Monthly update...

in blurt •  last year 


The month of March, which has just passed, went much better for me, as far as my growth here on Blurt is concerned, this time there were 258 Blurts that I managed to accumulate, going from 2,940 to 3,198, just a pity that in I got lost at a certain point in my journey, I had practically no continuity in sending my posts, yet it was enough to try to follow what I had done up to that moment, for example sending my activity on actifit, but it may seem nonsense, and yet good reasons are needed to publish even simple reports, when it comes to evening and the brain cries out, you need to go along with it, because otherwise you risk going backwards rather than going forward...

And now? And now, in this month of April, I will try to do better than in March, it won't be easy, even this evening I didn't have a particular desire, but last month's report gave me the cue to avoid having another day without post...

Screenshot of my property, made with the help of my computer...

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