterlands, the great gaming platform that we players like so much, I got 36 of them, a really good number, also considering the fact that I thought I couldn't get past 32-33 units...

For ease of analysis, I divided the caskets into blocks of 15, 2 in all, plus the last one of 6, it was a really good time, with the advent of these new playing cards, it's still hard to understand how to use them , also considering the fact that you can't buy them in accumulation and you can't do much except play with them, but in any case they have given a nice movement to everything ...

In the first fifteen chests that you see above, we even see 3 Epic Cards, 9 Rare Cards and even 31 Common Cards, a veritable shower of Cards, as well as just over 6 SPS and a nice Pack, I leave out the speech of Merits and various potions because they have a relative valuation for me...


And the 2nd fortnight of chests also went very well, as 3 Epic Cards, 2 Rare Cards and another 27 Common Cards arrived, as well as an even greater number of SPS tokens, more than 15 in this partial delivery, a another really good time...


Even the last 6 Cards have reserved some satisfaction for me, as 1 Epic Card has arrived again, 8 other Rare Cards and 3 Common Cards as well, without forgetting 2 SPS, which never hurt and are very convenient under many points of view. view, so I can easily count and close this Season as one of the decidedly positive ones...

Screenshots taken from the Splinterlands game, made with the help of my computer...

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